Gosh, that’s generous: a donation of three euros per head

Published: August 10, 2013 at 11:52am

There were more than a thousand guests at the Girgenti Palace fundraiser, but Michelle Muscat only donated 3,000 euros to 14 animal charities (Eur214.29 each).

Did the guests give just three euros each (is-soltu qamel), or did the rest of the money disappear into other people’s pockets?

14 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Good question, let’s have some bills and expenses.

    If Michelle wants public figure, she should subscribe.

  2. Alf says:

    Who knows, forsi the caterers (whoever they were) were paid from the donations received. I am sure someone can advise what happened.

  3. ciccio says:

    The High Class Society cannot afford more than 3 euros per head for a donation to the animal charities.

    The only hope would have been the presence of the Minister for Lap Dancing. He might have donated a full euro 500 note.

    And the Minister for Cash under the Mattress…

  4. Joe says:

    Where the Royal Twins the only children there?

  5. “La Bo Heem” – must be related to that other nice girl, Little Bo Peep.

    • Salvu says:

      “takkumpanja lil-orkestra kien hemm is-sopran….”

      [Daphne – Missed that: so in Labour world, the soprana accompanies the orchestra and not the other way round.]

  6. required says:

    I really do believe that it’s all they managed to collect. When the conductor announced that they were going to collect the money, it was a total “gabra tal-knisja” scenario with loads of people fiddling around for coins. A number of people did actually give notes though.

    Imagine, getting to watch the MPO for free- at Girgenti- and considering a euro to be an adequate donation. Not to mention the people who just passed the money tray on without giving anything.

    I doubt that many people there actually ever watched the philarmonic though (there was some serious inter-movement clapping), so they might have been unaware of how much they would usually pay to go to one of it’s concerts. Still, a donation in cents is stingy in any scenario.

  7. caflisa says:

    Imhatra jipprovaw jimitaw in-Night at the Proms issa. Insomma ahjar jimitaw xi hag’hekk milli xi karnival iehor minn ta’ J/Hose

  8. Higgins says:

    Kudos to the second First Lady of Malta, Mrs Musket, for showcasing so many unknown composers and avant garde experimental pieces during this year’s “Klessiks undehr dee Stors”!

    How wonderful to be among the first to hear from those two bright new composers, Du-VOH-rek and Alben-EEZ, for example. Still, I’m sure that the very best moment was when they brought out the “supran” to sing a selection from “La Bo-KHEEM”.

    So sorry I missed it.

  9. Brian says:

    Errm, the news reader meant to say, ” Qamel under the stars”. Isthu ja puppaturi…

  10. Stella says:

    The audience went to have some entertainment for free and have the opportunity to mingle with the High Society.

  11. Osservatore says:

    The Eva Peron Foundation.

    I have mentioned this before, and my thoughts went beyond our dear Michelle. It looks like we both smell a rat.

  12. Allo Allo says:

    Eh 3 Euros jigu kwazi Lira u sitt xelini ta’. Fi zmien tghidx kemm kont tixtri tonn taz-zejt u kavalli b’dak l-ammont (wara li jorhsu 5 millezmi fil-budget).

  13. curious says:

    Good to see that the Maltese are no longer trying to cope with the stifling cost of living. Good to see that they are now recovering from the stress of the hefty electricity bills. Miracles do happen.

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