A EUR110,000 donation – perhaps this is some more of that British humour

Published: October 18, 2013 at 10:35pm


The prime minister has announced that he will be reaching into Malta’s coffers and donating Eur110,000 to the Palestinian cause.

This is on the back of his announcement that his government will be selling passports to people like those Palestinians for an initial outlay of Eu650,000 with another Eur25,000 for every wife and child.

So how about selling two Maltese/EU passports to Israelis for Eur1.3 million and donating that to the Palestinian cause?

Eur110,000 is chickenfeed. Muscat could enclose the cheque in a card that says ‘This generous donation from the Maltese government will buy you one-sixth of a Maltese passport. If you save hard, you might be able to pull together the other Eur540,000 you need.’

10 Comments Comment

  1. Allo Allo says:

    Charity begins at home. Allura d-donations it-tajbin qed itihom lil tal-Billboard.

  2. Natalie says:

    Most apartments cost more than Eur 110,000.

    Anyway, typical Labour mentality. They prize money more than anything: education, health, lifestyle etc. Give them money and they’re happy.

  3. canon says:

    Our Prime Minister Joseph Muscat had the oppotunity to show solidarity with the Palestenian cause with the persons involved and he failed miserably. The donation to the Palestians doesn’t make up for this failure.

  4. Osservatore says:

    Euro110,000 could have gone some small way in the refurbishment of an open centre or detention camp in Malta.

  5. Rumplestiltskin says:

    €110,000 could have been easily collected by passing a hat around all the ministers, parliamentary secretaries, chiefs of staff, board chairmen/members and assorted hangers-on given an iced bun. There are so many of them that it would only have set them back a few euro each.

  6. SHAME says:

    Dawn il-110,000 euros zgur li kienu jservu ghall dawk il-pensjonanti li kull ma ghandhom pensjoni fix-xahar hija ta’ 370 euros.

    Ara tistax persuna anzjana tghaddi b’din il-mizera penzjoni. U imbaghad jigi dan il-buffu u jtajjar flus il-poplu.

  7. La Redoute says:

    Hamsin elf lira, mhux tajjeb?

  8. anthony says:

    Green Shield Stamps.

    Joey gave the Palestinians one pink stamp.

    When they collect six they can exchange them for one Malta Passport.

    I hope he gave them the little booklet to stick them on.

  9. Claude Sciberras says:

    I have a feeling the trip to Palestine cost more than that….

  10. Freedom5 says:

    X’ misthija. This is equivalent to giving a bathroom attendant a 2 cent tip. Yep, that’s it. The attendant would fling it back at you.

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