Peter Paul Zammit and Manuel Mallia branch out

Published: June 30, 2013 at 4:33pm

If you can do it to cut costs, you majtezwel do it to bring in revenue. But we haven’t got to the chocolate Faberge eggs stage yet.

Sa doughnuts tal-gamm jaslu. U bigilla, ghax dak easy.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Bonnici says:

    How nice hearing that when you have done a night shift and need some sleep.

  2. ciccio says:

    Issa kull ma jonqos hu li l-Ministru tax-Xandir u tal-PBS (cioe il-Ministru tal-Pulizija, Armata, Sikgurta’ Nazzjonali) ipoggi lil-Gorg tad-Donuts fuq TVM kuljum bejn is-6.30pm u t-7.45pm flok Norman Vella ta’ TVHemm, waqt li ahna noqghodu nsegwu l-propaganda waqt li nithanzru fid-donuts toghma ta’ Dezerta tal-Cops Caterers mat-te bil-lumi.

  3. Gahan says:

    A fitting song about street vendors:

  4. bob-a-job says:

    … and this is where the whole idea must have come from

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