The government has used up all of Labour’s token gays (men only), so now it’s recycling the Labour Party’s women to get its feminist quota up

Published: August 27, 2013 at 5:30pm

In today’s Government Gazette, some really charming Malta Taghna Lkoll appointments made by Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia (or rather, made for him):

Government Notice No. 789

Amendment in the Appointment of Council for the Professions Complementary to Medicine

With reference to Government Notice No. 458 dated 31st May, 2013, the Council for the Professions Complementary to Medicine within the Ministry for Health is to be constituted as follows:

Dr Lydia Abela

Dr Charles Azzopardi
Ms Julia Farrugia
Ms Phyllis Muscat
Mr Chris Vella

Ms Maria Schembri

27th August, 2013

So…the chairman is Lydia Abela, a senior official of the Labour Party and the president’s daughter-in-law. And three of the five members are: failed Labour Party general election candidate Charlie Azzopardi, former Labour Party newsroom journalist Julia Farrugia (until recently editor of Saviour Balzan’s and Roger de Giorgio’s newspaper Illum, Maltese language sister to Malta Today; as from October, host of Labour TV’s new breakfast show), and face-cream-monger Phyllis Muscat, who travels with the prime minister and his wife on family holidays, takes them out on Sundays on her yacht, and organises events for the Labour Party, like its ‘Kwalita Malta’ fair.

Gov Gazette 1

Phyllis Muscat showing Joseph Muscat round the Labour Party fair 'Kwalita Malta'

Phyllis Muscat showing Joseph Muscat round the Labour Party fair ‘Kwalita Malta’

Phyllis Muscat (standing at rear) travelling in club class with the prime minister and his family

Phyllis Muscat (standing at rear) travelling in club class with the prime minister and his family

Failed Labour electoral candidate Charlie Azzopardi, who has had his sunglasses galvanised to his scalp

Failed Labour electoral candidate Charlie Azzopardi, who has had his sunglasses galvanised to his scalp

Julia Farrugia worked for years with the Labour Party's television station Super One, and now works for Media Today, Saviour Balzan's and Roger de Giorgio's newspaper stable.

Julia Farrugia worked for years with the Labour Party’s television station Super One, and now works for Media Today, Saviour Balzan’s and Roger de Giorgio’s newspaper stable.

The chairman of the Council for the Professions Complementary to Medicine (right) with the mother of a member of the Adoption Board (left)

The chairman of the Council for the Professions Complementary to Medicine (right) with the mother of a member of the Adoption Board (left)

13 Comments Comment

  1. TinaB says:

    I am speechless.

  2. pazzo says:

    We are heading with Mr Jones to his animal farm.

  3. Totally disillusioned says:

    Is their knowledge of English so poor that they meant Mediocracy instead of Meritocracy?

  4. Paddling Duck says:

    Taghna Lkoll! Taghna Lkoll!

  5. D S says:

    Can you play background music to these posts? ‘Who let the dogs out?’ comes to mind.

  6. P Shaw says:

    What are the duties and responsibilities of this Council exactly?

  7. Mister says:

    Kullhadd volontarju ukoll?

  8. Jonathan says:

    After winning a war against perceived nepotism, MLP went on to replace it with the real thing.

  9. maria says:

    Julia Farrugia is set to return to Super One as the breakfast show host alongside John ‘Buzu’ Busuttil, formerly known as Buzu tal-EuroTours who lately declared that he’s neither a Labourite nor a Nationalist, but votes with his mind.

    [Daphne – As opposed to what, his backside? Honestly.]

    • etil says:

      I can only say one thing. Only Labourites are really loyal to their party unlike some some Nationalists who switch where it suits them. Very disappointed re Busu who is a nice guy but one cannot really rely on certain persons anymore.

  10. Alf says:

    Hereunder is Subsidiary Legislation 464.10 (COUNCIL FOR THE PROFESSIONS COMPLEMENTARY TO MEDICINE)

    Cap 464 of the Laws of Malta states:

    Council for the Professions Complementary to Medicine.
    26. (1) There shall be a Council to be called “the Council for the Professions Complementary to Medicine”, which shall consist of the following members:

    (a) a President appointed by the Prime Minister from amongst legal practitioners;

    (b) two persons from amongst the general public, who are not health care professionals, appointed by the Prime Minister;

    (c) seven persons elected by and from amongst the professions regulated by the said Council: provided that, wherever possible, no profession regulated by the said Council shall be represented by more than one member elected under this paragraph;

    (d) three persons appointed by the Prime Minister from amongst the professions regulated by the Council: provided that no profession regulated by the said Council shall be represented by more than one member appointed under this paragraph, and provided further that a profession regulated by the Council shall not be represented by a member appointed under this paragraph if it is already represented by a member elected under paragraph (c).

    May I ask what credentials the appointed members have to sit on this Council apart from the President (not Chairperson) who has to be a legal practitioner?

    I wish to point out also that the the Government Gazette has a mistake. The Subsidiary Legislation does not provide for a “Chairperson” for this Council but a “President”.

  11. La Redoute says:

    The member of the adoption board is on the right of the hoot.

  12. OMG says:

    What is your email address, please?

    [Daphne –]

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