The Malta Community Chest Fund’s administrative expenses

Published: May 15, 2013 at 5:59pm

The Malta Community Chest Fund’s accounts are audited and published on line. These are the figures given for administrative expenses, year on year.

The fund is run by a board chaired by the President of Malta. The deputy chairman is always the First Lady (if there is one, and if the President is a man).

The current incumbents came into office in 2009. Eddie Fenech Adami was President of Malta and board chairman in 2008. Quite frankly, I think these figures speak for themselves.

All at 31 March of each year:

2008 – €36,804
2009 – €62,139
2010 – €79,881
2011 – €106,138
2012 – €125,344

45 Comments Comment

  1. Alf says:

    It might be claimed that this is the result of inflation, imsieken.

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    Jeffrey ‘Oxfam’ Archer would be proud of ’em.

  3. WhoamI? says:

    The highest increase in cost was registered in nominal accounts:

    1) water & electricity

    2) fruit & vegetables (il-kabocci ghas-soppa tal-armla)

    Tort ta’ GonziPN.

  4. pale blue my foot! says:

    Who can give us a detailed audited breakdown?

  5. ciccio says:

    The eating disorder to be examined here is bloating out of control.

  6. Louise tal-Fjuri says:

    Well there you have it. The difference between a true Gentleman ( capital G with a purpose) who lived poltics as a service to the country and someone who is living politics to try and scrounge all he and his family can in the five year tenure. But then again you cannot expect anything more from this bunch.

  7. Gahan says:

    When Mary Fenech Adami visited the cancer patients in the UK she used to buy ham , butter and bread and prepare the sandwiches for the volunteers to keep the expenses down. She was scrupulous on how to spend other people’s money especially of those who where in need. That was the spirit.

  8. Reporter says:

    Who audits these accounts?

    Why didn’t anyone from the former administration draw the President’s Office’s attention to the increasing expenditure at a time when austerity is rampant?

    • Verita says:

      Reporter we are here talking about the MCCF fund which is the sole responsibility of the President so.the former administration was simply not responsible .

      • Reporter says:

        So, who is the President answerable to?

        The PAC in Parliament?

        Are there any rules written anywhere?

        Who audits these accounts? Who sets the budget for the President’s Office?

  9. Richard Borg says:


    Who are Alexander Ball and Alf?

    They always seem to post comments approximately two minutes after you upload your blog-post. They must really like your blog.

    I do too.

    [Daphne – I have no idea. And even if I had, I wouldn’t tell you.]

    • Richard Borg says:

      Alexander Ball was the first British governor of Malta and Alf is an alien who featured in a TV series in the nineties.

      Why the reluctance?

      Have a good evening Daphne.

    • Min Jaf says:

      Both are probably Eddy Privitera, it is known that he is a secret admirer of Daphne. The comments that EP posts in his own name are put here simply to put people off the scent.

    • Alf says:

      Curiosity kills the cat dear “Richard Borg”.

      [Daphne – It’s his real name, Alf.]

      • Richard Borg says:

        “Curiosity killed the cat, but where human beings are concerned, the only thing a healthy curiosity can kill is ignorance.” – A magician once said this, forgot his name.

        Have a good day, Alf.

    • Paul Bonnici says:

      Good answer Daphne. You are loyal to your contributors.

  10. zunzana says:

    I think it would be appropriate if someone gave an explanation why the administrative expenses on March 2012 are more than three times of what they were in 2008.
    Is this not a case of public interest?

  11. Weird no ? says:

    Wasn’t there a resignation and some issues with mishandling of finances in the beginning of the Presidency ?

  12. Riya says:

    Would be interesting to know the difference in expenses during the Time when Eddie Fenech Adami was President of the Republic as I am sure such malpractices never took place.

  13. Josette says:

    Apparently charity, in this case, does begin at home.

  14. Peter says:

    Great post and what a terrible disappointment this President is turning out to be. Do you have the revenue figures for the CCF for the same years as per the list, so we can assess if there is any correlation?

  15. Higgins says:

    Ara Peppi jaghmilx xi Maratona ghal Community Chest Fund.

  16. Riya says:

    Peppi u l-grupp tieghu jahdmu bla nifs, in-nies ta riedha tajba jaghtu dak kollu li jistghu, u l-President tar-Republika prezenti u l-familjari tieghu igawdu minn fuq dahar minn verament hu fil-bzonn.

    President tal-misthija u ghandu jitlob apologija qabel jirrezenja ghax dan seraq lill-min hu verament baghtut ghall-gwadan personali ta’ membri tal-familja tieghu li mhux talli m’ghandomx bzonn izda talli huma diga kwalifikati u b’sahhithom bizzejjed biex jahdmu u sahansitra jghinu lill-haddiehor li hu fil-bzonn.

  17. Famagusta says:

    These admin expenses must also include the road-disruptive siren-bailing 2 or 3 or 4 traffic police escort each time the pres goes out on a sortie. For the sake of a 10-minute car ride on many a quiet afternoon. What a waste of public dosh.

    • Zelig says:

      Then he goes installing bathrooms in Peru without any security. How humble. Brings tears to my eyes.

  18. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Interesting. If WhoamI’s comment regarding the w & E costs is correct, can someone please enlighten me as to why these fees have increased so exponentially as to practically quadruple the costs?

    Where are the Community Chest Fund’s premises and why is so much electricity being wasted?

    [Daphne – The Community Chest Fund offices are located at the Palace in Valletta. I find it believe that they have a separate water and electricity meter.]

  19. Oscar Cassar says:

    Forsi issa nistghu nifmu ahjar ghaliex kienet qamet il-kustjoni ma Kenneth Wain bhala Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations u ghaliex il-Malta Community Chest Fund qatt ma kienet registrata bhala NGO.

  20. matt says:

    Daphne, this story is walking. Everywhere I go people are talking about it.

    The needy people are worried now as our President has done irreparable hard to the Community Chest Fund.

    He ruined his presidency.

    • Mary Fisher says:

      Personally, I will never give another penny towards this charity.

      In De Marco’s time my husband and I brought money running into thousands all the way from the UK.

      St. Paul’s Cathedral (Valletta) asked for a little help for a ramp for wheelchairs and all they got back was a snotty letter IN MALTESE, refusing without explanation.

      I wrote to the charity and sent a copy of my email 3 times and still no answer to me or the Cathedral. The Cathedral is frequented mainly by British people and when you go back in the history of the charity it was the British Governors’ wives who set it up.

      And now that the British people are asking for something they get turned down. Is this the right attitude? I’m afraid NOT.

  21. matt says:

    irreparable “harm”:

  22. Alfred Bugeja says:

    All the recent evidence about malpractice at the Community Chest Fund also proves one other thing. Lawrence Gonzi was too much of a gentleman and had a problem judging people correctly.

  23. Deeply concerned says:

    Since this story broke out, a lot of people are holding back from donating money to the Community Chest Fund.

    I sincerely hope the matter will be looked into and any doubts and suspicions cleared. The longer the matter is left unresolved the more potential beneficiaries will suffer. For those dealing with serious illness, this could mean the difference between life and death. We cannot afford to lose faith in charitable institutions.

  24. MP says:

    Daphne, do you have other minutes of board meeting of MCCF? so that we can confirm if the incident concerning Dareleen was isolated or if it was standard practice?

  25. gigi says:

    Charity begins at home. Basta bil kitchen garden tal-president.

  26. Reporter says:

    And now – what’s this story on Alfred Mangion?

  27. Mister says:

    The MCCF is being run like a business with the mentality that you need to spend money to make money. They don’t see the point that the money they’re spending, is money donated to be put to good cause.

    Flights, books, courses, meals, fuel… aren’t a good cause.

    With L-Istrina bringing in huge amounts of money… what’s wrong with spending a few thousand here and there?

    How about true audited accounts being done?

  28. carlos says:

    Ghandhom xalata bi flus ic-cwiec.

  29. Dez says:

    And now we’re asked to subscribe against a payment to get full access to the article on Times of Malta regarding the President’s gaffe. What next?

  30. John says:

    Xi hnizrija

  31. Reporter says:

    Let’s say a new President decides to embark on a large-scale project?

    Is there nobody to check him?

    Are the President’s whims, law?

  32. Higgins says:

    There was only one Mary Fenech Adami bless her soul. She was unique – all Maltese loved her.

  33. brimba says:

    All people with just a little bit of sense should say goodbye to the Community Chest Fund. We can all find other means to give charity. As things are, it seems that people are donating money to fill the pigs’ trough

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