Please don’t trample on Audrey Harrison and Ray Pitre on your way out

Published: May 22, 2013 at 11:05pm

Labour 4 Labour

10 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Kulhadd izomm il-kju,please.

  2. P Shaw says:

    DJ Joe Tanti is entertaining the crowd while they wait.

  3. kev says:

    I’m only just visible. There, along the line, a hundred and twenty something. But I’m being told I don’t deserve an iced bun as I didn’t tow the line.

    Mhux sew.

  4. David S says:

    I can spot il-Pufta bic-coff towards the end of the line and he is complaining about Fredrick Testa, done; Willie Mangion, done; and I’m here waiting with all these hamalli. So not fair.

  5. Manhattan says:

    Ray Pitre has just jumped the queue and been appointed on MEPA’s CHAC (Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee). Eat your heart out Audrey….

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