The photo which the Labour Party/government Department of Information/Michelle Muscat didn’t release to the press

Published: September 26, 2013 at 3:21pm

Michelle Muscat_Michelle Obama

The Labour Party’s news site ran a photograph of Mrs Muscat with Mrs Ban Ki Moon TWICE. The Department of Information has flooded the media with the queue-to-have-your-picture-taken photograph of the Muscats with the Obamas, which is all over Facebook.

So you would think that the same lot of PR-pushers would jump at the chance to drown us in copies of a photograph of Michelle Muscat with Mrs Obama. But no.

If found this one by chance via The Huffington Post. It’s the one the government’s PR advisers didn’t want us to see.

The matronly upper arms, swing-dress that looks like a maternity dress on somebody with such a clunky figure, and utterly horrid Maltese-trash-at-a-wedding-reception hairstyle just didn’t work in profile. Oh dear. What a shame.

22 Comments Comment

  1. Dave says:

    Come on, DOI is still photoshopping it.

  2. C Falzon says:

    It’s not her fault, it’s just that the photo was shot with a cheap camera.

    Here’s what Michelle really looks like as witnessed through a good camera:

    • Alexander Ball says:

      The song that runs through my head when I see this is from ‘Oliver’.

      “I’m reviewing, the situation ….”

    • Victor says:

      She wishes! A far cry from the real Michelle Muscat.

      The wonders of Photoshop.

    • Danielle says:

      Well, I would not say a cheap camera. I mean we all have eyes to see the hairstyle or dress would be the same with a good camera but the good thing about glossies is the touch up that can make any ordinary person look like a beauty.

  3. Il Bacchino Malato di Caravaggio says:

    Niggustaha :)

  4. La Redoute says:

    A couple of questions: who pays for Mrs Muscat’s hairdressing nightmares on a trip like this? And who’s babysitting the Muscats’ daughters, now that it’s been made plain to them that children are not welcome at events for heads of state?

  5. The Shadow says:

    “Hello hii. Gejna s’hawn. Orrajjt, orrajt? Illum wahdi gejt!”

  6. Neil says:

    Surely a distant relation. There’s a definite resemblance.

  7. Bullivant says:

    Why does Michelle Obama – who is older than Michelle Muscat – look so fresh and at ease while the other one looks matronly and overawed to be shaking hands with her.

  8. Antoine Vella says:

    I’m sure Michelle Muscat’s dress was horribly expensive. The fabric seems to have been printed for the occasion, perhaps copied from an Edwardian wallpaper design to which was added the Knights’ cross.

  9. Kevin says:

    A quick comparison of the two ladies:

    Michelle Obama at

    Contrast to Michelle Muscat at

  10. Marie says:

    Not to mention how inconguous those shoes are with that dress

  11. Francesca says:

    My grandmother wore groovier shoes. Michelle commits fashion suicide every time. I recommend they just put a sack over her head and be damned.

  12. Tracy says:

    Mir-ritratti tahseb li Obamas ospitawhom ghandhom.

  13. B says:

    How utterly naff… Are those little Knights’ crosses all over the fabric? I bet they thought they were being awfully clever. Michelle Obama is probably regretting not having worn her stars and stripes now.

  14. blue says:

    I never realised Michelle has cankles.

  15. Matthew S says:

    There’s nothing wrong with a middle-aged lady having unsightly lunch-lady arms. Gravity, imperfect diets and biology can take their toll. But if one has such arms, for heaven’s sake, one shouldn’t go sleeveless.

    The only reason Michelle Obama gets away with wearing sleeveless dresses is because she is fit and looks magnificent.

    You won’t be catching Angela Merkel or Dilma Rousseff wearing sleeveless dresses any time soon. Guess why?

    Sleeves are the answer ladies, sleeves.

    Can someone pass this guide to Michelle Muscat please?

  16. Comment says:

    A horrible dress, and those shoes don’t match at all. Did she take her hairdresser and make-up artist with her or did her friend from Buttardi New York provide her with her own services.

  17. Maria Lourdes says:

    Michelle Muscat should keep things simple with her clothes.

  18. Anna says:

    What is Mrs Muscat holding?

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