I have received the following letter from an eyewitness to last Sunday’s brawl

Published: August 11, 2013 at 10:05pm

This letter was mailed to me in care of Standard Publications Ltd, publishers of The Malta Independent. I am transcribing it exactly as it was written.


Jiena ragel minn Had-Dingli u Laburist kbir imma ahjar mis-sewwa mawx, Jiena nhar is-Sibt 3 ta Awissu sbieh il-Hadd kont ghand is-Seikien ir-Rabat xi 4-30 tafilodu u rajt u smajt kollox x’gara bejn JPO u Franco Debono u dak tal PN Azzopardi Nicky.

Jiena nahlef li Azzopardi ma ghamel xejn hlief beda jidhaq pero mux veru li qal xi haga lil JPO jew lil Franco Debono. Kemm JPO u Franco kienu f’sakra kbiera pero il percimmes kien ragel ohxon li wara qaluli li jismu Mark Attard li jahdem MFA u beda jitkellem hazin u jinsulenta lil Azzopardi.

Jien avolja Laburist kbier imma mux sew li nergaw nigu b’hall zmen 1970’s.


25 Comments Comment

  1. Nazz says:

    qallut jghum f wicc l ilma
    qahba taqalaw f sormok
    foxx kemm ghandek


    [Daphne – Gosh (as distinct from ‘goxx’), I wonder whether your man Pullicino Orlando would view this as an example of cyber-harassment.]

  2. Last Post says:

    Int iktar minn Laburist kbir (anke jekk shabek – jekk ikunu jafu – se jghajruk ‘gakbin’).

    Int ghandek l-aqwa haga, li hi ikbar minn Laburist (jew Nazzjonalist jekk nigu f’dan).

    Int RAGEL ghax ghandek l-aqwa haga li jista’ jkollu bniedem: L-IRGULIJA – GHAX AHJAR MIS-SEWWA M’HAWNX.

  3. TinaB says:

    Dan huwa ezempju car li l-irgulija ma titkejjilx skond it-twemmin politiku.

    Lil dan is-sinjur ninzalu il-kappell ghax fuq kollox ghandu kuxjenza.

  4. The Phoenix says:

    Not all Laburisti are bad. Some are decent. This man is. His values are sound.

    • Very true.
      But the leadership of the Labour Party must show by their actions, including appointments, that they prefer supporters who have decent values.
      If not, then they are responsible for giving the party a bad name.

  5. Pluribus says:

    Nazz, nahseb li tikkwalifika ghall xoghol f’xi azjenda edukattiva. Ghandek lingwazz u kultura tal genn. Nispera f’Alla li mintix qed trabbi ghax sa jkollok risultat fenominali.

  6. Harry Worth says:

    This man should come forward as a witness.

    Only in so doing will justice be done.

    Isa. Kuragg. F’ghajnejja tkun ragel ta’ veru.

  7. Lorry says:

    Is this Mark Attard the poker guy?

    [Daphne – Yes.]

  8. Lorry says:

    Jidher mahruq, in-Nazz

  9. Lorry says:

    Is the MFA a reference to the Malta Football Association?

    [Daphne – Yes.]

  10. Mr Meritocracy says:

    No one cares about political beliefs when people are upright, are morally sound and have values.

  11. Petrina says:

    Ikkalma, Nazz. Titbaqbax ghax ittiek xi attak tal-qalb. Suppost issa kuntent imma milli qed nara int indannat wahda sew u ghandek bzonn kura mill iktar fis possibbli.

    Int postok go sptar tal-mohh……

  12. Volley says:

    It seems that truth REALLY hurts.

  13. Neil says:

    Is Nicky Azzopardi still sure he doesn’t recognise his aggressor after this account? Has any info been forthcoming from the police commissioner yet?

  14. Michael Seychell says:

    I hope I am wrong, but I do not think that the police will ever ‘solve this difficult & complicated case’, and therefore none of the men involved – if this description fits them – will be arraigned before our courts.

  15. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    If this is so, why didn’t Mr Azzopardi say so?

    [Daphne – Say what? That JPO and Franco were drunk? Imagine. And he doesn’t know Mark Attard, though he does know that a man punched him in the face and smashed his spectacles. He did say that he said and did nothing to provoke – it was reported in his statement to the press.]

    • Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

      I apologize, I had somehow thought that he said he went up to JPO and told him that his behaviour was unsuitable for a man with his position. Not that this would have justified what happened.

      [Daphne – He did. ‘Ma qallu xejn’ in this letter means ‘ma qallu xejn hazin’. It’s the same form as ‘jien m’ghidtlek xejn’, which doesn’t actually mean ‘I said nothing to you’ but ‘I said nothing wrong/bad to you.’]

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