
Published: June 18, 2013 at 11:02pm
The ministerial code of ethics

The ministerial code of ethics

Joseph Muscat said on Bondi+ that he’s going to change the ministerial code of ethics because it was written in the days when very few people had mobile phones and mobile phones were “haga daqshekk” and nobody had heard of the internet.

And also because (making a gesture with his raised thumb and forefinger to indicate thickness) the code is that thick, implying that it was way too thick for his people to be bothered reading, and he wants something shorter.

“Qisa briksa,” he said. I stopped flicking through the newspaper. Did I hear right – BRIKSA? The prime minister said BRIKSA?

Yes, he did.

‘Briksa’ is really uneducated Maltese: plural – briks (bricks); singular – briksa

And while the English word is used in a mangled format, the meaning is not the same. Briks/briksa are not used for actual bricks, but for what, in English, are known as concrete breeze blocks.

So now we know. Labour ministers can’t be expected to read the code of ethics because it’s as cumbersome as a briksa.

Briksa indeed. Imbasta dawk il-hafna pozi.

36 Comments Comment

  1. Dumbo says:

    L’educazione e’ come l’eleganza; non puoi fingere di averla.

  2. maryanne says:

    It’s fun to end the first 100 days with a laugh and a briksa.

  3. Tesla says:

    Tonight’s Bondi+ wasn’t one of his best acting performances. He kept thinking of the spot and he’s sh*t at public speaking.

    Almost after every question, he said: “Ermmm” several times. That is equivalent to the loading screen you get when you start up your computer; that shouldn’t be the point of reference of a prime minister of any country.

    He just lacks confidence and doesn’t trust his own words.

  4. Grezz says:

    They might discuss the Ministerial Code of Ethics whilst sharing a chipsa or two at Mc Donald’s. They might even bump into Joe Grima there.

  5. canon says:

    So according to Joseph Muscat even the ten commandments should be rewritten because at the time of Moses no mobile phones existed.

  6. anthony says:

    The next iced bun.

    Kummisarju Ghal-Pozi Nazzjonali.

  7. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    He clearly has to simplify in order to ensure all his parliamentarians understand.

    I would have thought a simple line like “If appointed Minister of PS you will be appointed on a full time basis and no part time work is allowed, whether you are paid for it or not” should be easy enough to understand. Every Maltese person understands the concept of “full time” and “part time” work.

  8. matt says:

    Daphne, as I have written to you in the past, it is my belief that the MLP has a hidden agenda to pull Malta out of the EU. They can’t do it overnight but they are gradually gearing up for this plan.

    Under the PN administration, EU started to conduct a study regarding what is the best way to connect Malta and Gozo, The expense for this study is being paid by the EU.

    Now, out of the blue Joseph Muscat decided to hire the Chinese government to do feasibility study exclusively of a bridge and ignoring the feasibility of a tunnel.

    To me it is obvious that MLP wants to distance itself from the EU. A worrying future for Malta.

    • ken il malti says:

      I think that just might be a swell idea.

      It just might prevent Malta from becoming the Haiti of the Mediterranean.

    • maryanne says:

      Next step, Alfred Sant as MEP.

    • Denis says:

      Better check if these morons know about this study? EU procedures seem to be to difficult to handle Dawk vjagg briksiet iehor.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      Don’t worry, it won’t happen. We are in the EU to stay.

      It took brains, diligence, acumen, skill, and sheer hard work to get us into the EU and the euro.

      Labour always take the lazy route. If getting out of the EU and the euro was dead simple then I would worry. But Labour aren’t up to the task of getting us out, let alone having the motivation.

      • Calculator says:

        I think there’s also the issue of the EU’s own perspective. Why would anyone in Brussels let a miniscule state like Malta have its way, setting a precedent for larger states to run amok?

        I’d rather imagine they would come down hard on the Maltese (Labour) government to make an example of it instead.

  9. Allo Allo says:

    Qisha cangun, Joe.

    [Daphne – Cangun huwa tal-gebel. Briksa tal-konkrit.]

    • Allo Allo says:

      Mitt darba w’elf. Imma jekk Joe Muscat ried jiddeskrivi kemm hu ohxon u goff il-kodici, dik l-espressjoni propja

  10. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Mohhom iebsa daqs briska. That’s for certain.

    • Gahan says:

      Jekk xejn “Rashom iebsa daqs il-gebel “ Jew “Rashom taz-zonqor”.

      Briksa wahda , ghaxar briksiet , u hajt tal-briks. Issa dahlet fil-Malti u accettata.M’hemmx kelma ohra ghal-Briksa.

    • Anthony Briffa says:

      Il-kuntrarju. Mohhom vojt bhal briksa. That’s for certain.

  11. Matthew S says:

    I can’t get over the fact that he used the thickness of the document as a reason as to why it should be changed.

    Can you imagine David Cameron or Angela Merkel arguing against a book or document because it is too thick for his or her MPs to read?

    This is the same government which until a few weeks ago was boasting about its planned efforts to improve literacy.

    It’s also coming from the same people who, in an effort to show us how intellectual they are, regularly fill their websites and Facebook pages with photographs of them casually reading thick, classic books and signing documents

    • Denis says:

      Most Labour supporters have never picked up a book in their lives let alone read one, so why do you think Labour are able to shove lies and untruths to their supporters?

      They come down as “salvaturi” to the illiterate masses and believe me we have a lot and a lot of them about.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      It’s the same with the OLAF report. I expect Muscat has read it. Of course he hasn’t. Anyone who has could not stand by Dalli unless they are as bent as a nine bob note.

    • observer says:

      Thick books the likes of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ perhaps?

  12. Gakku says:

    The code of ethics is 3600 words. If I copy and paste it in a word document that is eight pages. They must be using very thin bricks in Burmarrad.

  13. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat should also simplify Erskine May for the benefit of Mr Speaker. It’s a thick as two briks.

  14. Paddling Duck says:

    Maybe it needs to be as thick as a briksa because ethics is not plain and simple and the possible cases of conflict of interest, mismanagment or/and possible misdeamours are very numerous indeed.

    What’s next? A summarised bible because it’s too long? A summarised user manual becasuse they’re too long too?

    Mhux xorta if you don’t know how everything works or the whole picture? Ara vera amateurs.

  15. Gorg Borg says:

    What a chav of a PM we have.

  16. jojo says:

    Briksa here and Briksa there but you never know what the guy thinks.

  17. stella says:

    You don’t expect them to read all that – 3400 words.

  18. etil says:

    Code of Ethic thickness – I think the PL are too thick to understand it.

  19. stella says:

    Do you expect the Labour cabinet to read such a thick volume daqs briksa, when they could be reading Fifty Shades of Grey?

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