Quote of the week

Published: May 29, 2013 at 12:44pm

Tony Zarb

The General Workers Union said that the open market will be better organised and more aesthetically pleasing as it will be set up in a professional manner, so as to blend well with the Renzo Piano project.

– in The Malta Independent

Lie down and weep.

63 Comments Comment

  1. admin says:

    union said that the open market will be better organised and more aesthetically pleasing as it will be set up in a professional manner, so as to blend well with the Renzo Piano project.”

    • Min Jaf says:

      The Berlin Wall is nowhere near the cultural divide that exists in Malta. The genes inherited by the Maltese from the Philistines are still going strong.

      By what stretch of the imagination could a flea market, and a super-tacky Maltese one at that, ever ‘blend in’ with the clean lines and balanced volumes that characterise the Piano project?

  2. seksieka says:


  3. canon says:

    If I were Renzo Piano I would renounce the project.

  4. helen says:

    Why did you translate it into English. Renzo Piano will resign.

  5. P Shaw says:

    I expect Tony to be persoanally happy. With this move, he does not need to suffer and walk all the way to Merchant street to buy his family’s bloomers and undervests..

  6. Jack says:

    Great pic – I guess this is were the term “dick-head” came from.

  7. JPS says:

    We really have hit rock bottom now…

  8. one of us says:

    I saw that! If it wasn’t coming from the GWU, I’d have thought it was a misprint. Absolutely unbelievable. Poor Malta – what will she be like after 5 years.

  9. CPortelli says:

    It will blend well……..as if

  10. il baks says:

    Dan bis-serjeta jew? Jigiefieri dan qed jghid li erbgha injamiet, zewg tilari, u xebgha hwejjeg ta’ taht imdendlin ala xanxe blend well ma’ progett ta’ 80 miljun maghmul minn Renzo Piano?

    Jiena naf nies barranin li qed jistennew biex il-progett ikun lest halli jigu jarawh, u dan it-T-Rex qed jghid li tal-Monti blend well mal-progett. Ara veru ghal gol-hajt.

  11. matt says:

    What a comedian par excellence. It is obvious that he doesn’t believe what he said.

  12. Tinu says:

    The GWU always had our capital city at heart. We all remember the aristocracy of the workers marching through the streets of Valletta!

  13. Jozef says:

    Cardona let it slip yesterday the market could overlap into another street, wouldn’t name it.

    The only one not having a steep gradient would be Republic Street.

  14. xdcc says:

    From the Times: “The planning authority should never have allowed bumping cars near the Qawra aquarium, according to the Parliamentary Secretary for Planning, Michael Farrugia”

    Dr. Farrugia, the Minister responsible should never pass judgement in public on MEPA decisions. It is not his remit and betrays a propensity to dictate if and when required.

    In any case, how can one justify, on planning grounds, that bumping cars should not have been allowed next to the aquarium?

  15. Calculator says:

    Oh my God.

  16. Joe Fenech says:

    When I saw the headline I thought he was talking about ‘financial markets’.

  17. Adam says:

    Yes, just like his tie does. Tony, just stick to blended soups.

  18. zunzana says:

    Of course it will blend precisely with the Renzo Piano project. That’s what Piano had envisaged in his plans. Perhaps the notable architect will take Tony Zarb on board as his consultant.

  19. Bubu says:

    Did you really expect any better from the GWU? For fuck’s sake. As expected Tony Zarb is back to his usual role of PL (and now Labour government) spokesman.

    • maryanne says:

      Sorry to disappoint you, Bubu, but they always exceed my expectations.

      I expect gaffes and I know they are amateurs in everything they do. But still they manage to surprise me.

  20. lorna saliba says:

    After Jason Micallef, Tony Zarb is Joseph Muscat’s primary liability. All he barks about is the stupid prekarjat whatever that means and keeps piling pressure on the authorities to attack people in business who might be engaging people with prekarjat conditions.

    Labour’s manifesto and pre-election drumming was a business friendly government. In line with this, he has been lumped with this dead-beat, veteran of the communist era, Tony Zarb, whose primary objective is hounding businessmen who are employing people without the proper rights and conditions of employment: Muscat should really consider ditching this relic and sticking to his guns without giving him the least importance to telling him to shut up.

  21. George Grech says:

    Dan ifisser daqshekk qliezet ta’ taht tal-hamsa ghal 2 euro u jogging pants tal-fleece akkumpanjati minn xi dawgha fahxija u kummenti vulgari fuq xi mara b’sorma ha jixpakka minn go cycling pant li ghal xi raguni jew ohra il-bejjiegha jarawha hot?

  22. etil says:

    Yes, just imagine – stalls exhibiting their wares, underwear, synthetic clothes etc. really do blend perfectly with the Renzo Piano project. Is he a nutcase?

  23. etil says:

    Are you serious GWU ?

  24. verita says:

    Tal-biki – ma hemmx kelma ohra xi tghid.

  25. Malti says:

    Can anyone explain further? I just don’t get this.

  26. M. Cassar says:

    Aha, the permits will now include a dress code and swearing will be illegal as will smoking in people’s faces.

    There will be no more flaunting of copyright laws so selling of counterfeit CDs and DVDs will stop. Assorted sunshades, ropes, metal pipes square sections and aluminium lengths will not be allowed.

    Discarded boxes and plastic bags will no longer feature and ‘professional’ also means that the security issue of putting a market next to parliament has been made to disappear.

    Does anyone need a pinch, oouch, unfortunately it hurts….can I join you in weeping please?

  27. Angus Black says:

    How thick can this excuse for a man be?

  28. Faqqusu says:

    I am interested to apply for a stall at this open market.

    Can anybody enlighten me what I have to do in order to have a stall in “Ordinance Street” to sell that piece of cloth tied up around your hip in Maltese known as FARDAL since the “monti people” are now being led by a freemason?

  29. victor says:

    Is he still filling his pockets? Must be a pensioner by now.

  30. observer says:

    What the f**k does that pot-belly know about things ‘blending well with architecture’?

  31. Redneck Rabti says:

    WTF? Did he really say that?

  32. Natalie says:

    That statement is wrong on so many levels that it makes me despair; and they can’t even understand why.

  33. Agostino Mangion says:

    To be more pleasing the govt. should build a monument of Tony Zarb in the centre.

  34. tinnat says:

    I guess that means they’ll be prohibiting the sale of panties and brassieres.

  35. Deceduti says:

    This is the quote of the decade.

    Toni Zarb – – jekk ma tifhimx fil-kultura ghalaq halqek u titkellimx ghax taghmel figura ahjar.

    Tigi thallat progett ta’ wiehed mill-aqwa arkitetti tad-dinja ma bankarella tal-monti.

    Nipprova nkun posittiv taht il-labour imma impossibli.

  36. aidan says:

    A bust of himself in the middle of the square would be the icing on top of the cake.

  37. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    How on earth does the GWU intend to blend two inmiscibles such as a flea market with a grandiose entrance to Valletta 2018?

  38. Issa Daqshekk says:

    Did you expect any better from a man who is the diametric opposite to “aesthetically pleasing”?

  39. sandy:) says:

    Cyrus Engerer
    “L-agħar għalina hi li l-gvern l-ieħor kien jagħti impressjoni li ma teżistix, kollox ward u żahar. Dak tellifna l-kredibilità mal-Kummissjoni Ewropea u issa gvern Laburista jrid jaħdem biex jiksibha kif jixraq” – Lino Spiteri

  40. Manuel says:

    Maybe Big Tony likes the idea since the monti will now be closer to the GWU and where he could go around the stalls, finding good bargains especially for masks and huge underwear.

  41. Joe says:

    I have not yet seen or heard of an open market next to a house of parliament or an equivalent body (at least not in a Western Country). There is a good reason for this, and the reason being that the two are not complimentary to each other.

    If the goverment can show us any other Western country were this takes place, then this may be a good examplary starting point to convince the public that this is okay after all, but they will not, because there is not.

  42. Rita Camilleri says:

    Why don’t we place Tony Zarb at the Floriana cenotaph ghax l-intellegenzz li ghandu daqs bozza tal-mija? How stupid an this guy be. Every time he opens his mouth, frogs leap out.

  43. Futur mill-aghar says:

    Come next election (if not before), they will be allowed to set up shop right under the parliament buildings, for protection from the elements.

  44. Alexander Ball says:

    How many countries in the world have self-employed capitalist businesses as members of the General Workers’ Union, I wonder?

  45. Lestrade says:

    Tony Zarb of “Issa daqshekk” fame and his GWU have become irrelevant in this day and age and has taken over Kenneth Zammit Tabona’s role in spouting aphorisms about aesthetics.

  46. edgar says:

    Before expressing these wise words Toni Zarb must have had a meeting with Jason Micallef and discussed at length the blending of the stalls with the Piano project.

  47. just me says:

    Cringe… no, super cringe.

  48. stella says:

    Toni Zarb on the subject of architectural blending – hu go fik, poplu.

  49. Basla says:

    Tony Zarb fic-cikkulata biss jifhem. Hares lejn il-figuritu bizzejjed.

  50. ron says:

    Il-mossa li l-Monti jitpogga qrib il-progett tal-parlament il-gdid hija ntiza biex il-gvern ma jinqabad qatt bla qalziet ta’ taht. U biex forsi Piano jitghallem xi ftit kultura minn ghandom

  51. Mallia says:

    Hey Kenneth..(Zammit Tabona)…your learned views most appreciated.

    Maybe you could suggest a baroque concept for the stalls.

  52. caflisa says:

    How about placing the stalls in front of GWU then? That part of South Street?

  53. Dez says:

    Dear Renzo Piano, pinch yourself … “No, you’re not dreaming”

  54. Christopher says:

    They should baptise the City Gate project as “Xaq il-Belt!” as there is no gate in sight.

    Politicians love to make titles that do not exist, and it is truly a wonder to study thier devious adjectives and half-baked truths.

  55. bryan says:

    Might I suggest that in order to blend in with the Monti stalls the knockers on the door of Parliament be in the shape of a 46EE bra.

  56. pawlu griefex says:


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