More liaisons to inspire public confidence and trust in the government, the MEPA and the judicial system

Published: July 22, 2013 at 2:08pm

Robert Musumeci, Consuelo Herrera, Michael Farrugia, Xlendi

Here’s a photograph of the Parliamentary Secretary responsible for the environment and planning, the medical doctor Michael Farrugia, having a very cosy and casual lunch in Xlendi yesterday with his girlfriend, with Magistrate Consuelo Herrera and with Robert Musumeci, to whom he has given a planning consultancy appointment.

13 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Doesn’t Consuelo Herrera have any real friends or are they all just useful idiots?

  2. Betty says:

    No doubt with the excellent consultancy of the lackey Musumeci over lunch, now the great speculators, who dumped over 40,000 unoccupied buildings, can start again gobbling up more land but building new money spinners for the nouveau riche to satisfy the Pampalun Chetcuti and his Taghna Lkoll leach-like buddies.

    But no worries, to placate the ire of the bottom strata of land encroachers, Mepa will somehow include and accomodate in this Ministerial new plan all the ghettos of Armier shacks, those of St Thomas Bay and its proposed caravan park etc. Oh yes, we are on the road to seeing a contemporary version of Lorry Santism.

    Would I be wrong to look forward to a long campaign led by Astrid and Balzan tal-Maltatoday against this madness and who knows, maybe hear their mea culpas in the process?

  3. Mark Vella says:

    Musumeci just got appointed on the Civil Protection Scientific Committee:

    No. 657
    IT is notified for general information that the Civil
    Protection Scientific Committee appointed in terms of
    subarticle (2) of Article 6 of the Civil Protection Act (Cap.
    411), is constituted as follows until 18th July, 2014.

    Mr John Rizzo, Head of Civil Protection Department
    Mr Robert Musumeci, B.E.&A.(Hons), A.&C.E. Eur
    Ing., M.Sc. (Conservation Tech)
    Mr Joseph St. John B.A. (Hons)
    Mr John Sant B.A.(Hons) Public Administration
    Prof. Alfred J. Vella, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.(Col.Sch.
    Mines), C.Chem, C Sci, FRSC
    Eng. Vince Attard, B. Mech. Eng. (Hons.)
    Mr David Saliba, Dip. In Management. Dip Health and
    Major Pierre Vassallo, Dip Law & Admin, AFM
    Snr. Insp. Nezren Grixti
    Insp. Angelo Gafà B. Com (Hons) (Public & Private
    Sector Management); MA Public Policy
    Major Mark Mallia MBA
    Ms Gillian Carbone
    19th July, 2013

    • Random says:

      I wonder how many scientists are included in the new committee?

      The previous Civil Protection Scientific Committee included scientists from different fields of science. Some were chosen under a PN government and retained by the PL and later by the PN administration because of their competence in their field, irrespective of their political views.

      Why were previous members excluded from the new committee? Especially valid scientists like Dr Pauline Galea (seismologist), Dr Aldo Drago (oceanographer), Dr Peter Gatt (geologist), Prof Ferrito and Dr Ellul?

      The committee was truly apolitical. Not so now. Shame on government.

    • where are we? says:

      Again, crieki, go crieki go crieki, ghaliex Malta Taghana l-koll

    • Jozef says:

      U x’se jaghmel, jikkonsulta fuq l-gholi tar-railings?

      Lanqas pendil ta’ tarag ma jaf ifassal. Skoss galvanizzat mizbugh iswed tiela w’niezel fil-vojt.

      Dejjem biz-zejjed, inkella’ l-kont ma jitlax.

  4. Pier Pless says:

    Nahseb l-ideja li inehhu l-pjani lokali ideja ta’ Musumeci wara li ha xi xemxata fuq ir-ramel.

    • Aunt Hetty says:

      Mhux ”ideja”,. imma ”miragg” ta’ muntanja ta’ Euros.
      Malta kienet diga’ taghhom taht gvern Nazzjonalista, ahseb u ara issa ,li anke il -gvern hu taghhom.

  5. Socrates says:

    Should a member of the cabinet of government share meals with a magistrate?

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