Labour candidate tells EU Commissioner Malmstrom: “It’s a pity you weren’t kidnapped in Somalia.”

Published: August 23, 2013 at 11:39am

Those who voted Labour because they couldn’t see past through the progressive, liberal wrapping-paper to the racist, xenophobic, intolerant, anti-democratic, low-standards package beneath are guilty of the most incredibly poor judgement.

Either that or, like our man Kenneth Zammit Tabona (and so many others of his kind) they are liberal only insofar as their own sexuality is concerned, while the rest of their views are hallmarked by extreme conservatism, regression, misplaced nostalgia, racism, xenophobia and a gross lack of curiosity, empathy and imagination.

Their liberalism, therefore, is nothing but a form of egocentricity. It is there to serve their own narrow, personal purposes: “I want same-sex marriage” (some of the people who say this don’t even have a date, and I don’t mean a wedding date).

So you’ll find that some of these faux liberal progressives are the biggest racists and xenophobes of them all.

And that’s why the Labour Party is a comfortable home to people like Labour candidate and local councillor Alfred Grima, who uploaded on his Facebook timeline a link to a news story about a Swedish politician kidnapped in Somalia, and then commented that it’s a shame it wasn’t Cecilia Malmstrom.

Alfred Grima with Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat

Alfred Grima with Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat

Alfred Grima with Labour Party deputy leader Toni Abela

Alfred Grima with Labour Party deputy leader Toni Abela

Alfred Grima at a Labour Party meeting in this year's election campaign

Alfred Grima at a Labour Party meeting in this year’s election campaign

Alfred Grima 1

Alfred Grima 2

Alfred Grima 3

Alfred Grima 4

Alfred Grima 5

Alfred Grima 6

Alfred Grima 7

Alfred Grima 8

Alfred Grima 9

Alfred Grima 10

Alfred Grima 11

Alfred Grima is not going to allow our genes for terrific good looks to be contaminated by members of the African gene pool

Alfred Grima is not going to allow our genes for terrific good looks to be contaminated by members of the African gene pool

22 Comments Comment

  1. Liberal says:

    If Joseph Muscat allows people with such extreme right-wing views in his party, it can only mean that he shares such views.

  2. Mr Meritocracy says:

    He decided to apologise for the comments made.

    But no word of his resignation is amiss, of course.

    If a PN-leaning individual said the same thing, Labour sympathisers would be onto him/her like a pack of wolves.

    • QahbuMalti says:

      I am a diehard PN supporter and it worries me that the PN is fast asleep. It doesn’t matter what the issue is; they’re completely off the radar.

      Where are Mario Demarco and Beppe Fenech Adami? On holiday?

      • Galian says:

        Mario Demarco is busy congratulating Nature Trust on Twitter for their care of Hope, the tortoise, while the country is rapidly going to the dogs.

    • Pandora says:

      This attitude of two weights and two measures not only angers but also worries me. What is of most concern to me is that this attitude is also “practised” by the Maltese media.

  3. Roberto says:


  4. Florence says:

    He’s totally into Hello Kitty… Now that’s worrying..

  5. marks says:

    These self-styled liberals are usually the most intolerant of other people’s views.

  6. Galian says:

    Alfred Grima has always been an attention-seeker. When he used to own the furniture shop near Big Shot Bar in Mosta, his selling techniques were something right out of an American shopping channel.

    Thank heavens he never became a prominent politician because he would have given the ‘Serkin Hooligans’ a good run for their money.

  7. Unbennant says:

    And Alfred Grima has the balls to say that he wasn’t Anti-Muslim, but anti-Extremism. (Ref: Times of Malta)

    Look around you MAN! Malta is the home of extremism, and you’re making it worse!

    Stop it, for God’s sake.

  8. osservatore says:

    Muscat will gain some of my respect if he asks for his head on a silver tray.

    However we all know that he will not do that, for Muscat is a weak and spineless man.

    • Min Jaf says:

      Muscat surrounds himself with unprincipled individuals and the likes of Alfred Grima so that they can do his dirty work and, if necessary, also take the blame, so Muscat himself can maintain a semblance of a clean image.

  9. Pandora says:

    Just read the article on I am not sure what is more disturbing, this man’s behaviour or the comments posted:

    • Lawrence Attard says:

      It never seems to dawn on some people. See this comment beneath the same article:

      R. Gauci
      Today, 16:38

      Infakkrek li dak il-kliem intqal lejn persuna barranija li lill-Malta trid taghmilha hafna hsara. U tal-PN pronti pronti hargu jilghaqu l-barrani …. xejn gdid.

      • Lawrence Attard says:

        And another:

        Eddy Privitera
        Today, 16:44

        J. Abela: Almenu s-Sur Grima ghamel apologija. Ara Cecilia Malmstrom ghadha m’ghamlet ebda apologija dwar il-fatt li l-Kummissjoni Ewropeja ghada sa llum thallina ngorru l-piz tal-immigrazzjoni kwazi wehedna. U ssemmi biss il-flus li tghatna l-UE biex inkunu nistghi insalvaw aktar immigranti u ngibuhom lejn Malta !

  10. Michael Seychell says:

    Joe Muscat cannot control these persons because he was the pime mover of xenophobia on the immigrants issue.

    Many of his supporters are not Labour or Socialists but fascist – no wonder his party became a Movement, similar to Mussolini’sand General Franco’s ‘movements’.

    • Min Jaf says:

      As someone commented elsewhere on this blog, Muscat’s is more of a bowel movement than a political movement.

      Muscat is the prime turd.

  11. Jozef says:

    The last time something similar happend was when Borghezio, Lega MEP, declared he understood Breivik’s reasons for the mass shooting.

    He was forced to apologise, marched holding a wreath to the Norwegian embassy in Rome.

    It’s not as if Muscat ever condemns, preferring to ‘disassociate’ himself, whatever it means, and that after having a microphone planted in his face.

    Muscat’s a dangerous game, plainly not up to it. What’s disgusting is the silence from the ‘intellectual’ left, Montebello, Zammit Marmara, that linguistics, linguitastics and lingy lingy thingy on The Times and others.

    That they just cannot get themselves to speak out is, frankly speaking, sickening.

  12. Kif inhi din? says:

    Water finds its own level.

  13. Salvu says:

    Very diplomatically, she is telling all of us maltese “buzz off”.

    She is addressing, and rightly so, all maltese. One can say that those nit-wits on the internet do not represent all of us. But in real terms no political party, organisation, came up with the idea to issue a statement against those internet attacks on the commissioner.

    I do not expect the PL to do so. But PN yes.

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