The cretinous views of a former Labour Party secretary-general, who has just been given a salaried position at Malta Enterprise

Published: July 9, 2013 at 10:02pm
Jimmy Magro

Jimmy Magro

Jimmy Magro, commenting on’s comments-board:

The EU has to main objectives:

1. to defend and encourage the people traffickers

2. to exploit all migrants in the EU by providing a massive pool of black migrants employed illegally and/or at cheap wages

Shame to the EU that it continues to pursue the wrong policies from a Commission that is not elected and not representative of the people’s demands to refrain from encouraging illegalities

28 Comments Comment

  1. Sparky says:

    Jimmy, get lost. Bugger off even.

  2. Dumbo says:

    Dear Jimmy – Stick to beach buggies and keep your gob shut; you will cut a better figure.

  3. jimmy says:

    ‘Hail China! Down with the EU!’ Will probably be the next battle cry of Muscat’s aficionados.

  4. Bob says:

    Is he still planning to be an MEP?

  5. jojo says:

    What a parochial twit .

  6. Rocky says:

    Dan jaf x’inhu jghid?

  7. ciccio says:

    Miskin. Another one who wanted us to stay out of Europe.

  8. FP says:

    Joseph Muscat has managed to bring all the “hidden” racial hatred to the fore overnight, and if he doesn’t put a check on it right now, he’ll have much to answer for.

  9. Clifford says:

    Jimmy Magro was General Secretary of the MLP when KMB was their leader. Don’t expect better.

    [Daphne – He was also secretary-general when Sant was the leader. He was secretary-general until 2003.]

  10. U mela says:

    PL doing the limbo dance, how low can you go !

  11. Owen says:

    But of course Jimmy Magro happily forgot about his anti-EU rhetoric when his daughter made full use of the Erasmus programme to spend 4 months in Belgium and utilised money originating from the EU grant that funds the programme.

    The hypocrite.

    • Catsrbest says:

      The only hypocrite? The PL is just full of hypocrites, pimps, thugs and scoundrels. I feel we’re really all in big sh*t this time.

    • J. Aquilina says:

      And he happily accepted the position of Executive Secretary to the Local Councils’ Association – a position which also sees him attending meetings of the Committee of the Regions, an EU institution – is he going to retain this post, while also serving as whatever it is he’s been appointed to recently?

  12. Last Post says:

    Stupid, heavily-biased views reminiscent Iron Curtain propaganda heard on the English edition of such stations as radio Tirana.

    Yet they call themselves liberal, moderate and modern!

  13. H.P. Baxxter says:

    What a twat. Can’t we boycott the man at Malta Enterprise? How does one go about it?

  14. Josette says:

    I wonder if the collective IQ of this bunch exceeds two digits.

  15. Wistin Schembri says:

    Jimmy, kellek ragun! Ahjar smajna minnek u sirna Svizzera tal-Mediterran…

  16. Calculator says:

    So the man who’s at Malta Enterprise is so anti-EU that he doesn’t care about and ignores Europe-2020 or the EU’s Single Market? What does his job entail then?

    • Jozef says:

      Well said. I despair at the utter potential waste of resources and opportunities.

      Meantime, unemployment’s rising steadily.

      • Calculator says:

        One would expect as such. Aside from gaffes, I haven’t heard of a single job-creating measure to be taken by the government so far.

  17. G Borg says:

    Primo Levi: “It happened, therefore it can happen again . . .”

  18. Angus Black says:

    To, two, too … what’s in a word?

    ‘On’ and ‘to’ are also interchangeable.

    The man cannot write at all.

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