Yet another iced bun (we’ve got enough here to set up Blackley’s again)
11 January 2013, Malta Today:
Speaking during weekly discussion programme Affari Taghna, Muscat said that removing polluting power stations to safeguard the people’s health was reason enough to go ahead with his party’s plan. (…)
During the programme, a former Enemalta engineer described the PL’s energy plan as “doable” and went on to say that Europe would consider Labour’s proposed unit cost as “still expensive”.
The engineer, Jonathan Scerri, added that the finance minister’s claim that the energy demand is expected to increase by 1% “means that he either knows that our economy is not going to grow or he is underestimating.
3 June 2013, not yet announced officially:
Jonathan Scerri takes up his new role as CEO of Wasteserv Malta, the state waste management agency.
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And yet they couldn’t organise a bun fight in a cake shop.
Here you mentioned him as a complete unknown:
He was also appointed to the Enemalta board and reported here on The Times’ 30th April edition:
Just to put him in context Jonathan Scerri is Quinton Scerri’s brother. Quinton Scerri is Zabbar’s major and Nuxxelina’s boyfriend
Who got the iced bun contract – that guy with the van and the recorded messages?
‘Hawn tad-donuts! Ara x’ghandna illum. Ghandna ‘d-donuts! Min jirid donuts?’
Is he constantly parked outside the Pink Palace these days handing them out?
Is he also the one on the Enemalta board?
“The other directors on the Enemalta board include Louis Giordimaina, Joe Falzon, Steve Agius, Tony Chircop, Jonathan Scerri and Lara Boffa.”
Kollha bezlin u jridu jieklu b’zewgt ixduq, ibda minn Franco, kompli fuq Frank u spicca bi Franco Mercieca! Biex niFRANKaw fil-pagi tal-ministri.
Issa biex isod halq kullhadd se jahtar il-membri parlamentari fuq in-naha tal-gvern cermenijiet ta’ awtoritajiet tal-gvern, b’emenda fil-ligi li se jipprezenta dalwaqt.
Anke l-“leader of the house” se jkun membru parlamentari minn naha tal-gvern; nahseb lil Carmelo Abela se jahtar.Jew diga ghandu xi haga? Ghax jien intlift.
Hemm xi bezzun tal-krema ghalija, please?
The Muscatocracy: time to reread Orwell.
If getting a job with these lot is this simple, I should go forth and tell him that I used to clean his shiny ruddy billboards everyday to make sure his propoganda was as shiny as his chin.
As new CEO of Wasteserv, maybe he can take on the task of cleaning the detritus from Labour’s skip. A holistic approach is recommended.
Unfortunately the double talk on the power station by Joseph Muscat worked miracles for him.