The cretinous views of a former Labour Party secretary-general, who has just been given a salaried position at Malta Enterprise
July 9, 2013 at 10:02pm
Jimmy Magro, commenting on’s comments-board:
The EU has to main objectives:
1. to defend and encourage the people traffickers
2. to exploit all migrants in the EU by providing a massive pool of black migrants employed illegally and/or at cheap wages
Shame to the EU that it continues to pursue the wrong policies from a Commission that is not elected and not representative of the people’s demands to refrain from encouraging illegalities
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Jimmy, get lost. Bugger off even.
Dear Jimmy – Stick to beach buggies and keep your gob shut; you will cut a better figure.
Pablo Trincia – I Disperati del Sahara –
‘Hail China! Down with the EU!’ Will probably be the next battle cry of Muscat’s aficionados.
On Super Wan news this evening it was reported that Reno Calleja has suggested that Gozo should be twinned with a Chinese province.
Yes, Gua Zho.
Is he still planning to be an MEP?
What a parochial twit .
Dan jaf x’inhu jghid?
Miskin. Another one who wanted us to stay out of Europe.
Joseph Muscat has managed to bring all the “hidden” racial hatred to the fore overnight, and if he doesn’t put a check on it right now, he’ll have much to answer for.
so true.
Jimmy Magro was General Secretary of the MLP when KMB was their leader. Don’t expect better.
[Daphne – He was also secretary-general when Sant was the leader. He was secretary-general until 2003.]
Deranged and dangerous. But aren’t they all?
PL doing the limbo dance, how low can you go !
But of course Jimmy Magro happily forgot about his anti-EU rhetoric when his daughter made full use of the Erasmus programme to spend 4 months in Belgium and utilised money originating from the EU grant that funds the programme.
The hypocrite.
The only hypocrite? The PL is just full of hypocrites, pimps, thugs and scoundrels. I feel we’re really all in big sh*t this time.
And he happily accepted the position of Executive Secretary to the Local Councils’ Association – a position which also sees him attending meetings of the Committee of the Regions, an EU institution – is he going to retain this post, while also serving as whatever it is he’s been appointed to recently?
Stupid, heavily-biased views reminiscent Iron Curtain propaganda heard on the English edition of such stations as radio Tirana.
Yet they call themselves liberal, moderate and modern!
What a twat. Can’t we boycott the man at Malta Enterprise? How does one go about it?
I wonder if the collective IQ of this bunch exceeds two digits.
Jimmy, kellek ragun! Ahjar smajna minnek u sirna Svizzera tal-Mediterran…
So the man who’s at Malta Enterprise is so anti-EU that he doesn’t care about and ignores Europe-2020 or the EU’s Single Market? What does his job entail then?
Well said. I despair at the utter potential waste of resources and opportunities.
Meantime, unemployment’s rising steadily.
One would expect as such. Aside from gaffes, I haven’t heard of a single job-creating measure to be taken by the government so far.
Primo Levi: “It happened, therefore it can happen again . . .”
Benedetto Croce: ‘Se questo e’ un uomo.’
To, two, too … what’s in a word?
‘On’ and ‘to’ are also interchangeable.
The man cannot write at all.