First he stirs up hatred, then he pretends it has nothing to do with him
Exactly what did Manuel Mallia and Joseph Muscat think would happen if they made such a big thing out of their plans to violate human rights by deporting asylum seekers before they could apply for asylum – and after first telling us that they had ‘sorted out the healthy males from the rest’ and are deporting only those?
How did they think their defiance and their brinkmanship would be read by those who voted for them, and some of those who did not?
We had an immediate tsunami of hatred, racism and xenophobia, and thank heavens for the few who stood up to be counted against the government’s actions. That really made the prime minister wake up and smell the coffee. And now he’s blustering about trying to put the toothpaste back into the tube – another cliche he might like to pick up and use for his next interview on an international news channel.
Panicked by the massing of his supporters under the Malta Taghna banner for the organisation of a big demonstration against African immigrants in a couple of weeks (and another a smaller one this Sunday), he was pushed into announcing that the demonstration, billed as “uniting with our prime minister” against immigration does not have his support or that of his government.
It should not take place, he said.
And because two association members of his consultative council on LGBT rights have resigned in protest at his actions, the prime minister has also been panicked into agreeing NGOs which assist migrants.
But he undermined his own empty gestures by repeating, in the same breath, his provocative statement that he and his government are “united in considering all options”.
He has, however, failed to define ‘options’. Most of us would not consider anything which breaks the law, flies in the face of our European partners, defies an ECHR ruling, or violates human rights, to be an option. But his united government clearly do.
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Can he use the veto to stop the demonstrations?
Or maybe he can push the demonstrators back?
Probably will give the idiots a waiver at the last minute.
He should separate men from women and kids before he pushes them back home…for their own good.
If Joseph Muscat does not support the demonstration, that can only make it a demonstration AGAINST the government.
I hope the low IQ Labourites realise this.
The same people who celebrated the ‘partnership’ referendum victory.
He’s useless. If it should not happen, he should give clear instructions and assume responsibility for the decision.
The buck stops with him. Wanker.
Thanks a lot switchers, I have more respect for Labour’s grassroots, at least they don’t know anything else.
Bunch of losers, all of you. Giving chances to this fake wasn’t an option.
For many of them the election was not won by Joseph Muscat because of their votes but because of this blog. The mind boggles.
Hear, hear
Jien se ivvotajt lil Joseph ghax Joseph ried jghaqqadna (tie us up in knots).
Did anyone expect someone who plays dirty by promising anything and everything to all and sundry, including secret agreements, would suddenly start to play clean when in power? Come on…
Joseph Muscat can never get anything right. Doesn’t he know that it is National Socialist policy that having selected the healthy young males, they are put in the way of work. They are not deported.
After becoming the de facto leader and instigator of the far right, Joseph Muscat doesn’t know what hit him.
Joseph Muscat whipped up a frenzy of xenophobia, and now here is his latest attempt at damage limitation – “PM wants more foreign students”.
Lets see if we can top the British riots! Fantastic. Joey ibqa sejjer hekk!
I will be there, counting the switchers.
The PM has made a clear statement that the government was united in considering all options, including the illegal option of of applying a push-back.
It therefore follows that every member of the cabinet approved the consideration and if necessary, the execution of this illicit act.
This is no other way to look at this and in the absence of any statements to the contrary, this event will seriously dent the democratic credentials of all the members of his cabinet.
If the government was united in considering all options, then the cabinet cannot ‘wash their hands’ of this decision.
In Opposition they all condemned the PN governments’ illegal repatriation of a group of immigrants to their country of origin.
Now in government, what they hoped and planned for is to do the same thing and the ball would stop there.
But the NGOs luckily dashed their hopes and thwarted their plans.
This should make it plainly clear to the switchers that JosephPL is a bunch of hypocrites and opportunists.
Too late by about four months, our Joseph.
I don’t recall him refusing the support and votes of the Imperium Europa groupies at election time.
Apparently some of the refugees brought in at the Police department last Tuesday had gunshot wounds and were planned to be deported to Libya without any medical treatment.
Normally irregular immigrants are taken to Lister barracks as they reach shore after being rescued by the AFM. Last Tuesday the plan was already in place to take them to the depot and transport them directly to the airport for deportation.
Practically the NGOs and ECHR injunction blew the whole plan in their face and the ‘pushback operation’ had to be terminated. This is what an NGO volunteer recall happening.
O course the plan was already in place. What do you think that ridiculous posturing in the doorway of Auberge de Castille was about?
“united in considering all options”.
One of the options suggested by Norman Lowell was to stop them at out sea and to shoot them if they didn’t turn back.
Does this mean that Joseph Muscat considered this as well?
“The respect that leadership must have requires that one’s ethics be without question. A leader not only stays above the line between right and wrong, he stays well clear of the gray areas.”
— G. Alan Bernard
Joseph Muscat always considers all options.
But after much consideration, he has the innate habit of always picking the same one: that of fucking up.
All that foul language and all those threats be it against the immigrants and also against those who oppose push backs are all the doing of Dr Muscat.
The one that hit me most was from a woman who wished that the women opposers to push backs get raped by a black guy. Imagine the hate this person has in her. May she see the light.
Can the police withhold permits on grounds of public order ?
And the Commissioner of Police has disbanded the SAG !
The most honourable thing for Joseph Muscat to do at the moment is to push himself right back into the opposition and let the PN straighten out his mess again. If he still insists on quoting St. Francis and doing the opposite then he is the one bringing this country on the verge of civil war. I wonder how many of his MP’s are willing to stand and be counted in support of these asylum seekers’ basic human rights. So far only Marlene Farrugia has made a noise. Perhaps the others are playing their usual game of sitting on the fence waiting to see where it is safest to land for their own egoistic benefit.
Am I right to say that the swastika represents a man in motion, but without a head?
How fitting for the lot at Malta Taghna (lkoll).
Il-fatt li mad-dinja kollha waqa’ ghac-cajt bid-decizjoni zbaljata li ha biex iregga’ lura d-dghajjes lejn il-Libja, JM ma jridx ikompli jhammar wiccu u jkomplu jixluh li hu razzist. Ghalhekk qieghed izomm ‘l boghod milli jiddimostra mal-massa ‘moghoz’ li ghandu.
Remember this?
Joseph Muscat huwa l-persuna li jista jghaqqad ‘l dan il-pajjiz, igib lil Malta f’pajjiz ta’ poplu wiehed…
Are the police going to be there in full gear with gas too? Then we can truly state that a time machine exists and that unknowingly we have gone back to the good old years of Labour.