Norman Vella releases his statement to the police
You can read the statement he gave to the police here: Stqarrija ta’ Norman Vella lill-Pulizija 27102013
One of the salient points is that while Vella was under interrogation, the interrogating officer took a phone call and was heard to say to the person at the other end of the line: “Who is Silvio Scerri?”
Gives the game away a little, don’t you think.
The statement was released by Vella’s lawyers on his instructions, as beneath:
Stqarrija għall-mezzi tax-xandir b’referenza għall-kummenti tal-Prim Ministru rigward l-arrest ta’ Norman Vella
B’referenza għall-kummenti tal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat rigward il-fatti li seħħew nhar il-Ħadd 27 ta’ Ottubru 2013 fl-Ajruport Internazzjonali ta’ Malta, Norman Vella qiegħed mill-ġdid jikkonferma li huwa ġie arrestat mill-Pulizija li kkonfiskaw ukoll il-mobile u t-tablet proprjetà tiegħu.
Fid-dawl ta’ dan kollu, mehmuż għandkom issibu kopja tal-istqarrija li għamel Norman Vella lill-Pulizija u li fiha wħud mid-dettalji tal-fatti kif seħħew nhar il-Ħadd 27 ta’ Ottubru 2013. Fl-istqarrija tiegħu lill-Pulizija Norman Vella jiċħad bl-aktar mod kategoriku li hu ħa xi ritratt jew ritratti tas-Sur Kurt Farrugia u tas-Sinjorina Ramona Attard kif ukoll jikkonferma li ma nstabu l-ebda ritratti tas-Sinjuri Farrugia u Attard fil-mobile u fit-tablet proprjetà tiegħu.
Sadanittant il-Maġistrat Marseann Farrugia appuntat għal għada l-Erbgħa 30 ta’ Ottubru 2013 fil-11.00 a.m. is-smigħ tar-rikors li Norman Vella ppreżenta bħala talba sabiex jiġu rilaxxati l-mobile u t-tablet proprjetà tiegħu u li għadhom ikkonfiskati b’mod abbużiv u illegali mill-Pulizija.
Dr Karol Aquilina
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Ma nixtieqx inwaqqa’ s-serjeta’ gravissima tac-cirkostanza, izda tahsbux jista jkun element ta’ sarkazmu/ironija fit-twegiba “Sivlio Scerri min hu?”
This is what the mindless horde that went to harass Lawrence Gonzi at MCAST should be shouting “SHAME” about.
The Times has released Norman’s statement but no comments can be taken. How did the Times get to know about you ( DCG) when it was written in the statement which has now been released for the first time.
Why, I ask, why was this article in the Times of Malta not penned by Mr Kurt Sansone? Was it not him who started the ball rolling and with information that has only been made public now?
Article in The Malta Independent:
Kurt Farrugia denied that he ever called someone. So it has to be Ramona who phoned – taf min jiena.
“Silvio Scerri min hu?”
That says it all.
Dan Silvio Scerri trouble….
And how did ‘Do You Know Who I Am’ know who to call?
Or …. it could be someone who has it in for both of them.
And still…not everyone knows who he is.
Oh the irony!
The inspector who uttered those infamous words is in for a tough time, I’m afraid.
Did Silvio Scerri interfere in any way with the work of the police in this case?
There is a statement signed by two police officers confirming that a phone call was received and replied to with the words “Silvio Scerri min hu?” and “Jien ma naghti informazzjoni lil hadd hlief lil Kummissarju.”
Was information being requested by someone?
Note to Kurt Sansone: This is something serious and should be investigated by the media.
Could it be that this is what they actually wanted?
Could it be that they wanted Norman Vella to suspect that Silvio Scerri is behind this? And in doing so reduce his credibility in the case he has opened against the prime minister?
[Daphne – No way. This whole thing happened in a matter of minutes. Their brains don’t work that fast.]
What they actually wanted was to deviate the media’s attention. Let’s not forget the passports issue being debated in parliament.
When the prime minister takes it on himself to state the opposite of truth, something’s very wrong.
If he was briefed before yesterday’s press interview, it means he’s being kept out of it.
Or worse, he knows he can’t go there and damage control is all he can do.
There’s a limit to spin.
We now know that it was an arrest, the PM also knows it was. What is he doing about it, has any additional statements from his office or better still from him personally admitting it being a personal matter been released.
An interrogation by the police that starts with clear warnings about the rights of the person being questioned, including his/her right for legal assistance, is without any doubt an arrest.
WOW! If this doesn’t send shivers down the spine, I don’t know what would.
I know one thing: if Insp. Attard really didn’t know who Silvio Scerri is, I don’t think it will be too long before she finds out.
“Who is Silvio Scerri?”
That policeman’s dead meat. DOESN’T HE KNOW WHO HE IS?
Till Silvio Scerri, the one who sits at the right hand of the Minister, denies that he is the Silvio Scerri who tried to infiltrate the investigation by calling the Depot and asking for the Inspector, it is fair comment to say without any exaggeration that we are now back to living in a police state.
Lorry Sant, you have been sorely missed….. till now.
Silvio, I am so proud of you!
Why was he shown a photo with Joseph Muscat in it? X’ghandu x’jaqsam?
More than that, I would ask why and how did Daphne Caruana Galizia’s blog come into this? How come the alleged September photo from her blog was readily available with the police at the time of Norman Vella’s arrest? There are more questions to be asked, but I stop here for the moment.
Tomorrow at 11.00, Norman will be defending our right to own and use a mobile and a tablet free of police and Government’s interference.
Il-kaz ta’ Norman ghada hu l-kaz TAGHNA LKOLL.
Norman Vella was accused of taking pictures of Ramona Attard and Kurt Farrugia on Sunday when they passed the departure area after 5.00. Why was he shown a photo of the Prime Minister with others that was published a month ago?
This has nothing to do with the investigation.
Was that photo shown before or after the call from Silvio Scerri? Frame up Pietru Pawl Busuttil style.
The interrogating officer is in for a triple promotion, right to the top she’s going. Commissioner of Police Emeritus.
This is a frame-up, and they wanted to get his mobile and his tablet to see what he has in them, violating his privacy.
Wake up before it’s too late. In the 70s they used to knock on the door in the middle of the night and drag you to the police headquarters. Mallia is very dangerous, because thanks to his career, he thinks criminal behaviour is normal.