The progressive, liberal, “most feminist” government is holding a Girls Only Competition. And it’s all in pink.

Published: October 11, 2013 at 9:16am

The competition is open only to girls, the publicity material is all in bubblegum pink with a girly font, and the language is patronising. Read the bumph here:

Only Girls Allowed Flyer

In the first few lines, the girls are told encouragingly: “we will help you to use very simple technology”.

Indeed. All the girls I know of that age could help most adults I know to use complicated technology.

The competition is about nature, music and fashion. But only girls are allowed. Does the progressive, liberal, feminist government think that nature, music and fashion are subjects for girls?

Nature and music interest boys and girls equally. Not so many boys are interested in fashion, but there are some.

What next: a Boys Only competition about cars and football?

This stereotyping is sickening. But so very typically Labour. When I say that the Labour Party is fundamentally misogynistic and patronising towards women, that it regards women as there to be either decorative or (when not decorative) useful, people sneer.

But it’s a fact. Look at the way they’ve used women throughout their campaign: picking decorative ones and pushing them forwards as ‘switchers’, billboard items, speakers at events, baubles surrounding the party leader. What does that tell you?

The billboard and switcher men they chose, by contrast, were all exceptionally unattractive. Because it didn’t matter.

I hope to goodness that the Labour government is not going to try and raise yet another generation of female idiots. There are more than enough in my generation: a whole, wasted generation. Wasn’t that lesson enough?

Girls only 1

Girls Only 2

Girls Only 3

16 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Guess who will distribute the prizes.

  2. Volley says:

    Ahhh note the 1st prize: a tablet.

  3. Natalie says:

    Oh well, girls love puppies and kittens (nature), they’re all mad about One Direction (hence music), and of course they’re all fans of Hannah Montana (fashion).

    Then we grumble that some girls are too keen on their looks and too empty-minded. All this after it’s been proven that girls do better at school than boys because they maintain a longer attention span and may have a more perfectionist nature.

    This competition could have been easily held for both boys and girls.

  4. Alexander Ball says:

    Most countries would have a condition that relatives of MITA staff can’t enter.

    Maybe a MITA manager’s daughter is already pencilled in as the winner.

  5. P Shaw says:

    Maybe Muscat or Mallia will set up a group of ‘veline’ or pom-pom girls to sell Maltese passports at international exhibitions or forums, lined up with the Swarovski-crystal-embossed furniture for Russians and the Lamborghinis.

  6. ciccio says:

    “we will help you to use very simple technology”.

    Sounds like something erotic.

  7. Dan says:

    When I was 12, my main interests were history books and sports. My (girl) friends and I played basketball against the local boys, and we had no clue that such a thing as ‘fashion’ existed.

  8. Gahan says:

    Nahseb li qabzitlek haga importanti ghal dan il-gvern immexxi minn dan l-eks-MEP, Daphne:

    Mhux talli dawn ii-bniet Maltin iridu jixxierku ma’ studenti bniet ohra ghal-kompetizzjon fuq suggetti tradizzjonalment tal-bniet, imma mid-dehra l-anqas b’ilsien art twelidom ma jistghu jiktbu l-istejjer taghhom.

    L-ewwel klassi ta’ studenti mhaltin f’Penbroke li huma ta’ din l-eta ma jistghux jiehdu sehem skond ir-regolamenti. Dawn jafu x’inhuma jghamlu?

    Kieku Joseph jkun jaf b’din it-tabxa li dahlet il-MITA fiha , ara kif jonfor u jisbel waqt li jghajjat “Watt di hekk!”

  9. Josette says:

    Totalitarian states often try to control and ration education to their chosen elite. So this government might actually be aiming at having another generation of idiots. And as recent decisions of the people have shown, it will have plenty of raw material to work upon.

  10. Paul says:

    Surely, the government has better things to do than organize a bluntly feminist girls-only competition – just to be different.

    This is nothing but another typically mediocre MITA initiative organised by silly staff who think they know better and pose at every occasion as ‘education experts’.

    From what Alexander Ball said above, I believe that he interprets the obvious too.

    [Daphne – Actually, the fact that it is only for girls, along with that subject matter and the pink frills, makes it the opposite of feminist. Which is the point of my post.]

  11. Antoine Vella says:

    I’m not sure it’s legal to have a competition which excludes people because of their gender.

    • Angus Black says:

      Under an ‘inclusive’ government it should be illegal but…

      Whatever Labour says/does, has to be taken as the exact opposite. So the opposite of ‘inclusive’ is ‘exclusive’ and therefore ‘illegal’ becomes ‘legal’.

  12. M. Cassar says:

    It is easy to SAY you are ‘progressive’, ‘liberal’ or ‘feminist’ – acting like you really ARE is a tad more difficult! Of course, the fact that most people believe their ears and ignore every other sense helps with the deception. After all most of the things which were being criticized heavily in the media are now fine and dandy. Did anything change besides the harping in the media?

    So if they are feminist, then they are. Just like they gave great educational opportunities for girls in the 1970s. Remember the golden years?

  13. Tinothy says:

    “not going to try and raise yet another generation of female idiots”? Did you by any chance come across the 2013 election results . . males as well, I think.

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