Joseph, Kert, Mario and Keet: Gvern li Jisma

Published: October 1, 2013 at 2:55am

I would suggest a caption competition, but honestly, who can be bothered. This has gone into farce now. Look who’s running the country. Wow.

Joseph Kurt Mario Keith

29 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Bonnici says:

    They can’t even organise a piss-up in a brewery.

    • Alf says:

      Though I agree that they cannot organise a piss-up in a brewery, I am sure you will agree that they can organise a fuck-up the way they have fucked this country in just over six months.

  2. J.agius says:

    Hey guys, Let’s play a game of Chinese whispers.

  3. chully says:

    Vera gvern li jisma. Qed jisimghu lil xulxin

  4. Grezz says:

    Mario’s the odd one out, without that chav male hair-do of hard, gelled spikes.

  5. Ghar u Kasa says:

    Joseph to Kurt: ‘Wahda mir-ragunijiet li ghazilt lilek Kurt kienet li ma’ jkollix ghalfejn inqum mis-siggu biex inkellmek meta int tkun bilwieqfa.

    Mario to Keith: ‘Skuzani Keith, imma issa gietni l-barma…..nispera li ma semaghhiex din il-Gvern ukoll….’

  6. V says:

    That’s why politics is amazing: it is like running your own business, without investing your money, where you never lose and always get paid, and above all, you are never accountable.

    So, who can blame them. They just enjoy the ride.

  7. tinnat says:

    Joseph to Keith behind Mario’s back: Mela m’ghidtlux li ghandkom tilbsu ngravata blu?

  8. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    Smajta ta’ l-ahhar …?

  9. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    Hokkli spalti … malajr … !

  10. H.Galea (NRK) says:

    4711 ..? …xommu cwiec …!

  11. J.J. says:

    It seems Kert likes to bend over.

  12. Didi says:

    Qishom parti mil-Last Supper.

  13. dimartedi says:

    Which reminds me, where is Franco Debono?

    Should we call ‘Chi l’ha Visto?’

  14. No Respect says:

    I am sorry to say it but he lacks the right qualities of a leader.

  15. Pandora says:

    This is really getting on my nerves. Why do they have to constantly refer to the previous government?

    Don’t they realise how pathetic this sounds?

    They are in government now…it looks like they still cannot believe it.

  16. Lorry says:

    As pathetic as they are one thing is for sure…. they were able to screw those 36,000 butts

  17. PWG says:

    Mario to himself. Ghall l’erwieh.

  18. Wot the Hack says:

    Seems like someone among the public has asked the ‘Gvern li Jisma’ a difficult question about the economy.

    Mario: I have no idea. Ha nara hawnx xi hadd fil-penil li jaf it-twegiba.

    Keith KASCO: Joseph, int suppost tafha din. You are an “economist,” or that’s what you say at least.

    Joseph Muscat: Kurt, idhol naqra fil-gugil u ara ssibx risposta.

    Kurt: OK chief, sadanittant, ilhaq ghidilhom xi haga li din ‘insolvuwwwa bil-common sense,’ u ghidulhom li kollox ‘on track.’

  19. Augustus says:

    J.M., “smajtha tal-ahhar Keith”?
    Keith’ “le”
    J.M.'”Ghamel widnejk ma s#rm Mario u tismaghha”

  20. Wistin Schembri says:

    Kurt, why is Mario not wearing a blue tie? Mela ma jismax?

  21. Peritocracy says:

    Gvern li jistmak f’s****

  22. madness says:

    Veru gvern li jisma! Ghax l-ewwel jaghmlu xi haga li jafu li lin-nies ser iddejjaqom, bhal per ezemplu ta l-istudenti ta l-ITS li ser ikollom imorru darbtejn fil-gimgha Ghawdex.

    Issa wara li jkun hemm hafna tgergir jaghmlu U-turn u jghidu ghax dan gvern li jisma u jbiddlu kollox.

    Dawn hekk ser jibqghu sejrin, jaghmlu affaritijiet li jafu li n-nies ser igergru halli imbad bl-iskuza li jisimghu idawwru kollox kif kien.

  23. Joe Fenech says:

    “Ghalxejn naghmel zoom out….il-Fat Controler mhux qed jidholli fuq l-iscreen”

  24. Paul Bonnici says:

    They are discussing the latest Apple iPhone.

    Muscat is asking: ‘Shall I put it on expenses?’

  25. ciccio says:

    “Ma’ dan il-gvern anqas tb*ss ma tista’, ghax jisimghek.”

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