The latest army recruitment ad

Published: October 6, 2013 at 3:57pm

You can’t accuse the Maltese army of military precision, can you? It’s sense of timing is shot to pieces. Just when it is in the eye of the storm about abusive promotions through the ranks, it releases a recruitment video on YouTube.

“We don’t offer jobs,” it says. “We offer careers.” Oh, indeed. There are a couple of senior officers people could ring to ask about that.

This video needs a final frame: “for card-carrying Laburisti only. And if you sign off on explosives for the prime minister’s family business, then so much the better.”

10 Comments Comment

  1. Matthew S says:

    This leading article in the current edition of The Economist is priceless. It very succinctly explains why roundabouts, and parliamentary democracy, in Malta don’t work half as well as they do in Britain.

  2. Osservatore says:

    We’ll be back to the days of the “Dejma” and the “Taksfors” in no time. Heck, we’re half way there already.

    Let’s face it, unemployment is on the increase, and this is not cyclical employment as Muscat claims. Enemalta, Air Malta, and Drydocks are no longer options so that will leave the army and police force.

    However do not lose hope. The Chinese are coming!

  3. John says:

    I visited the AFM open day today. Brigadier Xuereb was nowhere to be seen.

  4. AG says:

    They do have a sense of humour, though.

  5. P Shaw says:

    For a moment, I thought this was a clip from the next James Bond movie.

  6. Manuel says:

    “We offer careers”? It should have advertised “We create and offer careers for the Socjalisti-Hbieb-Muscat only”

  7. P Sant says:

    Riklam maghmul minn xi agenzija pro-Labour ghal postijiet li probabilment huma diga’ lesti ghal xi bazuzli. U kollox imhallas minni u minnek.

  8. anthony says:

    Right. This it then.

    AFM to be a euphemism for twentyfirst century korpi, pannunieri, izra, rabbi, bahhar, sewwi,dejma etc.

    Careers my foot.

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