The flags have gone. Perhaps they’re being washed.

Published: July 24, 2013 at 6:56pm

Castille doorway

The Maltese and EU flags which have stood at the entrance to the Auberge de Castille since 2004 have gone. This picture was taken today.

Perhaps somebody tripped over their Aldo shoes and spilled retwajn on them during the last high society event there, and Mrs Michelle Muscat is having them laundered biex ikunu nice and fresh.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Catsrbest says:

    Fancy how the flags vanished just after the Eurobarometer published that 81 percent of the Maltese feel very European.

  2. Gahan says:

    All one has to do to know tomorrow’s headlines on TVM, ONE and NET news is to read Daphne’s Running Commentary.

    We read here about the exhumation of “L-imniehru” and we also got to know why the boxing match on the Floriana Granaries was cancelled at the eleventh hour.

    Today all these TV stations “woke up to smell the coffee”.

    Obviously, Daphne pushed them (forward).

  3. Renald says:

    I was in Valletta today and it was the first time that I saw the fountain in the Upper Barrakka Gardens switched off and filthy. With hundreds of foreign visitors to these gardens I hope they can clean it soon.

    [Daphne – Why foreign visitors, particularly? What about the Maltese visitors? Is a dirty fountain good enough for them? Don’t distinguish between ‘foreign’ and ‘Maltese’.]

    • Ben says:

      Moreover, the streets of Valletta haven’t been washed since March it seems. Grime and filth all over the place, in fact, there are whole patches of Merchant, Republic, and the new square just covered in dirt. Another cost cutting exercise, thanks to Leo Brincat/Joe Mizzi? Such a Shame.

  4. Min Jaf says:

    Only a matter of time now before they are replaced by the Chinese and Libyan flags.

  5. Edward says:

    Or maybe Muscat is just trying to get people used to the idea of not being in the EU.

  6. TORRETS says:

    Or perhaps Mrs Muscat is having new ones especially sewn for her … possibly with her photo in the middle.

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