Having their cake and eating it

Published: April 29, 2013 at 5:03pm

Super One

Super One TV’s show-hosts, Jonathan Attard and Ramona Attard (not a couple), were back hosting a show on Super One this morning despite both having been put on the state pay-roll with jobs in minister’s secretariats.

Well, if everyone else is doing it, why not them too, they must reason.

22 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat must have granted them a waiver. Now we got used to the idea.

  2. Jackie says:

    Meanwhile, ‘dedicated teacher’ Mark Cutajar is leaving his teaching job tomorrow, to dedicate himself full-time to KMS.

  3. Willy says:

    Werzqu tant kontra l-gvern ta’ Gonzi PN ghax hadu zieda ta’ 500 euro. Issa dawn x’inhuma jiehdu? Eluf jew cicri?

    Il-veru kaz ta’ oqbra mbajda.

    Minn gewwa vojta u mewt, minn barra tlellix u ipokrizija.

    U intom temmnu li dawn ghal kampanja elettorali nefqu biss miljun u nofs? Hawn xi hadd li jemminha?

    U ghad ghandhom in store 3.3. miljuni? Nafu li ghandhom il-miljuni ghax Gonzi kien staghgeb minnfejn gejja din il-kampanja miljardarja.

  4. P Sant says:

    The new PL slogan must be:

    ‘Gvern tal-part-timers imhallsin ta’ full-timers.’

  5. kev says:

    You were forewarned: Taghna lkoll. Taghkom ukoll.

    Now stop griping and go feed the chicks. Or is it rats you breed?

    [Daphne – Neither, Kevin. No chicks, and the rats take care of themselves.]

    • Mr Meritocracy says:

      Unfortunately, kev, 55% were stupid enough to believe ‘taghna lkoll’, even though it was obvious from the outset that it was going to be ‘taghkom biss’.

      • kev says:

        Ahna, Mr Merito?

        Ahna sejrin tajjeb ferm madwar l-Ewropa, minghajr taghhom jew taghkom, li issa sar taghhom ilkolll, ukoll.

    • Zammit says:

      Mela hsibta Alfred Sant lil Daphne, Kev? Gej bit-trabbi it-tigieg!

      Hsilthom il-platti ghax Sharon irrabjata dan l-ahhar?

  6. Tracy says:

    Wasn’t Claudette Buttigieg stopped from presenting her daily show ‘Sellili’ when she announced her candidature with the PN party in last March’s general election?

    [Daphne – Ramona Attard and Jonathan Attard are not electoral candidates.]

  7. Alexander Ball says:

    Seriously, what’s the problem?

    Just make a note of all these things that are acceptable to Labour and do the same when PN get back in.

  8. pale blue my foot! says:

    We certainly have come a long way from Mintoff`s “One Man, One Job” battlecry. Now it`s “Join Labour, get two jobs…and the rest go to hell ghax mhux maghna”

  9. Rambo says:

    Is this a democratic Government or some Masonic Lodge?

  10. M... says:

    Malta Taghna ilkoll is starting to remind me of that famous joke where a farmer is sent to court for screwing his goat and his response is ” il-moża tieghi, l-ghorfa tieghi, u żobbi tieghi”.

  11. Gahan says:

    If Franco Mercieca can do a part time job , I say what’s this fuss all about? These underlings need to earn some extra money, don’t they?

  12. Futur mill-aghar says:

    We were shocked to see rioters looting stores in England and making off with whatever they could lay their hands a while ago.

    What is happening now in Malta is very similar. Substitute cushy and unmerited jobs for LED TVs and rampant disregard of ethics for gaming consoles and you have a feeding frenzy ta’ Laburisti li qatt ma raw xejn.

  13. carmel says:

    F’Malta hawn gazzetta bl-Ingliz li thobb tinvestiga imma skond ta’ liema partit jkun.

    Ghandha x’tinvestiga bhalissa, dawn il-hnizrijiet kollha li qed isiru.

    Bilhaqq minn fejn gabu dawk il-miljuni ta’ ewros tal-Labour qabel l-elezzjoni?

    Nispera li din il-gazzetta li thobb tinvestiga tivverifika. Is-slogan ‘Hbieb tal-Hbieb’ bhalissa qieghed fl-aqwa tieghu.

  14. Roger Cosmar says:

    Naqra dawn l-affarijiet u nhossni disgustat; nies inkompetenti li jmexxu lil pajjizna u li sakemm ha jdumu fil-gvern ha jisolhu kemm jifilhu, sall-inqas lira jekk jista jkun.

    Pero’ imbaghad nahseb u nghid, kemm kien hemm nies validi fil-legislatura l-ohra li thallew l-art ghaliex ma kienux ta’ gewwa.

    L-Abbuzzi li kien hemm fic-civil u f’entitajiet governattivi ohra…L-applikazjonijiet li johorgu bit-tir li jintaghzlu nies specifici.. Il-fares ta’interviews li kienu jsiru meta kollox ikun lest…u oxxenitajiet ohra varji.

    Jien nittama li l-partit Nazzjonalista jitghallem minn dak li gara f’din l-elezzjoni u la jitla fil-gvern, u milli qed nara ma nahsibx li l-PL ha jdum wisq, ma jirrepetiex l-istess zbalji li ghamel u verament jiehu hsieb niesu.

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