Exactly what is Mrs Konrad Mizzi’s ‘Care for Children’ outfit?

Published: September 30, 2013 at 4:04am

Registered under Mrs Konrad Mizzi’s name, there’s an outfit called ‘Care for Children/Malta’ with an address given as 56 Triq Il-Molletta, Swieqi.

The telephone number listed for it begins with +7, which is Kazakhstan.

The person registered as living at that address is ex Air Labour man Lawrence Mizzi, Konrad’s father. From the GO directory: Mizzi Laurence, B.A.(Hons.) Econ., 56 ‘Tradewinds’ Triq il-Molletta, Swieqi

The careforchildrenmalta.org domain doesn’t lead anywhere.


Sai Mizzi Laing 1

23 Comments Comment

  1. Min Jaf says:

    Some kind of international charity organization, similar to those registered in the Bahamas, perhaps?

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    Let’s be honest, Malta was a spiv’s paradise under the PN

    Now it’s gone sublime.

  3. VF says:

    If the die-hard LP supporters were honest with themselves, can they seriously say they are happy with the change they voted for?

    With all the havoc, corruption and disgrace Labour has created and promoted in the past six months, more than ever am I proud to have voted PN.

    It is truly incredible that so many people couldn’t see this morning, even though it was written large.

  4. VF says:

    What is your e-mail address pls?

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  5. Gary says:

    Northern Rock used an obscure charity to tangle the profits trail.

  6. it-Tezi ta' Mario says:

    For someone who’s now a public figure paid out of the public purse, Mrs Konrad Mizzi has been remarkably silent.

    All attention has been focussed on her husband, the minister. Now that her appointment is official, shouldn’t someone doorstep her and ask her for her comments?

    There hasn’t even been a photograph of her published anywhere following her appointment, apart from an earlier one of her accompanying her husband to the opening of parliament.

    Undoubtedly, she’d prefer to be out of the limelight and hide her tracks. Isn’t that the way her real boss operates?

    • Jozef says:

      At a measly salary of 8,000 euros a month, she could at least smile at that camera.

    • Min Jaf says:

      Waqt li hu jidher li baqa joqghod il-Fgura, hija toqghod fejn Nazzarenu, fuq Tigne Sea Front, tas-Sliema. Jistghu jficcuha hemm, minn jixtieq jistaqsija xi haga.

  7. Lorry says:

    Perhaps careforchildrenmalta.org will be THE private partner to provide free childcare centres.

  8. admin says:

    UPDATE: The domain does not go to a website (as in http://www.careforchildrenmalta.org) because it is parked.

    The mx record (for emails) is mapped to mailstore1.secureserver.net (http://mxtoolbox.com/public/tools/findproblems.aspx?filter=

    That means that emails can be sent and received from that domain using https://login.secureserver.net

  9. H.P. Baxxter says:

    If I were into sci-fi techno-thrillers I’d suggest organ harvesting.

    But then I’m more the Thomas Hardy type.

  10. RF says:

    There is another .com address at same address at Swieqi under Nicola Mizzi. What’s the relationship with Mrs Konrad Mizzi?


  11. Antoine Vella says:

    Careforchildren.org is a charity that builds schools in India.

    Careforchildren.com is a different charity that facilitates fostering of abandoned children. It was founded by Britons but operates only in Asia.

    Then there’s careforchildren.com.br which helps children in Brazil.

    They all seem legitimate charities.

  12. Mark Vassallo says:

    The phone number doesn’t exist.
    +7 is used by Russia, Kazakhstan and Abkhazia..
    +75 is not used by any country.

    The Swieqi address is what was on Konrad’s ID card until a couple of years ago (as well as his wife and parents).

    Just found out something interesting:

    Q. What do Konrad Mizzi and Dom Mintoff have in common.

    A. Their fathers were both born in Gozo.

    • Marlowe says:

      And the fact that they were born in Gozo is noteworthy because? This is the old ‘Correlation does not imply causation’ nugget.

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