This is the saddest tweet I’ve read in a long time
July 12, 2013 at 2:24pm
Leo Brincat crowns his long and illustrious political career – functionary to the governments of Dom Mintoff and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, distributing colours televisons to the party privileged, and 26 years on the Opposition benches interspersed with a few months as Sant’s finance minister, changing VAT to CET after Lino Spiteri resigned – with possibly the saddest tweet ever.
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I am sure Perit George Pullicino is trembling at the moment.
Looks like Leo’s Napoleon Complex is starting to kick in.
Dear Mr Brincat we are not interested in reports on the past.
The electorate gave its clear verdict of the past on 9th March and that is why you are in government.
We are interested in your plans and projects and that is why your government was elected. Kindly stop wasting time and money on what happened in the past.
Well said, Fabio.
The recycled excrement must really have hit the fan. Hope he manages to duck the ballistic trajectory.
A recycled parliamentarian took charge of a recycling plant.
How very fitting.
Daphne, how appropriate. Next Sunday’s gospel is about the good Samaritan…
More reports, more waste. Hence, Wasteserv under the leadership of Leo Brincat.
How impressed with himself he is! Shame he is the only one.
Should’ve been classified as “yet another pointless” report.
Leo Brincat m’ghadux icapacap bil-hegga meta il-leader tieghu ighid li jista’ jarma lill-partitarji laburisti kollha jekk ikn hemm il-bzonn? (0:30)
Dan mhux li kien nehha l-VAT taht Il-Gvern t’Alfred Sant?? Lanqas jisthi ma jaf. Mela rega tfacca?
Herr Flick with a boulder on his shoulder
Who is Leo?
Ignore him, he’s just an empty scrotum.
Leo had better be careful. There are several damning reports about a company where he was a director.
How many productive jobs were created with this damning report?
I’m busy reading about the illegal immigrants saga Joseph has created and keeping an eye on John Dalli. Don’t expect me to read your reports, Leo.
Only a job for Dr Silvio Debono it seems – laqghi kbir tas-Super One.
Leo Brincat is worth even less now than he was in 1997, when he was picked by Sant to replace VAT with CET after Lino Spiteri resigned. He was rubbish already in the Golden Years, let alone 30 years on. T
Company engaged with compiling this ‘damning report’ is Idea Management Consulting Services ltd. Silvio de Bono, ex Super One. Or was it Xandir Malta?