The Commissioner of Police is on Facebook – with 800+ friends
Peter Paul Zammit has kept up his Facebook activity even though he is now no longer in private practice but is the Commissioner of Police.
So the Chief Justice issues instructions (three years ago) that no judges or magistrates are to be on Facebook, and meanwhile, the Police Commissioner – who is in roughly the same position – instead of issuing instructions to his senior police officers to stay off Facebook, is on Facebook himself.
His concession to that is uploading a cover picture showing him posing importantly in the Police Commissioner’s Office, complete with admiring remarks from fans.
Two things stand out, other than his stupidity, his lack of knowledge as to what is appropriate and his apparent belief that it is all right for the Police Commissioner to accept 800+ friend requests from people he can’t possibly know, who might include criminals, and who certainly include politicians and weirdos like Ignatius Farrugia.
These are the fact that he knows little English (so he’s another one who has been permitted to graduate from the University of Malta despite having this serious problem):
Your wishes and comments make it fell as 30 years old and 22 years experience. Thanks to all.
Try and work out what he means. The closest I can get is that he’s thanking his friends for their birthday greetings, which make him feel 30 rather than 50-something. But I can’t work out where the ’22 years experience’ comes into it.
The other thing that stands out is that he’s had some serious make-over. Look at the pictures of him uploaded just two years ago.
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This blog makes me fell swell.
I think these people do not mind becoming the laughing stock of the country. Power has gone up SUDDENLY to his head; in five years time he will be preparing to contest elections – mark my words.
The page of someone in love with himself.
He should upload the latest recipes.
Happy b’day sir.
Is he 52 maybe? 30 years old + 22 experience ?
Trying to make himself look intelligent?
That’s it! A 30-year-old with 22 years of experience = 52 years.
You’re more than a Mathemagician. You’re simple genius.
Do they really not see the lines that are crossed when they do these things?
Even I, an absolute nobody, feel embarrassed if I realise that someone has somehow tagged me in something without my permission.
This chap thinks this is cool, like an 8 year-old school girl would. Pathetic.
Where and when did they exactly fall Herr Kommissar?
The old photos make him look like one of those weirdos looking into the webcam. Makes you wonder where his hands are.
What’s with all these “ragel sabih” make-overs? What is happening to Maltese men? I mean even mugshots are now camp, with the subject’s head and shoulders at a standard 70% angle.
He was trying a bit of ‘British humour’:
This site keeps me in touch with a reality I never knew existed.
No need for recipes, the police force will cook and deliver “gratis”.
Excuse my French, but for many government supporters/appointees ‘Taghna Lkoll’ has morphed into ‘Ala bib …..’.
If you pass remarks like this in Marsascala the Sindku ‘Red Mario Calleja’ will complain about your conduct.
Is-Sindku jigi minnu biex tghaxxaqha!
NYPD Orders Cops To Lower Profile On Facebook And Twitter
Issa naraw kemm huwa kummissarju kompetenti. Gia beda juri l-injuranza. Meta halla jigi rilaxxat il-katavru tal-imniehru ghad-difna biex wara jumejn tohrog ordni tla-qorti biex jerga jinqala’.
A Commissioner of Police seeking praise from anyone to bolster his image.
And a Prime Minister who feels happy with this puerile performance from his appointee to oversee the maintenance of law and order in the country.
I think I can understand Chinese better than him speaking English.
L-isbah li fil-comments tat-Timesofmalta gie Anthony Licari jiftahar li Pietru-Pawl jaf sitt lingwi.
Ghalli jista’ jkun dan kien fl-istess kors tal-ligi ma’ Anglu Farrugia ?
Because they “want to be qrib il-poplu” eh.
Phillistines. The entire lot.
I think I have just had a ‘eureka’ moment: if one is a really shoddy head of something such as a really shoddy Prime Minister for example, wouldn’t it not make sense to engage even shoddier people so that the shoddy head would appear good in comparison?
The only way this would not be true is if the head, a Prime Minister for example, valued the country or the people more than himself or his inflated career.
People without qualifications or experience? So much the better. Potential scapegoats and no challenge anywhere in sight.
As an added perk, their gaffes even keep the stupid voters’ minds off the real issues. After all now we have proof as to how intelligent most voters are.
Where Is the prime Minister? It’s about time he starts censuring such behaviour and that of Franco Debono. This behaviour makes the dinghy trip with the German female officers pale into insignificance.
This is what Manwel Mallia should tell his Police Commissioner. And by the way, while on the subject, why shouldn’t the Maltese female officers be entertained like the German ones?