Right. I’ve had ENOUGH of this country.
August 24, 2013 at 4:28pm
These are really not the sort of formally posed photographs you would expect to see of a Labour government appointee to the Malta Film Commission.
But then again, they might be. This is just too much.
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Mulej hudni. Dritt dritt ghal gol-hajt. Kantru jonqsu tahtu. Ergejna gejna fi zmien in-Nanna Venut.
Nispera ma jithajjarx Joseph Muscat issa.
Ulied in-Nanna Venut may have been ignorant, and they had a streak of innocent crudeness. But this is different.
This is typical of the modern age of self-proclaimed celebrity achieved in a social merry-go-round of sexual exhibitionism.
Dawn ir ritratti mehudin biex in-nies iharsu band’ ohra u mhux lejn wiccu.
L-aqwa li ghandu l-vjolin.
That crucifix is such a nice touch.
Naked, but bearing witness to his Roman Catholic faith by wearing a crucifix. So that’s all right, then.
And every Sunday on 101 radio he presents a programme “Marci u Bandalori” with a smattering of holiness. Unbelievable.
Eve, you are mistaken. He is a very very different Joe Chetcuti.
@ Eve
You’ve got the wrong Joseph Chetcuti.
@ Eve: And yet there’s an unlikely logic to it.
Oh my, how….revolting.
Arah issa.
Il-marka tal-malja sabiha wisq.
I was thinking exactly the same thing.
I wonder which buddy of his took these photos. Surely not a professional otherwise he would have moved the mobile from under his bum. Well, I’m just guessing it’s a mobile.
It’s a mobile phone equipped with a camera. The better to get the right angle, see…
That mobile phone….it’s just too much.
No, no, that’s another camera to get a better angle.
Is that Franco’s phone in the shot?
Franco deals in fighting cocks. That’s the camera’s remote control unit.
Le dak mhux ta’ Franco. Ta’ Franco jdoqq anke meta jkun mitfi.
Dan all right jew?
Is he on Grindr too?
“And what is good, Phaedrus, And what is not good – Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?”
– Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
And to think that I sat close to him in a couple of meetings when he still said that he was PN and that was a few months before the elections.
Edgar tinsiex li Joseph Muscat ghamel hafna weghdi. Lanqas jekk inkun mejta bil-guh ma jien ser nichad il-principji tieghi. Pero milli jidher hawn hafna bil-guh.
Well said – NEVER!
Next up – Manu Maltes to head the commission on public morality.
The mobile phone was probably taking the money shot.
If these people were affiliated to the PN and Labour was still in Opposition, the latter would be having a field day. They would be publishing special issues of L-Orizzont to keep up with all the scandals.
The Nationalist Party is dormant. If it was not for Jason Azzopardi, I would be wondering if the party still exists. What is going on?
I fear that the Opposition has secretly accepted Joseph Muscat’s offer to join in the Malta Taghna Lkoll movement
It is only fair that gays and lesbians have equal rights but it appears that they have far more power than their numbers would suggest.
I find it very strange that they are getting way too much attention and would suggest that this government is giving more importance to sexual oriention than to the qualities required to fulfill vacancies such as this.
This person certainly lacks the very basics expected for this position. Straight has become become the new queer.
[Daphne – Gays and LESBIANS? I see no lesbians other than Gabi Calleja. Wall to wall homosexual men and only one token homosexual woman. Even in the matter of allowing the Pink Mafia to take over, the Maltese government and Maltese society just have to make a point of ignoring and discriminating against the women. UNBELIEVABLE. In Malta, even the gay men are chauvinists. What a place, honestly.]
Maybe the ‘girls’ have more of the proverbial sense than to have their egos massaged and be manipulated and besotted by dear Joseph.
Arani issa: it’s just me and my violin and the naked truth.
Kitten from Malta must be thrilled. That’s what Baxxter said a few posts earlier.
In a report on timesofmalta just now, Jason Azzopardi calls for Home Affairs Ministry Chief of Staff Silvio Scerri to resign over his involving iz-Zambi in the case if the wrongly arraigned man being investigated by the Police Board.
Seems that only Jason Azzopardi is awake within the Opposition and in the Nationalist Party.
Under the ineffectual and uninspiring leadership of Simon Busuttil, Mario Demarco, and Beppe Fenech Adami PN = Partit tan-Ninni.
Woefully uninspiring. When Anne Fenech was toted as leader, I had high hopes. Regretfully, it was not to be.
He’s in love with himself. Who’s the lucky guy?
… Maybe himself?
O Bambin, henn ghal proxxmu u lili tinsinix.
Seta ta laghqa make-up lil sormu. Natius kien jiekola bicca hobz bhal dik.
Nice body. Nothing to be ashamed of.
It’s all a question of proportion. I guess if you like short and puny in a real life take, then fine.
Do you get a G-string on a violin ? Honest question.
Halluh miskin, hass is-shana eh.
U le, x’disgrace! Seta ghallinqas mar ghal fake tan ghand Natius Ola, kif mar biex inehhi l-body hair; xejn xejn ma kienx ikollu l-marka tal-malja.
Is he the quintessential Maltese lawyer? Is the market so crowded and cut-throat, that any means of publicity is allowed in order to attract new clients?
Do these pictures make him and define him as a cut above the rest? No wonder he switched (was he a switcher?) to the Labour skip. Oh sorry, he said he didn’t vote Labour, but for ‘the Moviment’. Jahasra.
I cannot understand what exactly is going on in this tiny country of ours.
Is this a form of mass psychogenic illness?
It could be that it has been around for a long while and suppressed.
Any top social psychologists out there?
Pity Virginia Johnson died one month ago today.
I would have asked her for enlightenment.
Striking the right chord?
Dawn bis-serejta?
Dan x’genn hu.
Dear Daphne, did you ever consider that this person could have relatives and friends who do not need to see this? Since these pics were not published elsewhere, maybe you should have thought twice about it – it’s your responsibility afterall. Did the #slanegirl case really not teach you anything?
[Daphne – How did Joseph Chetcuti’s relatives and friends suddenly become MY responsibility? He’s the one who posed for those pictures. The usual passing the buck…]
These pictures have been previously circulated, I believe some years back. So I have my doubts about d.d.’s statement.
His parents and other relatives I know are wonderful people … but surely he is old enough to be solely responsible for his own actions. Yet another disappointment to the law profession.
Kemm qieghed sew miskin.
Waxed and white.
Wiehed bil- fifra kien jonqos u konna nkunu ottu.
Sorry but I cannot resist – WTF
He could have at least had some fake tan applied on his arse – Natius Ola` would have probably been more than happy to do it for him.
At least he should have done some skinny dipping before the photo shoot.
Who’s this guy?
Every day I think that we have reached the bottom. And then I see Chetcuti’s naked one, untanned.
JAQQ tal-JAQQIJIET. Ħasibna qatt ma rajna xejn. U ħallina trid.
Do any straight people get a look-in?
You are perfectly correct. A government board member should not be taking such photos. Even more so for public consumption. However the clown was also a Board member under the previous Government. No journalist (with all due respect, including you) looked this fact up. He sat on the Local Enforcement Board.
Tghid Cyrus xi jghid? Dan avukat ghal giehna
Ghallinqas ma giex bzonn kuntrabaxx!
I hope Joe Chetcuti and Frederick Testa don’t claim to be “private persons”.
I agree. However, just to be clear, I remember these photos making the rounds on the internet about 4-5 years ago. I’m not sure if he was involved in any government-related work at the time.
Seems the Chamber of Advocates is estivating, too.
Or isn’t he a practising lawyer anymore?
Veru li kull razza ghandha l-paljazza.
True. More when you have parents who brought you up nicely.
The inevitable Facebook pranksters
Amateur soft porn. Really amateur.
bad taste photos .
Dawn in-nies ghandhom zejt f’wicchom ? Ma jisthux jumiljaw ruhhom daqshekk fil-baxx. Basta bis-salib imdendel m’ghonqu.
But seriously, does the Kamra tal-Avukati have any say about this? Could any self-respecting judge or magistrate (there must a few good ones left) accept to have this man in the same court room as an esteemed legal colleague unless he was the one facing charges?
The mind boggles.
I have lost faith in my nation.
That’s not a mobile… thats a Harmonic Damping Transducer that operates in shortwave and serves to reduce the damaging effects of incremental amplitudes of musical frequencies when played in close proximity to genitalia.
Ara vera kaz ta’ daqq tal-vjolin bil-bajd.
Mur gibu li ghandu li ghandi jien. Kemm kien jiddandan aktar.
Tingiza ta’ zunzan fil-‘venerabbli’ u malajr jerga jghatti kollox, ja buffu.
Dan minn jahseb li hu? Issa beda jimmudella gharwin. Kemm ghandna stars hawn Malta, God bless us.
Not that i agree with the pics….but these picture had circulated via e-mail a few years ago…
Lots of FB recommendations. Joseph Chetcuti’s instrument is very popular, I see.
Somebody please calm Cyrus down.
Mur ilbes xkora, please.
What does this idiot know about film? He couldn’t even deliver a decent TV programme. Crap photos, by the way.
L-aqwa l-patata bajda bil-marka tal-iSpeedo.
Another twist to the story…
We also need the Police Commissioner’s resignation because he’s either incompetent, a liar or simply a puppet on a string.
He’s all three.
Was it absolutely necessary to leave that crucifix around his neck to show us he’s a Roman Catholic?
A government appointee, lawyer and TV host, posing naked with a violin. Well, takes all sorts, I suppose.
Bohemia has never felt so warm.
This country’s finished.
L-importanti li l-mobile huwa qrib u handy, just in case icemplu xi klijenti importanti waqt il-photo shoot.
Ghax taf inti, il-mobile phones tan-nies importanti icemplu waqt li jkunu mitfijin ukoll.
If the Big Pony becomes jealous and asks for similar photos, the photographer must ensure that he obtains the appropriate instrument, given the size of the Law Commissioner’s assets:
On the other hand, for his drunkard buddy, the photographer does not need to go through much hassle. Something like this should suffice:
Since we are speaking about art and culture, we should not leave the kitten out:
Setgħa xemmex naqra sormu għallinqas. Dik il-linja tal-malja l-vera tan-n**k.
You have to hand it to the MLP. It has this ability of making a mockery of the country, and gives prominence to all of the nation’s clowns.
Those photos already did the rounds around 4 years ago.
Yes! I thought so. It’s not just me then.
Chetcuti, who thinks he’s some Maxim Vengerov, clearly seems to struggle with his bow hold.
@Eve. He is not the same joe Chetcuti who presents marci and bandalori on radio 101
Then I excuse myself. I always thought he was the one in the photo.
So, I say sorry to the presenter of “Marci u Bandalori”.
Thanks for letting me know.
la ghandu biex jipoza sewwa jamel , PROSET JOSEPH
Well Michael, at least you didn’t tell him to “keep it up”. That might have caused the violin some damage.
Insejtu li qeghdin fl-EWROPA, Ikbru ftit, kulhadd ghandu dritt jaghmel li jrid f’pajjiz Ewropew!!!
[Daphne – Yes, Christopher, we have the right to do as we please and the obligation to face the consequences. THAT is Europe. The former without the latter is something/somewhere else.]
Christopher, you do not have a right to do as you please and that has nothing to do with Europe.
One’s liberty is restricted within socially and legally acceptable boundaries.
Try going to any European country and test if you can break these boundaries and do as you please. You will be in hot water at every corner.
Europe has matured where matters of social responsibility are concerned, and anyone who is guilty of breaking the law gets the book thrown at him.
Malta has a long way to go in this regard.
Kemm ghadna nitkazaw bix-xejn. Alas, this is not what we should be targeting.
What is the fuss? Joseph is a good friend of mine and these photos are neither indecent nor immoral. The difference is that Mrs Caruana-Galizia (whom I quite admire for her outspokenness – but not always agree with her for what she states) decided to choose artistically shot photographs to ridicule and criticize another media compatriot of hers.
With regards to the rest of you who criticized Dr. Chetcuti – then please avoid going to museums, churches and even if you happen to be in Rome, avoid by all costs the Sistine chapel – nudity is all around us. Hypocrisy is the word I throw at most of you and dear Mrs. Caruana- Galizia – this was not worthy of you – as the good journalist that you are, your intellect should have been used for another topic; one that is more substantial to your readers! Attacking the Labour government or ANY government with such write-ups and photos is going to do the most minuscule of damage. You seem to have forgotten what the Maltese people are made of……………………………..
Ma nistax nifhem x’inhi l-problema taghkom. Sempliciment persuna xtaq jiehu xi ritratti hekk u kellu l-gazz li jaghmilha. Rigward konsegwenzi, kull azzjoni u kull inazzjoni fil-hajja ghandha konsegwenza, xejn gdid.
U jekk nigu ghall-argument insinwat minn dan l-artiklu li ‘pajjizi barra l-Ewropa ahjar’, jezisti mezz ta’ trasport jissejjah ajruplan.
It could be the bravado of shedding inhibitions has reached rock bottom.
This is what comes out of a collective self-righteous syndrome coming down the line across generations. The clapping is done by the collectivity. It is all right if it comes from one of them. Go on tell us how to behave.
Dak li jgib il-libertinagg. kollox mhu xejn u kulhadd jaghmel li jrid. Jiddispjacini ghalih ghax kont naghmlu aktar serju u l-iktar ghal familjari tieghu ghax naf li huma nies sewwa hafna u ma jixirqilhomx hekk.
Issa forsi nindunaw xi tfisser li kulhadd jishaq li ghandu d-drittijiet pero kif dejjem qed jigri qed jintesew id-dmirijiet dizgrazzjatament u refa’ rasu sew l-egoizmu.
Marion Mizzi and Natius Farrugia could have fought over sorting that tan-line.
In nome di petris, figli et spiritu santi.
L-ewwel haga missu nehha l-forma tal-malja. U hadd m’ ghandu biex jitkaza ghax il-barranin specjalment l-Italja jaqalaw balal tal-euros minn fuq dawn ir-ritratti. Issa jekk dan ghamlu ghal gost ghamel sew, imma come on titkazawx!
Like he used to say and I quote: “TRID TARA BIEX TEMMEN”
To all of you posting rude comments …think before you speak !!! To those with a pinch of common sense it is obvious that these photos where taken for personal use and they were never intended to be seen by the general public . None of us should judge and ridicule someone s work just because of 3 photos … can t you see that your words hurt , can t you see that the fact that these photos are on the internet is already more then enough …
Oh, we’ve hurt Joseph Chetcuti’s little heart, have we?
Here’s some news for you and the rest of you sanctimonious dullards: celebrity comes at a price. That price is mockery. It exists everywhere else in the civilised world. But not in Malta.
My goodness, the country is full of spoilt brats, and you seem to be one of them, Carinzia.
What’s wrong is the intention, not the nakedness.
The only thing that annoys me is the poses. He’s using provocative poses and that is what is wrong with these pictures.
Other than that a human body is inherently something beautiful and nothing someone should be ashamed of. I’m sure some ladies secretly love the fact these images have found their way to the internet.
[Daphne – No. This is not the kind of man women find attractive, and women in general find that kind of posing a complete turn-off. To overcome the turn-off factor, the man has to absolutely exceptional, which is not the case here. It’s a ‘gay’ pose – it replicates the sort of thing straight men find attractive with women. That kind of pose, whether it’s a man or woman doing it, is designed to appeal visually to men.]
The 3rd photo looks artistic, the rest looks like gay porn. I suggest you should write an article about Paceville someday, that for sure will make you feel like leaving the country!
Say what you say,he’s got a nice body.
I bet Natius Ola made full size prints of those photos
Mhux arani issa imma HUDNI ISSA. TAL-MISTHIJA.
The toes and elbows are a definite turn OFF!