How to take advantage of the anonymous surname Borg

Published: May 17, 2013 at 8:07pm

So, more news of this cosy situation.

Louis Borg: Leo Brincat’s head of secretariat the environment ministry.

His brother Tony Borg (former aide to Lorry Sant): director at state IT agency MITA and member of the prime minister’s secretariat

Tony’s son, David Borg: chairman of the state waste agency, WasteServ

Imagine if they were called Caruana Galizia.

30 Comments Comment

  1. Ursula says:

    Din familja maghquda zgur.

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    Why does the image of a trough keep popping into my head?

  3. paddy says:

    They kept preaching for these last years Malta taghna lkoll but now it seems that Malta saret taghna biss especially for the Borg family galoppini ta’ Lorry Sant kbar from Paola/Tarxien. What meritocracy we have here.

  4. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    I would just like to say that I am convinced that PN will win the next election HANDS DOWN. Labour had such an impact with their campaign about the €500 euros and their accusations of PN being a ‘klikka’, imagine how ridiculous they are going to look when the Nationalist Party makes a list of the new government’s appointments and talks about the Community Chest Fund scandal.

    That alone should win them the campaign, let alone the rest of the scandals and the mistakes that Labour will be making throughout the next 5 years.

    Oh, and all this assuming the unlikely event that Labour will handle the economy well. As Gonzi would say, it’s easy to criticize when you’re in opposition and you don’t have to do anything.

    • Pandora says:

      I don’t think so. I have a feeling that most of the Maltese voters will let Malta down in 5 years’ time as they did 2 months ago.

      Perhaps the difference in votes won’t be so significant but nonetheless, still sufficient for a Labour win.

      All Labour need to do is to give out and/or promise favours and amazing projects in the last few months before next election, whine about how they could not complete/start the promised projects because of the mess PN left behind and how they thus need more time, and practically bank on Maltese voters’ selective and lack of long-term memory.

      All of what is going on now shall be forgotten and any reference to these events by the PN will be termed as scaremongering and being negative.

      I can see it happening.

      I just hope that these ridiculous appointments and handouts won’t lead to another brain drain. I can only imagine how frustrated the many qualified and competent individuals in Malta must feel (regardless of their affiliations) watching LP acolytes get jobs they are not fit for, while the former are not even given the chance to apply for the position.

      • Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

        Maybe they’ll win by handing out favours (that’s the only logical reason I can think of for voting Labour) but no one will be able to deny that they blatantly went against almost everything they said in their campaign, and that they are the real ‘klikka’.

        It is up to PN to cure the people’s long-term memory problem by being an aggressive opposition. I’ve always thought Labour to be much more aggressive than PN.

        As for the brain-drain, I don’t mean to sound arrogant but I don’t believe that someone could be both a genuine Labour supporter and an intelligent person.

      • Carlos Bonavia says:

        I’ve had it from a switcher who seems fairly ‘in’ with the emperor’s crowd, that even if Joseph made a major ” mistake ” on each and every day of the week, the LP will still win the next elections.

        And if Simon and the Nationalist Party don’t shake off their apparent rigor mortis and wake up from their sonorous interlude, I’d make that the next two elections.

      • Next elections says:

        @ Carlos Bonavia: The NP should be looking at ‘meeting’ the equivalent of at least 60 voters a day for the next five years, for safe cover.

        Why do I feel the process hasn’t yet kicked off? and that when it does it will have a lame flavour?

  5. zunzana says:

    From the conspiracy of the Italian Borgia family of the 15th century to the conspiracy of the Maltese Borg family of the 21st century.

  6. Jerry says:

    Jien ma tantx naqbel mieghek meta tattakka personali. Pero niehu gost meta tizvela dawn l-affarijiet jigi min fejn jigu ghax b’hekk tkun qeda turi lill poplu ir realta tal gideb li jintqal mil politici u l-partiti specjalment qabel xi elezzjoni. Illum nahseb il poplu ma tantx ghandu min fejn jaghzel ghax min klikka blu spiccajna biex nibdet klikka hamra u allura bqajna fejn konna fejn jidher li mhu ser jinbidel xejn.

    • carlos says:

      Ma tahsibx li ‘i-klikka hamra hija ferm akbar minn dik blu. Bin-nuqqasijiet taghhom in-nazzjonalisti huma angli hdejn dawn. U ‘l-kbir ghadu gej.

  7. Old Timer says:

    All in the Family.

  8. Daffid says:

    Recall the phrase ‘ Friends of friends’ and ‘circles within circles’ .. what a mess!

  9. Edward says:

    “Imagine if they were called Caruana Galizia”- Let’s not go there, shall we.

  10. MxC says:

    If so, there would be a great internet furore

  11. Il-Lapis says:

    “Imagine if they were called Caruana Galizia.”

    Kieku Malta wieqfa bl-istrajks ordnati mill-“KELB TAL-BUT”.

  12. matt says:

    Daphne, with this unprecedented victory, MLP know that they are in government for at least 10 years.

    Couple that with a weak Opposition and the rest is obvious.

    Malta deserves these leaders. The PN didn’t take care of their hard working people, so when the election came they lost their enthusiasm.

  13. Carmelo Micallef says:

    ‘pimps, thieves and scoundrels’

  14. Random says:

    Michelle Borg: is she the same Michelle who works at MEPA’s environment section?

    • Kvn says:

      If she is the same one it goes to show how under PN, people were promoted on the basis of merit and not political leaning. She was a Unit Manager with MEPA and moved to the Environment ministry a couple of years ago, as well as lecturing part-time at university.

  15. joe borg! says:

    how come his brother’s surname is borg and not brincat?!

    you say… “His brother Tony Borg (former aide to Lorry Sant): director at state …..”

    [Daphne – Louis Borg’s brother, not Leo Brincat’s brother. Surely that was obvious, even from the surname alone.]

  16. brimba says:

    What a stink. The change for which people voted.

  17. Intermilan says:

    Because Borg is a common surname and maybe no one would take notice, but thanks to you we can know these things. Thank you.

  18. Evidence of “Malta taghna lkoll”.

  19. Toni says:

    Ghadni nistenna biex nivvota ghall-membri tal-boards.

    Ma tridx xi snin biex twettaq dil-weghda, sur prim ministru.

  20. richard muscat says:

    Abbasso il-klikka! Viva l-klikka!

  21. JA says:

    Xi hnizrija!

  22. TROY says:

    Haqna,haqna u haqna.

  23. Galaxy says:

    Il-borgezija l-gdida taht Joseph Muscat. hbieb tal-hbieb u neputizmu oxxen.

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