I think you all need to read this letter

Published: June 27, 2013 at 12:16pm

Just left-click on the image to enlarge it. Valerie Borg, who has been known for her vociferous support for Labour, for years in the media, has had this letter published in the Nationalist Party’s Sunday newspaper, Il-Mument.

That was possibly the only place she could get it published. It is about the vindictive transfer of her nursing officer.

Where I part company with Mrs Borg is in her belief that the prime minister has nothing to do with this. He has. He has created the environment in which these things can happen, where they are encouraged to happen.

The tragedy of the last election campaign is that his own supporters picked up on the fact that his talk of ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ was false, and took it to mean ‘now it’s our turn at the wheel, so get out of the way’, while those formerly in the other camp took his words at face value.


39 Comments Comment

  1. Blue says:

    Pero mhux tort ta’ Joseph. How pathetic. Joseph is the root cause of this mentality. Five years are a very long time.

  2. Redneck Rabti says:

    If Ms Borg once believed that the minister should intervene about a toaster, maybe she should ask him to intervene in this matter.

    Anyway, if what she alleges is true, it is shocking that someone can get transferred at the whim of their colleagues.

    [Daphne – I think we should at least commend Mrs Borg for standing up to be counted. Given the current atmosphere, that really takes some doing.]

    • bob-a-job says:

      Valerie Borg and I have crossed pens on occasion but having met her a few times on a personal level I can safely say that by nature she is a kind, sensitive person.

      Discarding her personal problems and taking on board the suffering of others is very commendable.

      Doing so this at this particular time and with a Government that does not take to being criticised verges on the courageous.

    • gil says:

      I agree. In this Cold War environment I urge more people to stand up to this sort of vindictive ignorance based on political tribalism just as this lady has.

    • A. Charles says:

      I know Valerie and consider her as a friend. She is a very kind lady.

    • Victor says:

      Well said Daphne!

      • mattie says:

        Valerie must keep the first commandment in mind – for me its one of the only few that apply to the days and age we are living in.

        “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have strange gods before me”.

        Valerie, Allah hu akbar, jghidulek il-Musulmani, Alla Kbir il-Kattolici – taghmel lil hadd Alla tieghek, hlief Alla l-imbierek, nghidlek jien.

  3. Bubu says:

    And they still have blind faith in their infallible Joseph.

    This tendency of Maltese Labour supporters, even relatively educated ones, to be bedazzled by their leaders probably merits a serious anthropological study.

    This vulnerability to cults of personality is usually much more typical of far-right movements than (purportedly) socialist ones.

    But then again National Socialism *is* a form of socialism after all.

    • Another John says:

      ‘blind faith’ as brought about by a heavy dose of ’emotional investment’, as Daphne once put it. It is very difficult for logical reasoning to over-come such an investment. Maybe gradually, disillusionment with fake people will let reality sink in. But only maybe.

  4. charon says:

    Can’t say that I ever admired Valerie Borg but I do now.

    It seems that her priorities are a) God, b) country, c) colleagues and LASTLY (and this says a lot), the P.L.

    If Joseph Muscat did not know about this incident, he knows now. What is he going to do about it?

  5. P Shaw says:

    I remember Valerie Borg to be the pre-online newspapers version of Eddy Privitera.

  6. Mr Green says:

    I know it is asking too much, but I wish you would translate such things into English.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      I would rather Daphne continue her invaluable investigative work than engage in translating. I find that if one concentrates and employs a ‘broad sweep’, one can get the gist. The ‘comments’ then put more flesh on the main points.

  7. Congratulations to Ms Valerie Borg for having the courage to speak out.

    I think that her reference to Joseph Muscat is not so much a note in his defence, but rather a way out that she is offering him to correct the injustice that she is pointing out.

    I do agree that if leaders give the impression, through what they do and not what they say, that now it is “our” turn to have our way, this does encourage persons with a grudge to seek vengeance.

  8. PWG says:

    Does Mrs Borg run the Diabetic Clinic?

    • A. Charles says:

      She works there.

      • etil says:

        Until now – she might get a ‘vindicative’ transfer for opening her mouth to defend a colleague.

      • Brincat Farah says:

        She should be running the hospital – maybe we could see real change for the better.

      • Gannini Borg says:

        Serious accusations have been made, staff have been calumnied.

        And the hospital administration have so far not acted at all.

        An investigation is called for and Ms Borg must explain herself clearly. Respect for the truth and honesty is called for.

  9. Felix says:

    Yes we should highly commend Mrs. Borg for being honest and standing up to be counted. I think though that when people like her try to exclude Joseph from blame, they do it for the sake of justifying themselves on how they voted, for now.

    By time, they will voice out loud, but it’s still too early for that. But it will happen. And apparently it will happen much sooner than anyone can expect.

  10. Last Post says:

    Prosit Ms Valerie Borg. Bhalek kont nirraguna fi zmien gvern Laburista (ilu bicca sew issa), sakemm indunajt li l-akbar ghadu ta’ min jahdem m’hux il-management imma siehbu li jahdem mieghu.

    Iktar tard intbaht ukoll li x’aktarx l-ikbar ghadu ta’ Laburist li jirnexxi m’hux Nazzjonalist, imma Laburist iehor, generalment mikul bl-ghira u l-ambizzjoni.

    Intbaht ukoll li fil-politika l-ikbar ghadu ta’ kandidat/deputat Laburist mhux dak Nazzjonalist imma siehbu l-Laburist stess. Naturalment dan japplika wkoll fil-kamp Nazzjonalista.

    Waqt li genwinament nissimpatizza mal-kawza tieghek (jigifieri mat-tbatija doppja ta’ dik in-Nursing Officer) wisq nibza li l-akbar difett tieghek hu li int “l-ikbar Laburista fuq din l-art Maltija” – mhux ghax m’ghandekx dritt tkun, tafx.

    Imma l-esperjenza ghallmitni li, minkejja s-slogans kollha tal-Labour, man-Nazzjonalisti tghix waqt li taht il-Laburisti stenna l-inkwiet.

    Inti (u min hu bhalek) tfakkruni f’dak li kien jghidli missieri (li ma kienx Nazzjonalist) meta kien jarani nitbaqbaq: “Iftah mohhok u tahsibx b’qalbek, ghax b’li thoss, xi hass hazin jaqbdek”.

    Nawguralek, avolja hlief ghal dak li jaf kulhadd, ftit li xejn naf fuqek.

  11. Jozef says:

    The old guard sussed him out a long time ago.

    Valerie Borg knows Labour inside out. Who’s Muscat?

  12. Smirnoff says:

    Coming from Valerie is really saying something. We all know who she she sides with but can honestly say that she is a kind woman and very dedicated to her job. Politically, we do not agree but that’s how it goes at the end of the day.

    Still, she merits to be commended.

  13. Grosvenor says:

    Feel sorry for the woman. She has been scammed like the other (what was it?) 35,999 voters got scammed into believing Muscat will make Malta a heaven on earth.


  14. Jar Jar says:

    Reminds me of the ‘happy days’ when a bank manager told off a cleaning lady for really poor work and the next day (and I mean ‘the next day’) the manager got transferred.

  15. Edward says:

    How can someone say they hate cruelty and injustice but then vote Labour? It just doesn’t make sense to me.

    • mattie says:

      Not everyone was born ‘sharp’ or capable of seeing beyond logic, only the exceptional few. That’s why you or I wouldn’t understand her.

      She’s a good woman nonetheless, probably too good for this world.

  16. Lomax says:

    This woman has balls.

    • Brincat Farah says:

      Unfortunately she has not given us any concrete facts and no names, what a let down.

      Maybe she is afraid?

  17. P. Busuttil says:

    Ma nafx jien x’naqbad nahseb. Din setat marret ghand Joseph Muscat dirett u titkellem mieghu.

    Kien hemm ghalfejn tippubblika ittra fuq il-Mument? Fuq gazzetta tal-partit li ma kienetx tahmel?

    Ghandi d-dubji tieghi ghaliex ghamlet din il-mossa.

  18. kram says:

    Valerie Borg has written in the past letters to Il-Mument, and she had explained why, because it-Torca or il-Kulhadd, can’t remember which, won’t publish her letters she had said.

  19. canon says:

    Don’t be surprised that Labour will decide to give an iced bun to keep Valerie Borg quiet like they did to Anglu Farrugia or Adrian Vassallo.

  20. Gahan says:

    Lil Valerie ninzghalha l-kappell talli hennet u qabzet ghal min bata ingustizzja kbira.

    Il-mara qalba tajba u rat kif issib skuza ghal Muscat.

    Il-konvinzjoni taghha li Joseph m’ghandux x’jaqsam mal-bicca, issa dalwaqt tnehhija, ghax b’nies li kienu jahdmu bil-qalb bhal-NO taghha smajt b’wiehed Laburist li kien jahdem mal-Meals on Wheels, kien jibda’ f’xi l-erbgha ta’ fil-ghodu halli l-ikel jasal fil-hin lil-klijenti.

    Spicca bil-fattiga li kellu jikkmandah, u jibda’ x-xoghol fit-tmienja ghax l-iehor Laburist iktar minnu.

    Ma kitebx ittri imma jahlef li se jivvota kontra dan il-partit tal-hdura.

  21. Brincat Farah says:

    If I were Simon Busuttil I would have my picture taken with Valerie Borg, as she is one who is seeing the light of truth.

    We need more people like her who are brave and able to stand up for the oppressed. She is a true crusader.

    We need women who are fearless endowed with energy.

  22. mattie says:

    Valerie Borg is a good woman, in every sense. She’s just appalled. I don’t blame her.

  23. Bridgette Farmington says:

    Ms Borg is too good a woman, but easily duped.

    Hope Francis Anastasi told her all the truth and nothing but the truth, because it would ridicule, devastate and destroy her.

  24. valerie Borg says:

    Quite frankly ,tomorrow i am to attend a dicipline board who has incited me because i wrote that the diabetic clinic is operating poorly and our acting no is as sympathetic as one Joseph Stalin.I really do not give a hoot what colour you are because to me,people are people but please bear with me because i will be going through a difficult time.It seems that democracy is dead and one is to be condemmed for writing something not his or her liking-valerie Borg

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