“We raise our voice when necessary, without any sense of inferiority” – can you believe this twit…sorry, tweet?

Published: July 12, 2013 at 2:09pm

That man Muscat melts when he sees – David Cameron – was right when he said that too many tweets make a twat.

Here’s an eyebrow-raising tweet from the Labour Party, retweeted by none other than the master himself.

Partit Laburista @PL_Malta 16h
@JosephMuscat_J: In #EU we are reasonable partners,raising our voice when necessary,without any sense of inferiority
Retweeted by Joseph Muscat

19 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    It was in his address to Van Rompuy yesterday. I switched to telebejgh until it was Simon’s turn.

    Speak for yourself, Bozo.

  2. La Redoute says:

    It was prompted by the PL. They sent out exactly the same tweet three hours before Joseph did. Rather foolishly, they addressed it to him.

    Check his twitter account:


  3. Liberal says:

    When someone feels the need to proclaim that he has no sense of inferiority, he probably does.

  4. J.J. says:

    We’re back to “Hadd ma jista’ ghalina”.

  5. tinnat says:

    Oh my, what an unbelievable twat. North Africans are now welcome as long as they’re students.


  6. M. Cassar says:

    “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
    — Abraham Lincoln

  7. Tom Double Thumb says:

    As a Maltese citizen living and working in a place other than Malta, I would like to join those who are protesting against the Maltese government’s decision to “push back” the immigrants.

    I would also like to appeal to other Maltese emigrants to show by every possible means that they do not approve or support Muscat’s decision, behaviour and attitude on this matter.

    Other countries and other governments welcomed thousands of Maltese who for various reasons decided to leave the country of their birth to seek a better life elsewhere.

  8. Calculator says:


    Since Joseph says they’re ‘united’, doesn’t that mean that Helena Dalli’s declaration on the issue is false? What a bunch of tweeting twats.

  9. P Sant says:

    Ma taghmlu xejn.
    Mal-Perit Mintoff.

    • observer says:

      Hlief tittalbu ghal xi favor – u thallsqu qares ta’ dak li jtukhom!

    • Macduff says:

      No, this is much worse than Mintoff’s shenanigans with Lord Carrington.

      Joseph Muscat tried to exploit vulnerable human beings in his dealings with the European Union, and stoked racial hatred in the process.

      These are very sad days for Malta.

      They may be even sadder for Lawrence Gonzi, whose hard work in leading Malta as a respected, fledging country in the EU is going down the drain.

  10. michael seychell says:

    The fact that Muscat said it is a confirmation that he feels he is inferior to and intimidated by others. Immagine what will happen when Malta will take the presidency of the EU in 2017.

    Albeit I wish to live a longer life, sometimes I prefer not to be around during those six months – maybe I will win the lottery and will have enough money to go to Australia, the States or Canada to visit my relatives.

  11. jojo says:

    All class hatred, and in great grovelling awe with Brits.

  12. Grezz says:

    The fact that they actually mentioned “inferiority” means that they have one hell of an inferiority complex.

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