Published: May 31, 2013 at 8:06am
Silvio Schembri (right), head of the house committee on economic and financial affairs, u espert tal-kesha

Silvio Schembri (right), head of the house committee on economic and financial affairs, u espert tal-kesha

Before that Labour shrew Justyne Caruana packed for her big trip mad-delegazzjoni biex jiddiskutu l-ekonomija ta’ Malta, she asked her fellow delegate, Nassabiristan village politician Silvio Schembri, in public on Facebook, “Hemm kesha?”

The only way to cope with this situation, I’m afraid, is black humour.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Min Jaf says:

    Kesha ghandhom bir-rimi tal-Partit Laburista. Sustanza u kompetenza m’hemmx.

  2. Malti says:

    God! Is this really happening?

  3. U Le! says:

    Maybe she was fooled by photos of him running around half naked.

  4. La Lempicka says:

    They really give one the impression that they’ve never ventured beyond the confines of the godforsaken villages they come from. Tal-biza.

    Small minds, big egos … I can’t believe this is what Malta has come to.

    I cannot for the life of me imagine a Nationalist politician behaving and talking in the same way – no, not even the ones hailing from the same villages as these two.

    There really are two Maltas, aren’t there?

  5. ciccio says:

    “Iva, hawn is-silg. Imma tghidilhomx lil Toni Abela u ‘l-Joseph Muscat.”

  6. Mr. Bean There Done That says:

    “Hawnhekk hawn kesha kbira. Imma toqghod thabbel rasek xejn. Issa ninnittjalek gersi bis-suf li zammejt mic-chest waxing li ghamilt dalghodu.”

  7. canon says:

    Il-mistoqsija ta’ Justyne kellha tkun: Hemm sriep?

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