Mrs Michelle Muscat was there, taking pictures for the femli elbumm

Published: June 18, 2013 at 2:41pm

press conference castille

Mrs Michelle Muscat told a Sunday magazine interviewer that she and her husband are very conscious of their good fortune and that they are determined “not to waste a single minute of these five years”.

And she means it.

She was at that grandiose press conference this morning, taking photographs while standing around 20 feet behind her husband.

That would be because she wanted her rikordji to be as grandiose as the setting, and if she had taken them from the front, she wouldn’t have the full picture of her man standing importantly in front of all those reporters coralled in their special expensive pen.

So that’s why his frontal pate was sprayed brown once more this morning. They would have had to spray over the halo at the back.

It’s going to be five years of very black humour.

12 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    That doesn’t look like a press conference, but like a mass said for the dead, by Pastor Joseph Muscat.

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    You say ‘halo’. I say ‘monkey’s bum’. let’s call the whole thing off.

  3. TROY says:

    If they could see me now……….

  4. Joe Micallef says:

    I like the symbolism of the press standing in front of two menacing cannons.

    I’m sure it was intended.

  5. Jozef says:

    Skoss mutetti u high society, u qas jafu jaghmlu uzu mill-Berga ta’ Kastilja.

    Lanqas pjazza, erm rawndabawt, ma jhallu bi kwieta. Jigifieri dan ghalaq id-dahla ghal-Belt biex jghidlina kemm hu bravu?

    Minn liema toqba ta’ liema hajt tas-sejjieh hargu dan-nies?

  6. Jozef says:

    Jaf x’inhu jaghmel qal. 1:25!

    Immagina kieku ma jafx.

  7. anthony says:

    It is a real pity that Girolamo Cassar did not follow Carlo Maderno’s example and incorporate a Loggia delle Benedizioni.

    He did not foresee the advent of Joey I suppose.

    I suggest that the Berga ta’ Kastilja be pulled down and replaced by a smaller replica of the Palazzo Venezia.

    Truly sickening.

  8. Josette says:

    Maybe that’s Michelle’s job at OPM – official photographer and Keeper of the Pate.

    • TinaB says:

      According to this diehard Laburist, this is Michelle’s job at Castille:

      “.haqqu proset kkira ta ekk qedin jaghmlu qieshom ma jafu lil haddtmur kastilja ikollok apuntament mal mara tal priministru u icempilek anna u tkelmek bit telcell u tajdlek in ma kellikx apuntament meta dan lapuntament sar fluficju tal priministru lanqas it telek fuq tajdlek xgara tkelmek min fuq it telecel barra fit triq hdejn il bieb ta kastilja qiesna animali dan domt nistenna xharejn ghal dan lapuntament jitnejlu bin nies”

  9. True blue says:

    Why didn’t he ask them in?

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