Will an Opposition MP please ask whether Mrs Konrad Mizzi actually is in Shanghai and not at her family home in Liaoning?

Published: October 29, 2013 at 7:28pm
Thank heavens for Skype

Thank heavens for Skype

I know from a member of my international worldwide network of spies (it’s a small world, as they say) that Mrs Konrad Mizzi is not from Shanghai but from Liaoning, which is on the border with North Korea.

That is where her family live.

Liaoning is more than two hours away from Shanghai by air. The cost of a return flight between Shanghai and Laioning, if she plans to commute weekly between her family home and the Shanghai office which Malta Enterprise says it is still looking for, is around Eur200.

9 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Is Konrad Mizzi flying to China at least once a month? If so, does he pay for his own flights for what are obviously family visits?

  2. CC says:

    She can afford a flight of Eur 200 a week with the pay she is getting from our taxes.

  3. Tabatha White says:


  4. ciccio says:

    I am starting to get confused here.

    Are we sure that this ‘posting’ of Mrs. Mizzi Liang is not an excuse so that the Minister can travel back and forth to China under the disguise of family trips, whereas the truth is that instead he is based in China and is somehow serving Chinese interests in Malta while also pretending to occupy the position of Minister of the government?

    The conflict of interest of gargantuan proportions in which the wife of the Minister of Energy is Chinese and she is assigned to attract business from China, while the Minister is overseeing a transaction involving the injection of “tens of millions” of cash from China into a corporation which falls under his direct responsibility makes the situation more susicious.

    In a European democracy we have the right to ask these sort of questions about public persons. This arrangement in which the Minister is separated from his wife while they both serve the Labour government of Malta just doesn’t make sense.

    This is a Labour government we have. “Stennew minn kollox.”

    • ciccio says:

      If Mr. and Mrs. Mizzi had separated, then, most probably, she would be allowed to go. These things happen in real life – relations break down, and the former husband and wife go their separate ways.

      If this was the case, there wouldn’t seem to be any reason why she should be given a package of Euro 13,000 per month, simply because she is unhappy with her marriage and wishes to go back home.

      But the existence of such package suggests otherwise. The package suggests that the relationship is still important. Very important.

      So is this package hiding an element of indirect remuneration to the Minister? And if that is the case, why would that be in the case of this particular Minister?

      Besides, no Minister should allow a situation to arise in which his wife is subjected to such close scrutiny by the media. When such scrutiny happens, it means that something is wrong. In this case, it is the employment of the Minister’s wife by the government that is wrong.

    • ciccio says:

      The Minister should be asked by journalists if he has any financial interests, jobs, consultancies, remuneration from China, whether from the Chinese government or from any other private employer whether Chinese or otherwise based in China, or from his private interests there. He should be asked if he has any contracts of service or contracts for service with any Chinese entity.

  5. socrates says:

    U kif nghidu bil-Malti, “ahna l-kornuti taxpayers” inhallsu t-taxxi halli c-cwiec tal-Labour jitbaghlu minn fuq bwietna.”

    • Timon of Athens says:

      Heq, they have to make up for the decades they’ve been in Opposition. Now they’re out to party, bil-goff kif jafu huma.

  6. If the conditions attached to Mrs Mizzi’s post are those of an ambassador, she is entitled to free furnished accommodation at government expense. This, apart from maid service, free telephone (and perhaps internet service in this are) and an official car.

    Need she travel to her (Chinese) family home?

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