While her husband gets busy violating human rights, Mrs Muscat pulls a scam on tickets to her own concert
July 9, 2013 at 10:30pm
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Mort nara il-monologu ta’ Pino Scicluna, gol-bitha ta’ Couvre Porte il-Birgu…kien eccellenti ! Narrativa tajba u li zzommok.Pino jurik il-kruha tal-gwerra minn naha tal-“ghadu” Taljan.
Prosit Pino!
Eccellenti wkoll ir-restawr tal-post.
Kif inbidel il-Birgu , bit-turisti jduru fil-hdax ta’ bil-lejl!
Kif inbidel il-Birgu. Zgur li mhux f’4 xhur.
Grazzi ghall-vizjoni ta’ gvern Nazzjonalista bir-rigenerazzjoni tal-Belt u l-Port il-Kbira u t-thabrik tas-Sindku u l-Kunsill Lokali (idea ohra tal-PN).
Mhux biex naghmel riklam bi rhis lill-PN imma BIEX MA NINSEWX.
Il-labour kien kontra l-Kunsilli Lokali u kien jisthi johrog il-kandidati tieghu f’isem il-Partit. Tiftakruhom l-Indipendenti?
The poodle ate Michelle’s tickets.
Joseph Muscat’s Muslim consultant, on Facebook:
Mario Farrugia-Borg
L-issue mhix jekk dawn in-nies humiex bojod jew suwed, Insara jew Musulmani, Ewropej jew Afrikani. Lanqas ma hija insensittivita’ lejn it-tbatijiet taghhom, anzi nistqarr li, kieku kont flokhom, forsi kont naghmel bhalhom u nipprova naghti futur ahjar lil uliedi. Imma l-issue hawn hija li MA NHALLUX LILL-UE TIGI TAQA’ U TQUM MIC-CIRKOSTANZI PARTIKOLARI TAGHNA U TGHADDI ROMBLU MINN FUQNA. WE STAND UP TO BE COUNTED.
Sur Mario Farrugia Borg, l-issue hawn ma ghandha x’taqsam mal-EU.
L-issue hija li l-Partit Laburista sar partit tal-lemin estrem u perikoluz ghax gabar go fih lil dawk li marru fl-estrem u dan sabiex jirbah il-poter. Fil-process, il-Partit Laburista sar Moviment Hallata Ballata u xenofobu.
Issa peress li l-Partit Laburista dejjem kien kontra l-EU, qed juza din l-opportunita biex jerggha jizra’ l-istess mibgheda lejn l-EU ta’ Mintoff, li kien qasam lill-Ewropa f’dik ta’ Kajjin u dik ta’ Abel, u dan ghax qed jirrejalizza li fl-EU ma jistghax jaghmel li jrid u jabbuza kemm jiflah mil-poter.
Mr Abdul Rahman Farrugia Borg should stick to what he knows best – preaching human rights and democratic values – ”as seen from the Islamic point of view, naturally”!
Yes, Mr Farrugia Borg, do stand up to be counted – amongst the ones opposing your Government’s attempt to ride roughshod over the human rights of these people.
Sorry, but you, in particular, disgust me as you are obviously a hypocrite and an opportunist.
If I ever hear you complain again about discrimination against Muslims in Malta, I will laugh in your face.
That discrimination does exist but, after making this statement and standing with the rabid racists, I do not think that you are entitled to complain about it any more.
Figures that Joseph’s ‘Muslim consultant’ would be just as anti-EU and racist as he is.
How well Mr Farrugia-Borg parrots his master.
It’s exactly what Muscat said in Parliament last night.
Malta threatens to send boat migrants back to Libya
TODAY @ 18:22
Malta’s Prime Minister Joseph Muscat threatened to push back to Libya over 100 boat migrants, reports Maltese press. “This is not push-back, it is a signal that we are not push overs,” said Muscat. The migrants arrived on the Maltese shore on Monday. Push-backs are illegal under EU law.
I have a great admiration for Lawrence Gonzi.
Besides his leadership qualities and great sense of values, he is a man who really cares about people.
Recently, I went to an event organised to thank him for all that he did for our country. There were many speakers who praised him tremendously.
At the end of the event when almost everyone had gone, I saw Dr. Gonzi speaking to a person with Down’s syndrome. I was impressed by the way Dr. Gonzi hugged this person and by the loving and caring way Dr. Gonzi was looking at him. There were no cameras on at that moment.
Yes, Dr. Gonzi truly cares about people. In contrast, I feel Muscat cares only about himself.
Perfectly put. Unfortunately most of Malta is racist (as is most of the world’s population).
Yesterday I was listening to a radio programme and someone said that these people are changing our culture and taking over.
Correct me if I’m wrong but till now not many Maltese are converting to any other religion or roaming around in African clothing, nor do i see any of these people in management positions or in our parliament.
All I see is most of them being abused by Maltese employers looking for cheap labour and most of these people taking the first opportunity to escape our shores.
What is truly having an effect on our culture is our own attitudes and these are not changing as a result of African migrants.
Muscat does not bother abour EU laws.
One disaster after another.
Roadmap indeed.
Wonder if Frankie got one.
I can imagine the event, seating arrangements basically a Labour general conference.
U l-vjolini bdew ihanxru…..
Gaffe wahda wara l-ohra. Unbelievable.
Dalwaqt nemigra jien issa ghax diga xbajt nghix taht dan il-gvern bla sinsla fi kwalunkwe sens.
Were the tickets distributed privately with the condition that one ‘contributes’ to the Muscat fund?
“I’m on the 2nd floor. I have no idea what’s happening on the ground floor!”
Excellent. So poignantly Freudian.
The post is about tickets first and foremost not about illegal migration. I guess only high society people are allowed to attend the concert that’s why tickets were all sold out or given for free.
Just a gentile reminder the Muscat family now belong to the high society now not to the workers family.
Another ‘back to the good old days’ moment. Does anyone else have children who looked at them a bit funny when they mentioned similar antics from the ‘golden age’? These last 4 months have surely taken care of that!
I called for tickets at 9.30 am and they told me that they will be available in the afternoon because they were delayed.
I called again at 11am and they told me that they were finished.
Oh dear. Poor Mr and Mrs Rumpelstiltskin! They couldn’t organize an orgy in a whorehouse or a piss-up in a brewery, as they say.