The government of Montenegro is more honest than the government of Malta

Published: September 26, 2013 at 3:33pm

Here you go: the government of Montenegro makes it plain that the photograph was taken at a reception hosted the United States President and First Lady for heads of state/government at the UN general assembly.

Malta’s government, on the other hand, released the same version of the photograph while falsely implying that the Muscats had an actual meeting with the Obamas.

meet and greet


9 Comments Comment

  1. Giovanni says:

    What is puzzling is that besides all other similarities, Michelle’s Obama’s feet are in the exact position in both photos ( It-takkuna mexatt mal-fil) . So it must be true that the Obama’s are made of wax ?

    • ken il malti says:

      She actually knows how to pose properly for a full length. photograph.

      Her feet are in the right position to look good in a photo and she even has a more attractive pose of a 3/4 turn to the camera instead of a bumpkin head on pose.

      I did week-end wedding photography work back in the early 1970s to pay for my post secondary schooling tuition in Michigan and one learns about this type of pose right way if you want to sell flattering 8×10 prints.

  2. Adolf says:

    Is there anyone who is capable of superimposing the two photos? I have a funny feeling that the Obamas will superimpose perfectly. The pose, the smile, the head match perfectly in both photographs, I think it is impossible to do this if there is no trickery somewhere.

    • marks says:

      I think that all these photos were taken using green screen technology. The subject has the photo taken in front of a special green screen and then the background image (in this case, the Obamas) is superimposed and printed on the final image. This gimmick is very common in amusement parks.

  3. Cladio says:

    The Obama’s meet the Hobbits,

  4. michael seychell says:

    This is a confirmation of how immature Muscat and his advisers aer, thinking that all the Maltese people are so gullible as to accept whatever the government says without checking facts.

  5. paul said says:

    On PBS news we were told our Prime Minister had a meeting with President Obama…. false news of course, but that’s what PBS is all about these days…..

  6. Intermilan says:

    Not what the pl supporters are saying cos they are saying that in six months he meet all the leaders of the world . And all are asking him to meet .

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