More news: the health minister’s consort has fallen out with him and broken it off

Published: July 25, 2013 at 11:36am
Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia and Labour MP Marlene Farrugia (the surname is just a coincidence; they were both born with it).

Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia and Labour MP Marlene Farrugia (the surname is just a coincidence; they were both born with it).

Labour MP Marlene Farrugia has ended her relationship of many, many years with Godfrey Farrugia, the health minister. When the news broke that her cousin Claudio Tonna had been removed from position as head of Godfrey Farrugia’s secretariat, a position of trust, I said that this might be an indication of “trouble in paradise”.

And yes, it turns out to be so.

You can say what you like about that woman, but she’s straight up. I have a sneaking liking for her. She has had strong and very public differences of opinion with the Labour Party recently, most notably on the subject of Norman Vella and what his removal meant about the party’s thinking, and now about the use of immigrants as pawns to force ‘Europe’s’ hand.

She is reportedly also very annoyed about John Dalli’s involvement in her companion’s health portfolio.

The health minister has taken it very badly, of course, and is currently under a great deal of stress.

Quite frankly, I don’t know why he doesn’t just cut it out and resign. He seems like a really nice man who’s just not up to the job – not because he’s nice, but because he just doesn’t have what it takes – and now he’s got Dalli ready to eat him alive after first sucking out his blood.

He and Marlene Farrugia seem made for each other and mutually dependent. It would be tragic and pointless to choose politics over a valuable relationship, for both of them.

What a waste.

16 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    Golden rule: never mix love and business.

  2. La Redoute says:

    If she’s straight up, she won’t get very far in a Labour government.

  3. TROY says:

    Well said Daphne

  4. war says:

    I hope it’s not the case. They are a very nice couple and they should take the plunge and choose life over politics.

    [Daphne – I’ve just told you that it IS ‘the case.’]

  5. Mark says:

    Very sad indeed. They’re wonderful people, both of them.

  6. Futur mill-aghar says:

    She’s probably regretting handing him the job when she could also have taken it for herself, and probably done a better job of it too.

    • ciccio says:

      I suspect that, out of her love for Godfrey Farrugia, she actually sacrificed a ministerial position (she was probably planning for the Ministry of Energy) so that Farrugia will take one instead, and, in the last minute reshuffle of the cards, Joseph Muscat appointed Farrugia to the health Ministry and Marlene was offered a voluntary position with him as a consolation.

      That must have made her suffer, although it was Farrugia who wept in front of the media.

      Then, when her voluntary role in Muscat’s cabinet provoked public ridicule, she was constrained to take a step back. And she suffered that patiently once again.

      Until Muscat appointed J Dalli BA as the effective Minister of Health. This must have been the proverbial last straw.

      So I would rather think that she is probably regretting handing J Dalli BA – not Farrugia – the job.

      I may, of course, be wrong.

  7. TinaB says:

    I totally agree – they would be fools to choose poltics over a good relationship.

    Both Godfrey and Marlene Farrugia do not seem to have much in common with the majority of those who form part of this government.

    • thr Phoenix says:

      Godfrey and Marlene are fishes out of water in this ill-starred government. Then Dalli is foisted on them, and the fun starts. Dalli emasculates Godfrey, in turn Marlene. Meltdown ensues.

  8. matt says:

    Muscat told us exactly what he thinks of Godfrey Farrugia when he nominated the controversial John Dalli to be the effective Minter of Health. Godfrey doesn’t need the troublesome position. He is a well liked general practitioner and he should stay in his vocation and not be convenient boy for Muscat.

  9. pale blue my foot! says:

    This stuff is right out of Dallas. I can see a TV series modeled on the Farrugias coming out shortly. Of course this will have loads of High Society connotations to ensure the audience will lap it all up.

  10. Bubu says:

    They should both quit.

  11. tina says:

    Godfrey and Marlene, I sincerely hope for your reunion as you both do not deserve all this heartache.

  12. Gahan says:

    Marlene has a strong character and a great sense of entrepreneurship. I admired her talking about technical details on electricity distribution.

    If I were Godfrey I would kick the bucket as minister, remain an MP and make up with the iron lady. The iron lady should contest in the MEP election.

  13. Str8 says:

    Daphne, I agree totally with your comment that Minister Farrugia seems to be a very nice man indeed but this is not enough to qualify him to be Minister of our Health Services.

    The messages given to the public based on the performances so far, the frank comments passed by the Prime Minister demanding results from Dr Farrugia and the re-involvement of John Dalli directly in this sector suggest Dr Farrugia is not up to it. Very sad indeed this is occuring at a cost!

  14. AL says:

    Whilst on the subject ‘almost’, I’m still waiting for a declaration from John Dalli for when he was part of the Nationalist Party, was it just mud slinging in his face by the then Labour Party ( ghax issa moviment) or they were right in their accusations.

    If just one of them was wrong then, I can’t imagine how you can ever be credible for the rest of your life.

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