Not only has the entire Super One payroll been transferred to the state, but now the state is paying for their overseas training, too

Published: October 27, 2013 at 12:16pm

This morning, a large party made up of what appeared to be the entire complement of communications coordinators working for ministers and parliamentary secretaries left Malta airport for London, where they will receive training “by the BBC” (this last was overheard in conversation).

Many people noticed them because their faces are well known from television: they looked like a Super One TV contingent.

Amazing, isn’t it. So first they transfer the Labour Party’s media payroll to the state by giving those goons and tools jobs in cabinet secretariats, instead of engaging people who are fit for purpose, trained, experienced and know what they’re doing.

Then, because they’re totally incompetent, the state pays to fly them out to London en masse, pays for their hotels during training, and pays for the training itself: a huge bill.

Can somebody wave that mike under the PM’s face again, please?

Some of those who were spotted in the contingent:

former Super One reporter Anthony David Gatt (Louis Grech)
former Super One report Melissa Vella (Marie Louise Coleiro Preca)
former Super One and L-Orizzont reporter Charmaine Craus (Joe Mizzi)
former Super One reporter Lindsay Gambin (Konrad Mizzi)
former Super One reporter Wendy Borg (Leo Brincat)

16 Comments Comment

  1. Ramona says:

    In all fairness you’ve long been predicting it, but now all those proud and self-satisfied switchers, of the “I’ll be voting Labour this time ghax let’s face it ormai m’hemmx differenza bejn iz-zewg partiti” kind, have already mostly vanished.

    Now they’re back to “ara pajjiz tal-imgienen ahna, dan xi gvern hu?” and polishing their decades-long PN allegiance by casually mentioning their “kemm hdimt ghal Demarco/Fenech Adami/insert 80s PN icon of choice here jien”.

  2. Stephen Borg Fiteni says:

    Why the minister’s names in brackets?

    [Daphne – Indicating which minister those individuals work for, as communications coordinator.]

  3. curious says:

    The pig’s trough has been enlarged to such an extent that it can accommodate an elephant’s trunk. Ma jafux jisthu.

  4. Gigi says:

    Hallas poplu, la bahnan.

  5. Il-Kajboj says:

    Lil Sabrina Agius (Roderick Galdes), dik li kienet tibghat l-emails lil Joseph mill-RTK ma haduhiex maghhom miskina?

  6. Leli C says:

    E io pago.

  7. Nik says:

    Perhaps former Super One reporter Joseph Muscat should have joined to avoid repeating the recent painful showings on Sky, Fox, CNN, France 1 and various others.

  8. Banana republic ... Again says:

    Just to think ‘positively’, maybe the government has finally realised it employed a bunch of incompetent people who need training?

    [Daphne – No, you have understood everything back to front. The government put untrained people on the state payroll DELIBERATELY AS A FAVOUR TO THEM, and then used state funds and state time to give them a little bit of the training that should have been a prerequisite for getting the job in the first place.]

    • Tabatha White says:

      Exactly. And for this reason, a PQ for cost detailing is required.

      Isn’t this behaviour intentionally corrupt besides unethical, Daphne? Isn’t it possible to make any officer of this present Government, including the prime minister himself, liable for corruption in the future?

      What happens when there is a breach of mandate, which is what we shall have with Financial Services if the Sale of Citizenships agenda comes to pass?

  9. Alf says:

    “Every country gets the Government it deserves”, so it is said. Does this country really deserve this Government. I recall Francis Tabone’s notorious words to Carm Mifsud Bonnici: hekk, hu go fik.

  10. Dissident says:

    Now let’s keep an eye on their Facebook posts on Primark shopping sprees and hotel breakfasts.

  11. The BBC is being criticised for betraying a socialist bias in its reporting. Perhaps they need some more help in this direction.

  12. La Redoute says:

    Hasn’t Anthony David Gatt already had hugely expensive training, funded by the very same EU which his boss, colleagues, family and friends campaigned and voted against?

    I understand he specialised in war reporting. Fantastic for life in Malta, then. Why does Muscat’s government need the services of a war reporter, financed by other people’s taxes?

  13. Pablo says:

    To quote that girl in the Labour video – “ma…..they bloody well think they own the place”.

  14. ciccio says:

    Clear evidence, if any was needed, that these persons were not employed on the basis of meritocracy.

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