HOT POST-BAHAMAS OXFAM UPDATE: The man Labour named Johnny Cash (and HuBastjan) extends the scope of his and his daughter’s charitable activities

Published: August 26, 2013 at 9:22am
HuBastjan with the Prime Minister

HuBastjan with the Prime Minister

Times of Malta reports:


John Dalli and his daughter, who acts as his personal assistant, are working on the reform of the Mater Dei Hospital on a voluntary basis.

“I must state that neither my daughter nor I are being remunerated for this work,” Mr Dalli told Times of Malta, reacting to criticism that he had engaged his daughter Louisa as his personal assistant for this role.

A Health Ministry spokesman confirmed Mr Dalli has no contract. “Mr Dalli is a consultant to the Health Minister working on a voluntary basis. At the moment he is taking stock of the situation at Mater Dei Hospital. There are no obligations,” the spokesman said.

55 Comments Comment

  1. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Il-velu blu biss jonqsu jilbes Madre Tereza.

  2. Tracy says:

    They are either too well off to work as volunteers, God bless them if they’re doing so, or else they are cheating on us. Can they be investigated ?

    • WhoamI? says:

      They probably are on a target based remuneration system. No pay, but they get x% of cost savings or something similar.

      John Dalli working for free when he could be making millions? Hardly likely.

  3. La Redoute says:

    “Mr Dalli has no contract. There are no obligations.” Are those words meant to assure us?

    Leaving aside the idea that John Dalli is working without remuneration – as if fees are solely the sort of reward Dalli works for – where’s the wisdom in engaging someone on such an important project without a contract stipulating the parameters of the job, including limiting his access to, and use of, commercially sensitive data?

  4. Gahan says:

    Asked whether this meant the former European Commissioner and his daughter would remain unpaid, there was no reply by the time of going to print but a Health Ministry spokesman confirmed Mr Dalli “has no contract”.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    To understand perplexing appointments such has Dalli’s, one needs to ask the question “what is the weight secret societies bear on Maltese politics?”

  6. AG says:

    Is this man for real? Does he really think that we are so naive as to believe him?

    We know that payment for services rendered can be made in kind too, Mr. Cash. Oh sorry, Mr. Dalli.

  7. Natalie says:

    Santo subito!

  8. gigi says:

    Difficli biex titwemmen, iktar facli nemmen li l-ilma jsir whisky milli din.

  9. charon says:

    Santo subito.

  10. Silence... says:


  11. Jozef says:

    Ok so if Brussels was prison, what’s this, community work on parole?

  12. comment says:

    The halo and wings are missing in the picture

    • Last Post says:

      Angelic features apart, the most intriguing aspect of this photo is the self-congratulatory smile on Joseph Muscat’s face. As if to say: “Haven’t I made a smart tactical move?”

  13. Paddling Duck says:

    Is Mary Swan interested in opening a charity at Mater Dei?

  14. TinaB says:

    I bet that’s what made the money-grabber rolling rich: voluntary work.

  15. ciccio says:

    Didn’t know that it is now possible to do charity with public funds.

    What do the charitable organisations in the voluntary sector think about this?

  16. marlene says:

    Pull the other one.

  17. Corvo Attano says:

    So why are Mr Dalli and daughter doing it in the first place? Surely they must have other sources of income to afford such a noble cause.

  18. Il-Kajboj says:

    If you pay peanuts you get monkeys, but if you pay nothing you get J Dalli BA and his daughter too, free in the cereal packet.

  19. Joe Micallef says:

    One must not forget that the hospital is a major source of information on just about everyone, to say nothing of contacts and contracts.

  20. Wayne Hewitt says:

    Obviously sounding out opportunities…

    If the majority are this gullible, then they deserve the government they elected.

  21. Vagabond King says:

    Is jumping the queue at Mater Dei for medical services considered remuneration?

    Maybe John Dalli can persuade Mary Swan (or whatever name she goes by nowadays) to offer her services. After all Mr. Dalli and Ms Swan are famous for their philanthropic work, especially in ‘Africa’

    I have known Mr. Dalli for a long time and he does nothing for free. One day he will collect.

    • Volley says:

      “I have known Mr. Dalli for a long time and he does nothing for free. One day he will collect.”
      – I can confirm from what I’ve heard about JD & his family.

  22. Left Waiting says:

    Last Saturday I went to the A & E at Mater Dei Hospital, where I waited to be seen by a doctor. Mr Dalli arrived with his wife and his daughter Louisa who needed medication.

    She was seen by the nurse and by the doctor and was sent home.

  23. Rahal says:

    Dalli bhac-cinizi. Jaghmlu kollox bil-qalb u senza interessi.

  24. Artemis says:

    Labour did not name John Dalli “Johnny Cash” originally. This sobriquet originated from within the Daewoo Agency in Mdina Road, Qormi when he was a consultant there. Labour just made it stick thereafter.

    As for working for free, he has not got a reputation for working on a voluntary basis .

  25. GiovDeMartino says:

    Phu ghalikom x’ilsna velenuzi ghandkom.

  26. LIXU says:

    It looks like John Dalli has some plan/project in mind which is only possible if the government is on his side. So he offers his services for free fully aware that he will reap tenfold time invested when his plans come to fruition.

  27. This is very worrying indeed. No contract means no accountability.

    What are the terms of reference of this consultancy? Is this a carte blanche to do whatever strikes his fancy? What data does he have access to? Who regulates his activities in this regard?

  28. P Shaw says:

    Obviously and of course, The Times is the first one to report such news.

  29. Brimbu says:

    There is no way Mr Dalli will work for Euro 17 k as a consultant. I do not know what it is but the benefit from this will be much much more. Bonus is, he gets the chance to teach his daughter the ropes at this level..

  30. ciccio says:

    OK, so now it is officially a government of pimps, thieves, scoundrels and…volunteers.

  31. Mister says:

    Issa mhux kemm jarma siggu u jitlob xi haga… bhal xi ‘parker’…. helu helu jiehu donations talli idahhlek go xi ward ?

    Ara veru poplu beccun !

  32. Just Jack (JJ) says:

    The last thing I heard about Mater Dei hospital is that Volserv volunteers offering their time distributing coffee and tea at the outpatients are no longer visible.

    A person waiting said it is a waste of time and money since there are coffee machines one can buy from.

    Might it be a cost cutting exercise from Dalli BA? Or is he being served the coffee now?

  33. Joseph Ellul-Grech says:

    This news is mind blowing. I have known John Dalli since childhood, and like many others I have never known him to do anything for free. On the contrary, he likes to get paid very well indeed. Can anyone ask if John Dalli’s bosom buddy, John Abela (Howarth), who is helping him out, if his services are for free too?

    News like this raises grave concern when one considers its implications.

    Whoever approved his appointment must be out of his tiny little mind or has an obligation towards him.

    It was said that Dalli had a road map to sort out the problems at Mater Dei Hospital. I wonder which stationer’s in Malta he bought that from. It could be that he acquired it from his short visit to the Bahamas. I am still laughing my ass off.

    As for not being accountable, this is nothing unusual in John Dalli’s case. He has not been held accountable for many allegations and corrupt practices that he was involved in during his political career.

  34. Gordon says:

    Although it sounds really generous of them to offer their services for free, the government should never have done it because it will cost it more in the long term. Apart from the obvious fact that they will surely get compensated indirectly, otherwise they wouldn’t bother.

  35. The Phoenix says:

    Oh, he is being ‘paid’. He has already given a direct order to a certain Sammut to write a hospital management IT programme, throwing out several world class IT companies who were in the running for it.

    Then there’s the very interesting procurement process of medicines to take into consideration.

    • curious says:

      Given a direct order? Isn’t he supposed to write some report and make proposals only?

      Ma jistax ikun li qed iqumu dawn il-hafna mistoqsijiet serji fuq il-ministeri u nibqghu bla risposti.

      Il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija tghidx kemm ghandu x’jghidilna, Ghad irid jinfurmana fuq Dalli u l-Bahamas u JPO u s-Serkin, fost ohrajn.

    • Jozef says:

      Really. And he’s not even officially engaged.

      That’s our money. How about we DON’t pay that part of our taxes?

  36. oxo says:

    Truthfully, what on earth is really happening in this country’s administration? No contracts, no obligations? And in the health services??

    Where have our basic administration standards gone?

    If this is true, this should not be allowed to happen in our public service sector. Nothing is free on this planet. This style of administration shows what a bunch of ametuers we are.

  37. rpacebonello says:

    Nothing comes for free. Surely knowledge and advance information could be very profitable and not being paid might be more advantageous. Haven’t we been there before! I hope the minister knows what he is doing.

  38. “At the moment he (John Dalli) is taking stock of the situation…”, yet prime minister Joseph Muscat has already stated that J.D. has found numerous irregularities.

    This tendency for the prime minister (and the commissioner of police) to declare themselves in advance on matters that should be the outcome of an investigation, casts serious doubts on the integrity of these investigations.

    • La Redoute says:

      The identity of the appointee, the manner in which he was appointed, and the identity of the person who appointed him are enough to cast doubt on the integrity of the investigations.

  39. Gahan says:

    This Joseph is really great:

    Chinese will make a two million euro study on wether a bridge or a tunnel are feasible to connect Malta and Gozo, for free.

    Musumeci is a consultant with Minister for MEPA affairs, Michael Farrugia, for free.

    John Dalli leaves a Cypriot Presidency meeting, goes to the Bahamas on a gruelling flight route to do charity work running in hundreds of millions of dollars on voluntary basis and now he’s doing consultancy work at Mater Dei Hospital for which he needed his daughter to help him, for free.

    Then we have Dr Godfrey Farrugia visiting patients for free.

    What an amazing country.

  40. Tracy says:

    U nghid jien John Dalli minn ekonomista mar storekeeper ? Waqa’ daqshekk fil-baxx biex jaghmel xoghol volontarju?

  41. Zambitoo says:

    How can a shark smell ‘blood’ and not attack its prey?

  42. Gakku says:

    Does his not being remunerated have anything to do with the transitional allowance as a former commissioner? See

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