Wow, gas down by Eur1.30 a cylinder (headline news). So glad I voted Labour. Vera kien wertit.

Published: June 1, 2013 at 1:38am

cheaper gas

34 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    Don’t be surprised if the majority think it was worth it for that Euro 1.30, even if in the long term they will suffer and the economy goes in a downward spiral.

    Remember that the Maltese measure the budget / economy by the price of things and the amount of social services, and not by the number and nature of opportunities.

    The words medium-term, strategy, planning and long-term are not part of our vocabulary.

  2. ciccio says:

    Internationally, the price of LNGs has come down by about 20% since a year ago.

    Can The Times journalists seek some explanations for what they report?

  3. Intermilan says:

    Wow and what about petrol and diesel?

  4. Makjavel says:

    I will save the grand total of 20€ every YEAR.

    Now we will be declared out of the poverty line.

    Next time Joseph will announce such price movements in baked beans, corned beef, tonn taz-zejt, from Castille Podium Station.

    • Allo Allo says:

      You won’t save 20 Euro a year. The price will go up again before winter as international demand picks up as it always does.

      • kram says:

        That was going to be my question, will the price be sustained for the winter months?

  5. canon says:

    Now the cost of running the eternal flame is even lower.

  6. CIS says:

    What is going to be said when it goes up again? That is went up by a few cents but went down by more than a Euro?

  7. martha says:

    Damn, I’ve just bought two cylinders. I could have saved €2.60 and had a capuccino l-Ferries.

  8. Min Jaf says:

    The lower price of gas has nothing to do with Muscat in government. It is all due to fluctuations in the energy market.

    Not so in the so-called GonziPN years, Gonzi in government managed to keep energy prices largely stable despite huge increases in market prices. But that was all taken for granted, then.

    Headlines in The Times then read: Price of Maltese loaf up by 1c. And people complained.

  9. C Falzon says:

    Wow great news. I’m off to get one. Now at last I can again afford to cook my own kabocci and ross il-forn rather than eat McDonalds fast food every day.

  10. helen says:

    Issa t-tonn taz-zejt u l-kunserva jmiss.

  11. Viva lejber says:

    In June when no heaters are on and when people do hardly any home cooking. Ah, but BBQs…

  12. aidan says:

    Tehodhiex bi kbira jekk dan is-sajf il-Laburisti jixghelu l-heater flok l-AC ghax Joseph rahhsilna l-gas.

  13. manum says:

    Meta ser jorhos it-tonn taz-zejt?

  14. il-Ginger says:

    Green War Turkey

    RTE is like the emperor in Star Wars. He’s taken the control of all vital points in state. Even the courts are ruled by his orders, there is no justice, there is no law.

    We cannot speak freely. The press is afraid of him, they can do nothing without his wish. The emperor is sitting on the throne and the Jedi has long gone.

    Besides, we just want to protect a little piece of green in the city. We don’t hope for any help but world must see this tyrant and his fascism.
    June 1, 2013 at 12:49 a.m.

    Is this Malta in the near future?

  15. Aunt Hetty says:

    Meta ha jorhos is-sardin tal -landa tal -qattus please?

  16. Village says:

    Wara 25 sena ta’ gid u prosperita Malta bdit idduq it-toghma ta l-inkompetenza socjalista Mintoffjana.

    Tajba, Joseph. Veru Prim Ministru nkapaci u zghir minn mohhu.

  17. Petrovic says:

    U meta jerga joghla jkun tort tan-Nazzjonalisti, ovvjament – ghax jghidulna li marru jxewxu lil tal-gas.

  18. haga mohgaga says:

    There is very simple explanation for that decrease. Demand in summer goes down for gas (especially due to the lower usage of gas heaters obviously).

    [Daphne – The price is not affected by demand and supply in the Maltese market, but by international demand and supply.]

    • bob-a-job says:

      The real reason is that there is now an over production of gas at government level and which is assumed will be lasting the full five years of this Gvern tal-Labour biss.

  19. ciccio says:

    Eh, imma issa s-soppa tal-armla ser tigi tiswa inqas, u nkunu nistghu naffordjaw il-pastarda u l-gbejna.

  20. observer says:

    Nahseb ghal dan ir-rohs kollu li qed issemmu (jew tixtiequ ghal xejn) irridu nibdew nistennew sensiela ta’ budgets socjalisti bhal ma kien ikollna that il-perit salvatur.

    ‘Ahleb, Guz’ kienet il-ghajta meta l-kunserva torhos b-sitt habbiet!!

  21. helen says:

    I see that Manum, Paddling Duck and Auntie Hetty were on the same wave lenght as me. Must be same age bracket, watching the Budget speeches of the 80s.

  22. Straight to the wall says:

    As someone said somewhere on Facebook, “gas down lest; issa dritt ghal gol-hajt jonqos”.

  23. Quantum Revelation says:

    Useless. I switched to electricity a long time ago and a reduction in the cost of electricity is what I am waiting for.

    It’s been promised. I expect it to be done – as promised.

  24. Gahan says:

    Suppost illum trahhas il-petrol b’ tal-anqas tlett centezmi la l-prezz taz-zejt nizel, u m’hemmx dik il-korruzzjoni ta’ zmien in-Nazzjonalisti.

    Ahna bl-isfilati tal-moda il-palazz tal-Girgenti u Kastilja ma nimlewx zaqqna.

  25. Gahan says:

    Some simple mathematics which is not far from the truth:

    Only last month, unleaded Petrol cost €1.49 per litre

    12kg LPG cost €17.90= €1.49666’ per kg

    Prices matched.

    Now a 12kg LPG costs €16.60 = €1.383333’ That’s 11cents cheaper !!

    Surprisingly we got a reduction in price of unleaded petrol of 1cent.

    Who’s getting the other TEN cents?

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