How very stylish – a fill-in standard invitation, and with ruler lines to help them write straight
May 22, 2013 at 12:18pm
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This is how Barrakka <————- is spelt.
And the place is known as 'The Lower Barrakka Gardens, Valletta' !
My thoughts exactly. (Apart from the fact that they should have written “2030 hrs”, rather than “20.30”.)
Village idiots.
Come to think of it, it was probably literally translated from “Il-Gnien tal-Barrakka t’Isfel”, hence the “garden”.
Gosh, can’t they get anything right?
Well, they did fill the important posts with their goons, so what does one expect.
Their way of thinking..fil veru sens… “u muhx xorta”!
I suppose its thanks to the intake of computer illiterate people. I heard that some of those employed at Castille’s spanking new customer care centre biex-tinqeda-malajr-jekk-int-laburist (side door in Merchant’s street) didn’t even know how to turn their PCs on.
Anyway, in other news, for Joseph Grech Attard it’s ok to give subliminal threats on the comments board. In reality though, it’s the best interpretation of ‘jekk ma taqbilx maghna xorta tista tahdem maghna’:
Joseph Grech Attard
Today, 11:56
Let us hope that this state of affairs continues until PN supporters adjourn themselves with the change that the citizens have chosen. If the state of vengeance continues, then PN supporters who can be appointed arevery limited. Those who have changed, have already been given appointments. The PL does not want to ‘divide’ the PN, as Simon Busuttil accused the PM in parliament!
The whole situation is about to become very, very dirty. Hope Simon is up for this.
And to whoever wrote this, please note:
If you are using the 24-hour method to state the time of the event, please write hrs after the time!
It should have read 20.30 hrs <——————
In the 24-hour clock, the “.” must be omitted too.
The “.” is only included on an actual 24-hour digital clock. It should never actually be written, but “hrs” should be written after the time.
Pedantic, I know.
Labour style, insomma.
This is Labour we are talking about, you know, the ‘l-aqwa li ftehmna’, and ‘mhux xorta’, with a dash of ‘kemm gej nejk’ brigade
For goodness sake, am I going mad or is this country commiting suicide.
1.Don’t know if Fireworks is FiReworks or FiRwovks
2.Festival or Festiral
3.Barrakka or Bavvakka
4.Gardens or Gavdens.
L-aqwa li handwritten.
Let’s be thankful for small mercies; at least whoever wrote the invitation did not actually write over a ruler as some people do to get a ‘neater’ handwriting.
Flat-bottomed letters really scream out chavs with too much time on their hands.
I have fine and considered news for you, l-ahwa.
Our finance minister is doing his utmost to avoid the wrath of the Union’s Excessive Deficit Procedure.
He’s been pleading for mercy with the Commission, assuring them he’ll fix the “fiscal slippage”, but alas we have lost our noble overlords’ trust, he said, and there is only the PN to blame for telling the Commission a bunch of porkies.
Our shadow finance minister agreed: “the highest probability is that the European Commission will place Malta under” arrest and in tethers, if not in shackles.
But it is useless arguing with the Commission, the shadow warned. They want facts not promises. So if you’re promising a year ahead, you are in your deeds a year too late.
Tough! Better luck next time, as Enzo Guzman once sang before he even failed.
Our finance minister agreed. Although the 2013 slippage was just the effect of the “election mode” we were in, he said, the Commission doesn’t give a shite about what mode we’re in since the slave mode is the only EU mode.
Most certainly, the agreeable nature that developed between our finance minister and his shadow has sparked widespread joy across the Archi-Maltipelago.
You can read the full and final draft at the Salvu Today News Dispensary:
According to “Salvu Today”:
“Scicluna also argued that the fiscal slippage suffered in the first months of 2013 had been due to the election period, where consumers took a step back from making purchases of a certain value – for example cars and property – as they waited for a new government to approve the budget.”
And guess why the Nats had been begging Labour to vote for budget approval and them move a motion of no confidence? Thank you Joey and good luck getting out of your own shit, profs.
Not much better than this: note how the Maltese characters are in a different font to that of the main text. Unbelievably amateurish:
But did you forget that this is the party of ‘tbazwar ftit l’hemm u tbazwar ftit l’hawn. Everything goes with these people. It looks that the handwriting belongs to a semi-illiterate who has just been given a job ghax Malta taghna Lkoll.