Saviour Balzan’s iced bun

Published: September 30, 2013 at 2:48am

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The Leader of the Opposition will be the first interviewee on Saviour Balzan’s iced-bun show on TVM, Reporter. Balzan’s newspaper, Malta Today, describes Reporter as “a hard talk show”.

It makes you wonder where they might have put the requisite hyphen.

Hard talk? More like spluttering and stammering, I’d say.

I’d put the hyphen between ‘talk’ and ‘show’ – following anything Balzan’s says is, because of his speech and thought patterns, very hard indeed.

Good luck, Saviour – and remember: don’t get too excited because agitation makes the spluttering worse.

5 Comments Comment

  1. anthony says:

    Attempting to outdo Tim Sebastian.

  2. FP says:

    Geez-uss. Malta’s own Jeremy Paxman.

  3. Libertas says:

    Malta 2013 where no one even murmurs anything when public broadcasting buys the services of two supposedly independent media organisations (MediaToday and Times) for programmes on PBS.

  4. jojo says:

    That man Balzan has got such a giant chip on his shoulder, he’s just not credible.

  5. Miss Forcina says:

    Yeah right… u mar id-dawl f’nofs Malta eżatt qabel l-aħbarijiet u reġa’ ġie s-servizz eżatt kif spiċċa l-programm give and take a little.

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