Email sent to employees of the Malta Environment and Planning Authority, today
To All MEPA Employees
Dear Colleagues,
Following the Call for Applications for filling the position of Chief Executive Officer within the Authority and following the interviews held with the two applicants for the post, I wish to announce that the Prime Minister has approved the report of the Interviewing Board which had recommended the appointment of Mr Johann Buttigieg to the position.
Mr Buttigieg will be taking up his duties as CEO of MEPA as from Monday, 3rd June 2013.
Although the responsibilities of CEO of MEPA are very demanding, they are also very challenging, and I wish Mr Buttigieg every success in his new role.
Vincent Cassar
So much for that call for applications – just pity the poor suckers who took it seriously and went to already the trouble of applying for the job when right at the outset it was earmarked for Johan Buttigieg, who was in there already from Day One of the new government, telling people – including (ex) CEO Ian Stafrace what to do.
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Ghastly grammar again.
Demanding and challenging are not antonyms.
Vincent Cassar is officially subliterate.
And the email is signed by Vincent Cassar as “Chairman.”
Shouldn’t that be “Part time Chairman”?
Anzi, “Chairman bil-Prekarjat”?
This heavy handedness, will ultimately lead to LP’s own undoing. The way they’re acting will result in the loss of the trust of switchers who believed LP’s rhetoric and of those who argued that Joseph is new ‘u nippruvawh’. In a way, let’s hope they ‘keep it up’.
“I wish to announce that the Prime Minister has approved the report of the Interviewing Board which had recommended the appointment of Mr Johann Buttigieg to the position.”
Judging by what they are saying, one is forgiven to think that the Prime Minister has no say. He just accepted what the interviewing board recommended. Who are the members of this board?
The unofficial CEO of MEPA is now official.
What happens now to the numerous pending permits he (joinlty) has with property speculators and with hotel owners? His name might not show on the application since he was already a MEPA employee.
Was the decision to grant permit to all hotels to raise two floors announced before his official appointment to appear as though he had no say in the decision?
Vincent Cassar huwa dak li sar minflok Austin Walker u issa qieghed jithallas bis-soldi?
Id-differenza hi li Austin Walker kien full-timer, mentri Vincent Cassar jidhol ghax-xoghol darba fil-gimgha. Fir-realta l-istess paga ghandhom.
The perfect illustration of ‘if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.’
U dan x’tahwid hu? F’entita l-post ta’ CEO isir b’sejha u f’ohrajn le. Lanqas konsistenza interna m’ghandu dan il-Gvern.
I’d like to see the allocation of points in this interview. If it was done through a call, its supposed to be in the public domain.
I’d like to see a list of those who sat on the interviewing board.
Maybe this information can be demanded in Parliament?
Vincent Cassar huwa dak li, kontra kull sens ta’ etika u rispett lejn shabu l-periti, uza il-posizzjoni ta’ President tal-Kamra tal-Periti biex jinghogob mal-PL biex jinhatar Chairman tal-MEPA.
Let us put the press release from Vincent Cassar in context. He hardly ever issued any press releases. Yet, upon Mintoff’s demise he was extra quick to issue a press release, on behalf of the Chamber of Architects, to praise Mintoff. Why?
Vincent Cassar ignored the harm Mintoff’s government caused to many architects in the eighties and before. He forgot that following the Mnarja protest (1982) it was a Mintoff government which suspended thirty architecture students. They were forced to sign a declaration under threat that they would be kicked out of the course. Those students, now architects, condemn Vincent Cassar, who as President of the Chamber of Architects, chose to praise Mintoff.
Who was the other applicant?
Sandro Chetcuti