Abuse of power by the Police Commissioner: this afternoon’s press conference

Published: August 27, 2013 at 7:19pm

Jason Azzopardi_Beppe_press conference

The Nationalist Party has given a press conference, addressed by Jason Azzopardi and Beppe Fenech Adami, on the Police Commissioner’s abuse of legislation designed to fight really serious crime, in his demanding phone logs from service providers to establish ‘who called who first’ on a matter not related to crime at all.

The link to the report in The Malta Independent is below.

25 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    Ministry of Home Affairs and Security. Star Ministry, outshines them all.

  2. P Shaw says:

    Shouldn’t Simon Busuttil have addressed that press conference? Or is he delegating ‘negativity’ to shadow speakers while he conducts the nice and easy stuff.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      It’s a detail in a whole edifice of wrongness, and a point of legality.

      So the leader would usually let one of his shadow ministers do the talking. The fact that they can find chapter and verse from the book of laws to show that this particular bit is wrong means that they are speaking up in the first place.

      Bloody lawyers, the worst species ever to infest Malta. The PN really isn’t a political party so much as a lawyers’ firm.

      • lorna saliba says:

        You are so right Baxxter: That’s the problem with this country, it has almost always been run by lawyers, village lawyers normally. the more affluent ones remain in their practice and seek to suck up endless direct orders and government contracts to the tune of millions:

        They know nothing about economic policy, waste time and resources in useless talk and by the time anything is done, years must pass.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I propose an experiment. Send out a questionnaire to all PN MPs, local councillors, and candidates for the various elections, with a list of Yes or No boxes to tick, just to map out the party’s political position.

        Make sure the list includes questions where public, individual and (crucial this!) SOCIAL morals give you a definite answer, but on which there is nothing in the Book of Laws.

        I bet it would be like a confused processor printing “CANNOT COMPUTE”.

    • Giovanni says:

      It’s the job of shadow ministers to monitor their colleagues. PN are not Labour and yes men.

    • Ta'sapienza says:

      I remember ‘the 5 minute manager’ booklet. The king dished out the rewards whereas the prime minister was made to administer punishment, with the result that the first was ridiculed and the other respected.

      The king switched the roles with the result that the people chopped off his head and made the prime minister king.

    • Jozef says:

      Let’s have another one of Joseph’s snide retorts first.

      Because he will, now that his ‘men’ were mopped around the floor in the committee room yesterday.

      L-Orizzont spiccatlu l-inka dalghodu, tipi grassi daqs tal-llum kienu ilhom ma jidhru.

      ‘ATTAKK SFACCAT’. Fuq min, il-gideb ta’ Muscat?

    • M. says:

      Don’t be silly. Simon Busuttil is too busy going to festi to deal with the really important matters.

    • carlos says:

      Both Beppe Fenech Adami and Jason Azzopardi are doing a good job. It seems that Simon Busuttil has two or more to count upon.

  3. Kif inhi din? says:

    I’m just waiting for the same old hackneyed token response: you’ve learned nothing from losing the election.

    • Neil says:

      Oh so what? Let them. Bound to happen – bunch of ignorant, hapless, brainless, conscience-less pricks. I was in the UK in the 70s and 80s. Born and bred there. I never DREAMED it could be THIS bad here. The realization, or relevation since March has been of biblical proportion.

  4. kev says:

    The logs were not provided in 2006 because the 2008 legislation had not existed.

    This is another example of why we cannot allow an inch, not even for Orwellian ‘wars’, such as the ‘war on drugs’ and the ‘war on perpetual terrrrsm’.

    But this is nothing compared to recording phone conversations 24/7 and saving them for rainy days. Totally illegal, absolutely unenforceable… but we have sound assurances that the SS are angels who would do no wrong.

  5. Alexander Ball says:

    Has it occurred to anyone else that the policeman might have been lying about seeing the telephone logs?

    • Neil says:

      Errrmm….ya think?

    • Jozef says:

      Whatever it is, this commissioner isn’t tenable.

      This other set of contradictory statements went under the radar. Just follow his body language as he tries to discredit John Muscat on the infamous Isle of MTV incident.

      1.15 onwards.


      If anyone’s in the way, they’re in trouble, or made to look like some criminal. ‘Kif kien obbligat li jaghmel..’

      It could be one of us tomorrow.

      • kev says:

        Concerning the news report you linked, Jozef, I don’t want to go into details, but it had a terrifying Twilight Zone effect on me. I’m so dazed I’m not even sure where the crime lies, although there certainly is a two-and-a-half-million-euro crime there, somewhere, enough for NET TV to net the COP himself for a scoop interview, tabloid style.

        Ahleb, Guz!

        Ghax John Muscat biddel il-verzjoni u din il-bicca tax-xoghol tal-MTV trid tinghalaq halli forsi mmorru naqbdu erba’ drugati, naqfluhom il-habs u ndoqqu naqa’ banda tal-umpappa…

      • Jozef says:

        Peace kev.

  6. cettina says:


  7. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Anyone in the Malta Police Force lying? Haven’t you heard that this is a “NEW” squeaky clean LP movement with new faces and any resemblance to the face of former retired policemen from the Mintoff-KMB-Lawrence Pullicino era could only be accidental?

  8. Alex says:

    If the Police Commissioner really wants to know the truth, the only telephone logs he should have looked into are those of Charles Attard iz-Zambi.

  9. hopeful says:

    Someone up top mentioned Simon Busuttil. Well I think Simon is the most democratic person on the political map. In his hear of hearts he is saying ” Why all this fuss? you asked and you got what you wanted (and deserve) – so why complain now? I am more than sure that Simon knows of the proverb of giving someone rope…..

  10. Caroline says:

    Where IS Simon Busuttil?

    He’s clearly not interested in his post so why doesn’t he simply resign. He is doing more harm than good.

    People are finally realising the massive mistake made in the last election but are not convinced by the current leader of the Opposition, and who can blame them.

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