More 'two hats' syndrome

Published: July 1, 2009 at 12:36pm
I have more hats than Edward de Bono

I have more hats than Edward de Bono

The Times – Wednesday, 1st July 2009

‘Lack of direction and consistency’

Opposition spokesman on planning Roderick Galdes and opposition spokesman on the environment Leo Brincat yesterday took Mepa to task, accusing it of creating uncertainty through its lack of direction and consistency.

Roderick Galdes is the Labour Party’s representative on the MEPA board. He is part and parcel of the very thing he is criticising. Wasn’t he the one who abstained when a vote was taken on that block of flats in Balzan’s village core? Or was that another Roderick Galdes?


The Times, Friday, 6th March 2009

Mepa’s no to Balzan development
Labour member votes in favour

The planning authority yesterday turned down a development application by Charles Polidano to construct 40 apartments in the old centre of Balzan.

The Mepa board’s decision was in line with the planning directorate’s recommendation not to give the project the go-ahead. All the board members voted against the project with the exception of Roderick Galdes, Labour’s planning spokesman, who is also the party’s nominee on the board.

The project, which dates back to 2005, involved the construction of 43 apartments and an underground parking area in Main Street, Balzan, which is scheduled as an urban conservation area.

Bloody hypocrites.

2 Comments Comment

  1. Rita Camilleri says:

    Hawwadni ha nifmek!

  2. DVella says:

    He’s a fine one to point the finger . . . Labour’s lack of consistency and direction reached legendary status in recent years.

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