Neil Kerr and the Prime Minister – his ‘n’ his watches, how thweet.

Published: May 29, 2013 at 6:02pm


25 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Bonnici says:

    How pretty.

  2. ken il malti says:

    They got a two ‘fer one deal at the Monti.

  3. Calculator says:

    The latest from Facebook:

    “I cannot fully understand all the criticism against the PL with reference to the deficit problem and other related areas, since till 2.5 months ago we were still under a PN government. How can this be attributed to the PL considering that our economy and government finances weren’t as good as they made us believe in the previous years quoting ”finanzi fis-sod”. I guess some people really need to wake up and see the real world objectively.”

    I guess some people don’t know how today’s economics and EU relations work. Which is doubly ironic as the person I quoted above graduated in European Studies and now works as an EU funds officer in Ian Borg’s office.

    • maryanne says:

      A case in point is Italy which has just been removed from the excessive deficit procedure.

      Labour, not fit for purpose.

  4. TinaB says:

    The Labourite Neil Kerr is proof (one of many) that the previous administration did not engage individuals according to their political beliefs.

    • Pepe` says:

      Even more so in respect of the lady on the Joseph’s left.

    • Infurmat says:

      Precisely. Moreover during the last six months or so he was assigned to the Ministry of Education by his Permanent Representative (seen here also) from where he could update JM (then leader of the opposition) on developments on EUPA, etc. Tort TAGHNA LKOLL!

  5. Nazzjonalist says:

    Neil BALDACCHINO please – Kerr is his paternal grandmother’s surname.

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      I dont think so, I have always known him as Kerr, his maternal grandmother was a neighbour of ours and I have always known his parents as Mr & Mrs Kerr.

  6. Lupin says:

    and his ‘n’ his pen. Cute yeah?

  7. Alexander Ball says:

    Neil Kerr, known to his mates as Juan.

  8. Sebastian says:

    Neil’s real surname (his father’s surname) is Baldacchino. Kerr is his mother’s maiden name. He must think that Neil Kerr is more stylish than Neil Baldacchino, so changed his name to match his watch.

    • Rita Camilleri says:

      Hi mother’s maiden surname is Debattista. They were my neighbours.

      • Sebastian says:

        His pay cheques had his name down as Neil Baldacchino.

      • AE says:

        Nazzjonalist above states that Kerr was the surname of his paternal grandmother so the mother’s maiden name isn’t the issue.

  9. Mark Vassallo says:

    And one of them is out by 10 minutes…

  10. I was never impressed by anyone who feels it necessary to borrow another surname to prop up his own.

  11. CIS says:

    A gift from the Baruni friend of the 4th floor.

  12. ciccio says:

    Ah, but Neil’s got three medals, Marlene two, and the PM hasn’t got any.

  13. tinnat says:

    Neil was a huge mistake made by the Nationalists. We never learn.

  14. Maria Kerr says:

    You people have nothing to do ?
    Are these comments sour grapes or what ?
    What’s in a name after all??
    Yes we are “the Kerrs” and we are proud of it.
    We all opt to forget the other surname. Any problems??
    This is not a problem for us but I think it is other’s.
    My nephew Neil Kerr has always done a good job wether it was PN or PL . and that’s what counts.

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