Only people of a certain background take their young children everywhere with them, including places where their presence is absolutely inappropriate

Published: May 22, 2013 at 3:09pm

Net News has reported that the prime minister hasn’t taken only his wife with him to Brussels unnecessarily for a European leaders meeting, but also his daughters.

It was bad enough that we ended up with a prime ministerial couple instead of a prime minister. Are we now to understand that we have a prime ministerial family on our hands?

It’s a good thing those little girls – they are not to blame for their parents – are not the same age as, say, the Zerafa sisters. Because imagine the situation then.

It is completely inappropriate to drag young children around like that, or parade them about in places where children do not belong, like fashion shows held at night when they should be at home in bed.

To take them to Brussels yesterday, they would have had to pull them out of school. Isn’t that against the law? Parents are not permitted to have their children miss school unless it is for a valid reason, like illness, supported by a doctor’s certificate. My children were at the same school, and I expressly remember how strict they were about this.

Also, what sort of example is this to other parents? A dreadful one – unless, of course, what the Muscats are saying here is that they are a special case and can do as they please.

The Muscats used their children as a campaign device. It got the results they wanted but it’s bad for the children to be exposed in this way. Now that they have achieved their objective, they should stop using them. Take the children only where appropriate – and for heaven’s sake, instead of inviting the cameras in, shield them from the media.

Above all, taking children into what should be adult environments is just so chavtastic. What sort of people do you see in restaurants at night with small children and pushchairs? What kind of weddings are packed with children running around and serried ranks of baby-buggies? Exactly. Enough. Drop it. It just isn’t smart. And it’s bad for the children.

35 Comments Comment

  1. Calculator says:

    No wonder he’s making an arse of himself in Government. He can’t even manage his family correctly.

  2. mario galea says:

    Kif ma jistax jiehu it-tfal mieghu! Ahna min ahna biex nordnawlu x’ghandu jaghmel. Dak issa Cesri jista’ jaghmel kollox hi.

  3. tinnat says:

    I can just hear him tell the kids every evening “I’m the Prime Minister, children. That means I am the most pawwerfull men in Malta”.

  4. Tracy says:

    Mhux kollox kif irid qed jaghmel ?

  5. mario galea says:

    What, are you imagining that we will be lumped with them, idiots, laqgha, incompetents for the next 25-30 years. God forbid. What have we done Oh Lord to deserve such a punishment.

  6. Paddling Duck says:

    Perhaps they Me-Shell wanted to take them to the Disney store? Taf int, Marlene Mizzi’s ELC isn’t hip enough for the Muscat progeny.

  7. john says:

    Didn’t you know? Joseph has given the twins a waiver.

  8. TROY says:

    Aha vera tal-misthija.

  9. MoBi says:

    And I bet if you asked him why, he’d answer “Why not?”.

    Which really is as far as his reasoning can go.

  10. Adrian Mizzi says:

    Thinking he is Obama flying to Camp David with the family.

  11. Are they trying to save money on the babysitter?

    • etil says:

      Nah – most probably they took their babysitters/nannies with them. Is the Maltese taxpayer going to be lumped with their travel expenses too.

  12. carlos says:

    They have no money only for our schools. For their extravagances they have more than enough.

    And we have Edward Scicluna our Finance Minister struggling to convince the EU about the increase in the deficit and of course blaming the previous administration in the meantime.

  13. sandra agius says:

    My son too attended the same school and I can also confirm how strict they were on these issues. What valid certificate did the Prime Minister hand in to the school principal?

  14. viva lejber says:

    It would be interesting to know who paid for their tickets.

  15. Mrs M says:

    When I read this news it makes me wonder whether these kids always travelled around with their parents on business or did they start just now?

  16. edgar says:

    Maybe the Muscats took their children to meet uncle Francois, now that he became the French president.

  17. Paul Bonnici says:

    It’s not just that Daphne, it will cost more money to drag your wife and children with you everywhere.

  18. TinaB says:

    Dar Malta ma jdumux wisq ma jgibuha qisha qiegh Burmarrad.

  19. pale blue my foot! says:

    I wouldn`t worry Daphne. I`m sure that our Prime Minister is funding all of these unnecessary expenses out of his personal pocket. He wouldn’t dare use public funds, would he. Dak mhux George Abela.

  20. JCS says:

    Daqt isibilhom jopp go Kastilja.

  21. Wilson says:

    What background?

  22. P Sant says:

    Can we know who is paying for the whole family’s flight?

  23. nadia says:

    “What sort of people do you see in restaurants at night with small children and pushchairs?”

    People like me. And I don’t think I fit into the class of people you are referring to. We do it because we enjoy doing family stuff……no other reason.

    [Daphne – It should occur to you that other restaurant patrons might not share your enjoyment of your family stuff, and that children out at night are annoying to others because they are fractious, and that they are fractious precisely because they are not meant to be awake at that time. When other people get a baby-sitter and go to a restaurant at night, they really don’t want to find other people’s children there, especially not running around or shoved into a pushchair or highchair. Restaurants at night are no place for children under 12. They should be at home, in bed. Family stuff is for day-time, not night-time. After 8pm is AO (adults only). I apologise for the lecture, but honestly, the fact that parents have to be told that young children should be in bed by 8pm at the latest, and that other adults do not enjoy having them around in the evening is just unbelievable. If you don’t have a sitter, stay home.]

  24. The other Joey says:

    Qabda hamalli.

  25. edgar says:

    I hope that George Abela did not pay for the flights through the Community Chest Fund.

  26. Pina says:

    I bet Michelle insisted that she goes too due to trust issues. Doesn’t want to leave him in Brussels alone now does she?

  27. Antoine Vella says:

    They probably wanted someone to whom Kurt Farrugia could speak without having to look up.

  28. john says:

    Gvern minghajr code of ethics. Ahfrilom sinjur Alla ghax ma kienux jafu x’inhuma jaghmlu meta ivvotaw lil-Labour fid-9 ta’ Marzu.

  29. Xejn sew says:

    I’d pay a small fortune to see the faces of the francophone people the Muscats meet as soon as they tell them their daughters’ names.

    I’m sure they piss themselves laughing as soon as they leave.

  30. Schembri says:

    Mhux anke fid-decider tal-kampjonat bejn Hibs u Birkirkara hadhom mieghu? Veru addattat il-ground ghal tfal ta’ dik l-eta!

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