Top comment of the morning (so far)
June 1, 2013 at 10:17am
Sent in by Wistin Schembri:
Remember Orwell’s Newspeak? A suitable antidote to the evolving situation may be the compilation of a Maltese Newspeak Dictionary, eg:
billboard: the springboard to a board
eternal: between 6.00pm and 6.00am
permanent: as long as the Leader wishes (eg permanent secretary)
meritocracy: a centrally-controlled system whereby those who made life hell for Gonzi are rewarded using the taxpayers’ money
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Duckspeak is more suited to many of those who voted PL ghax wortit and now are trying to justify their actions and ‘reasoning’.
According to Orwell’s Newspeak, “duckspeak” is “literally to quack like a duck or to speak without thinking. Duckspeak can be good or “ungood” (bad) depending on who is speaking, and whether what they are saying aligns with the ideals of Big Brother. To speak rubbish and lies may be ungood, but to speak rubbish and lies for the good of The Party may be good”.
high society: you’ll know if you belong to this social class by the number of fashionable soirees you are invited to in buildings controlled by Mrs Michelle Muscat’s husband.
Chapeau to Wistin.
ethics: a set of flexible rules which may or may not be applicable according to circumstances and the convenience of PL politicians
Here’s another one:
“Negative”: anything even remotely critical of Labour’s policies or messes.
`Let`s be positive: let`s NOT talk politics; it`s too divisive; it`s against the national interest. We are one country, one people, one movement.
`Good governance: an artificially bloated Cabinet doing the same work that the bare skeleton of a Cabinet used to do in the previous administration.
High Society: being at soirees held under the patronage of the Prime Minister’s wife.
Found him ! Is there a reward ?
Look at the picture and you can guess who is bound to profit from this measure. Notary Charles Mangion (what is he doing there?) and Sandro Chetcuti.
Those who will be mostly affected negatively are the Maltese.
Are you sure that comments like these are in the national interest?
Do not forget that Charles Mangion was the notary involved in the Pembroke up-market apartments deal some years back.
I would appreciate someone enlightening me further about Sandro Chetcuti.
Notary Mangion is waiting for the cash to start flowing into his bank account.
Taghna lkoll, jghid Mangion, ghal percentagg li jiehdu in-nutara.
Another pre-election promise to developers, estate agents, etc.
Does the new government realise that Malta has become a Schengen country and therefore could be dangerous to make it too easy for foreigners who do not form part of the EU to acquire a residence permit?
Is it possible that these people have no foresight whatsoever and promised anything under the sun to all and sundry for the sole reason of acquiring their vote? (which unfortunately they did).
And they want us to believe that they have Malta’s interest at heart?
I was wondering whether your readers have (or indeed yourself) have any suggestion on how to define other words, eg ethics, national interest, enemy, electoral programme, minister’s secretariat, planning, environment, etc
It seems that eternal does not even mean 6pm till 6am. Yesterday both “eternal” flames were off at around midnight.
Yep. We’ve gone from eternal to nocturnal well, overnight.
They got it right when they named politics. Poly being the Greek word for “many” ticks being “blood sucking creatures”
And the morons now in power are proving this to the letter. Actually the morons are the gullible fools who voted this incompetent lot in.
EU: an economic club of nations led by wise men who drop manna for nothing in return.
Taghna Lkoll: Literal meaning: ‘belonging to all of us’. It can also mean ‘belonging to all of ‘those who use the phrase’ as distinct from the collective ‘us’).
Used to provide a false sense of inclusivity to those who can give power to those who intend to serve the interest of an exclusive group of people.
Negative: not on our side, a threat to our national interest. Eg, that comment was negative.
Before the EU referendum the MLP, Alfred Sant and Joseph ‘Made in Brussels’ Muscat tried to scare people saying that the price of property would go up like a rocket since many “foreign speculators” were waiting to pounce on houses and flats here in Malta.
Now they are making it easier and cheaper for the sharks who now seem to have become dolphins in Labour’s eyes. Maybe “consistency of thought” should be included in the suggested Dictionary of Doublespeak/Duckspeak.
Didn’t get the first one.
Ethics: the leader decides what is right or wrong
Code of ethics for Ministers: A code of rules of good conduct which Ministers and Junior Ministers would then be allowed to circumvent and by-pass through a set of waivers, not permitted for by the code itself, which will be authorised by the Prime Minister under the excuse that someone’s services are indispensable when in fact they are not, where such waivers only serve to cover-up back room deals.
Culture: An opportunity to show disrespect to an MP by handing him the job to serve as Junior Minister for Culture. Activities which qualify as culture include: (i) ghana-fests where 6-year olds sing pro-government propaganda (which the infants themselves do not understand); (ii) local events like Gieh Hal-Luna, where a 27-year old MP who happens to be the son of the Mayor is honored; (iii) organising the hawkers market next to a Renzo Piano project; and (iv) last but not least, Jason 2018 (enough said).
Clowns: A cabinet of 23 incompetent leaders who do stupid things about serious matters that need to be taken very seriously, but which invariably end up as one big joke.
I don’t know why this is national news. In Europe, when your bills go up or down, you get a letter from your provider, and that’s it.
Parliament Code of Ethics = a written morality code from the observance of which J Muscat issues “waivers” for the convenience of some LP faithful.
A positive press: any journalist that doesn’t ask any probing questions.
A destructive and/or negative press: any journalist that actually does their job of asking probing questions.
How unfortunate that the Maltese Labour leader/Prime Minister has other ideas of how to deal with those breaching a code of ethics/conduct.
To-day a UK Labour spokesperson said: “The Labour Party expects all Peers to comply with the Lords Code of Conduct, which is there to bring clarity to their dealings with outside commercial interests and consultancies.
“We demand high standards of behaviour from our parliamentarians.
“Where there is genuine evidence of wrongdoing, including non-compliance with the Code of Conduct, the Labour Party will consider appropriate disciplinary action as and when necessary.”
Opposition: An obsolete democratic concept in which the political party in a minority leads a system of scrutiny of the government led by the majority as one of the safeguards of democracy. The time for political parties is over, and therefore no opposition is necessary in progressive and moderate Malta. So the opposition must first be bought out with a sly offer to serve on some irrelevant boards or to advise the government on economic growth, because, 2BFrank, the government has no clue about that topic. Then, if the opposition refuses to cooperate and resorts to the use of the media to deliver its legitimate message, propose that the media should be reined in. Attack the opposition in Parliament that they are being “xewwiexa”. Eventually, the opposition must be annihilated and made to serve the Moviment.