Minister Manny and his personally loyal servant Mary Grace (as the brigadier is known by his subordinates) are interviewed live to camera

Published: October 3, 2013 at 5:55pm

Aren’t they sweet?

And ‘Mary Grace’ is still in uniform and still the brigadier, despite retiring with promises of a job in Brussels which he disgustingly refuses to discuss, even though the public are paying him to go there.

Is there something wrong with Minister Mallia? He looks decidedly odd, more so than ever. If I were in charge of a small child, I would tell that child to stay well away from the very strange man.

And nobody with the army and the police in his portfolio should be so short, fat and ungainly, though hideously ugly he would be able to get away with, were he not also the first three.

“This is the army minister.” And that over-sized Kinder Sorpresa in a badly fitted suit waddles in. I mean, what are normal, sane people supposed to do – laugh?

21 Comments Comment

  1. Andrew Borg Cardona says:

    Someone who know something about body language (and actual language, for that matter) would have a field day. Talk about ducking the questions and looking evasive.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Fucking Italianate Fascist. “INfondata u INvetIEra.”

    And who in hell is that first journalist? He sounds like an illiterate peasant.

    God, what a country.

    • Sufa says:

      The Guido factor.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Indeed. And the Sette bloody Giugno factor. And the Casino Maltese factor. Lawyers. Always them.

        It’s 2013 and now they’ve even got their stupid glossy magazine. “Living Law”. As if it wasn’t wall-to-wall lawyers already.

        As if the legal profession was some cool, exciting thing that merits its own glossy mag. Malta must be the only country on earth where law=glamour and legal professionals are household names. Screw them.

        You’re better off buying Hustler. At least the women there don’t pretend they didn’t rise to fame through their pudenda.

      • the hobbit says:

        @H. P. Baxxter – You’re so much the cat’s whiskers, aren’t you?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        No. I just don’t find the law entertaining.

    • ciccio says:

      Maybe he was just leaning back and instinctively shutting his eyes to avoid being hit in the face by Joseph Muscat.

  3. Denis says:

    Seems Mary Grace is an admirer of Norman Lowell – just look at his body movements.

    “Il focus tieghiiiii….” Holy baloney, what kind of rubbish talk is that.

  4. ciccio says:

    Mary Grace. How appropriate.

  5. Joseph says:

    He looks like the red M&M’s creature.

  6. ex-Surgent says:

    Nista’ nitkellem ghax irtirajt xi zmien ilu. Brigadier li jahrab mill-mistoqsijiet.

    Kellu jirrizenja hafna qabel imma warrab lil shabu biex jiehu l-job…hekk qabillu.

    Haddiehor li hdimt mieghu kellu jitlaq u jibqa b’xejn jew jitwarrab. La baqa hemm approva l-promozzjonijiet.

    Shame on him.

    • General says:

      Issa dejjem kont nahseb li dal-Brigadier ghandu naqra stoffa, ikkumparat ma’ ta qablu.

      Jekk Carmel Vassallo ghamel 5 snin (minghalija) Brigadier, dan ghala kellu jirrizenja qabel?

      U hag’ohra: ghala “Mary Grace”?

  7. Natalie says:

    At 0:30, he looks as if he’s scratching his ass. Is it that difficult to maintain a proper posture?

  8. Manuel says:

    Who would have thought that the Brigadier, who was surprised to hear about his replacement from the media (his assertion, not mine) would also get his iced bun? He’s in.

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