Why are all these so-called switchers in their twilight years? Is it because they had nothing to lose or no immediate family with small kids to think of?
Wasn’t it a bit too late to become anti-conformist? William Mangion, Frederick Testa, Gabibbo Mallia, Martin Scicluna, Kenneth Zammit Tabona, Raymond Pitre, Tony Zahra, Perit Ellul Vincenti, Philip Rizzo, Frank Portelli, John Bundy, Tony Zammit Cutajar, and Josie Muscat.
Baxxter boy with that pout the man is definitely a commander in chief and don’t you tell him otherwise , actually being and believing to be create all sorts of egocentric problems for those around them .
Mallia is doing his utmost to tuck his belly in. He should realize that where there is an action there is an immediate and opposite reaction. In short, tuck belly in, jut bum out, and vice versa.
Why is he standing on his dinner table?
Appears to be reinforced. I count at least ten legs.
I see Emanuel has already set up a pole beside his podium. How convenient.
I see that the Armed Forces of Malta are testing a new long-range missile. It’s called The Upper Button of the Minister’s Jacket.
Dritt gol-hajt….literally in the case of the second photo
And for the benefit of our foreign readers: No light at the end of this tunnel.
Won’t go there.
Terrible pot belly – but can still appreciate a lovely bum.
Which one are you talking about?
Is she Emanuel’s wife.
[Daphne – No, Allahares.]
I heard that the Armed Forces are being drilled in Frogmarching.
I think the woman has been inspired by the Maltese potato and My Zarbun videos.
The Malta bums
You kill me.
Simply thanks (for the second pic…:P)
The commander seems to be trying really hard not to laugh.
Il-commander ghassa tal-buttuna qieghed. Tidher kripata b’zaqq il-Ministru u jekk ittir ras il-commander tiftahha ktieb.
What’s typically Maltese (besides the bricks) in the second picture?
Looks like the bird found it safe to inspect the the trapper’s hide. Was she looking for technical loopholes?
Alla hares jixpakkalu l-glekk Manuel u ttir il-buttuna ghax jaghmih lis-suldat.
Oh – we have the Maltese Gabibbo to parade around.
Why are all these so-called switchers in their twilight years? Is it because they had nothing to lose or no immediate family with small kids to think of?
Wasn’t it a bit too late to become anti-conformist? William Mangion, Frederick Testa, Gabibbo Mallia, Martin Scicluna, Kenneth Zammit Tabona, Raymond Pitre, Tony Zahra, Perit Ellul Vincenti, Philip Rizzo, Frank Portelli, John Bundy, Tony Zammit Cutajar, and Josie Muscat.
The Sergeant Major appears to be seriously worried that he is about to be executed by a fired button.
I thought that the commander in chief had to show at least a semblance of having been fit once upon a time.
As for the 2nd photo I think I need to get out a bit more on the mb and enjoy the picturesque countryside.
At the cost of being anal, I say again: the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Malta is the President.
This fat bastard likes to think he is generalissimo. Of the Rightwing hordes, certainly. Of the armed forces, never.
[Daphne – Correction, H. P. SHORT, fat bastard, not just fat bastard. Makes all the difference.]
Just trying out my anorak for size: The AFM doesn’t have privates, but gunners. Royal Artillery traditions, see.
However, for the sake of ribald humour, I shall remove my anorak and even venture a caption: The Minister’s privates stand to attention.
Baxxter boy with that pout the man is definitely a commander in chief and don’t you tell him otherwise , actually being and believing to be create all sorts of egocentric problems for those around them .
Bear in mind that HRH Lydia controls our President .
Careful, that button’s going to pop. And the soldier in front of him is directly in the line of fire.
Attention, aim, fire.
Is that the belly talking to the button?
Mallia is doing his utmost to tuck his belly in. He should realize that where there is an action there is an immediate and opposite reaction. In short, tuck belly in, jut bum out, and vice versa.