Let's avoid the subject, shall we?

Published: July 7, 2009 at 10:06pm


Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar updated their website two days ago, and still no mention of Valletta. They remind me of one of those families who Avoid Certain Subjects, in the strange belief that not talking about them means that they haven’t happened.

So the latest environment and development news from FAA is:

Qormi development destroys 18th century Armoury – Press Release
NGOs slam Siggiewi Mayor and demand investigations – Press Release
NGOs call for PM’s direct intervention – Press Release

NGOs call for PM’s direct intervention, eh? Won’t they call him arrogant if he does that? I love it: they want the prime minister to intervene directly in decisions taken by legally constituted bodies, when it suits them. And then when he does what he was elected by The People to do – take decisions – and those decisions don’t suit them, they scream blue murder.


6 Comments Comment

  1. embor says:

    I remember a protest in front of MEPA offices by FAA some years back. The banner read “Keep politics out of MEPA.” Now they are asking the PM to intervene on the Bahrija case. How’s that for consistency?

  2. An A (H1 N1) virus lying in wait inside Leonard’s body says:

    Certain subjects you can avoid, but it’s only a matter of time.

  3. David Buttigieg says:


    Not really, I’ve known more then my share of spoilt brats – that is their typical behaviour.

  4. Rita Camilleri says:

    Can’t these people just keep their silly mouths shut? They are seriously making me sick. Don’t they have anything better to do?

  5. P says:

    Yesterday I saw and heard for the first time Saviour Balzan’s interview with Astrid Vella of FAA regarding the St John’s Co-Cathedral project, following a link in one of your blogs. This woman feels that she can make allegations unashamedly about other people and repeat them as if “the people” have given her some authority to do so. And then she asks for support if somebody challenges her in court.

  6. Mario De Bono says:

    And then people wonder why so many are uncomfortable with FAA’s and Astrid’s ways. Their way is to shout so long and loud that the powers-that-be buy their silence by doing exactly what they want. They succeeded with St John’s Co-Cathedral. What is unfortunate is that the prime minister and the archbishop gave in to stridency. I would have challenged her to a shouting match, with the facts to hand, like the fact that the whole area in front of St John’s Co-Cathedral is just one big rubble-pit.

    FAA has taken a leaf out of the Nazi handbook: misinformation, selective presentation of information, lack of consistency as to which projects they attack, the slinging of mud, veiled and open allegations, the cynical use of the media and of everyone who has an axe to grind against the government, and it goes on.

    And we, who are the silent majority, are expected to agree because FAA says it speaks on our behalf. We are supposed to be grateful because Astrid, and Lino, and George de Bono stand up for our rights, because we don’t have a voice and no balls either.

    The same tactics were used by the American marketing people in the 1930s. They were picked up by Josef Goebbels, and are now being used by organisations which lead the determinedly blind, blinkered or prejudiced.

    But to what end? Is the environment really their agenda? FAA might have started out with good intentions. But time goes by, and people’s heads become swollen and then they are courted by others with a political agenda. And the organisation begins to serve the egos of a few at the top. It happens, even in the best organisations. And sadly, FAA has gone down that road.

    That’s why FAA can’t pronounce itself officially on the Piano Project. The limelight has been stolen away and the people have spoken before FAA did, by going to the exhibition and commenting about it positively. So FAA is left without words on this one, and instead rushes to protect an armoury in Qormi which, lo and behold, already enjoys the protection it deserves. And there are no apologies for their cock-up. What despicable people.

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