Mhux ta’ b’xejn twekkejna b’tal-Labour – this one thinks Muscat should be given the NOBLE PRICE

Published: October 30, 2013 at 12:17am

I swear to keep this website going as a refuge for normal people as long as I can, because it’s crazy out there.

Last year in London I watched a film called Cockneys Versus Zombies (it missed the Maltese cinemas), and now I’m thinking that Maltese life feels like being one of those Cockneys the whole time, fending off those Zombies and not being able to leave the house because they spring at you from everywhere.

I mean, look at this:

Frank Hawks
The world should wake up and give Malta’s Prime Minister Joseph Muscat the NOBLE PRICE for his good work and around the Mediterranean and Europe for the lives they been saved at sea prosit

30 Comments Comment

  1. Paul says:

    U ghamilha CAPS ghal giehna.

  2. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Unfortunately, 43% of the population is currently paying the Noble Price of having Labour in power at the moment, thanks to the idiotic 55% who inflicted them onto us.

  3. La Redoute says:

    Joseph tal-pushbacks wins a prize for the AFM’s work.
    Tajba, din.

  4. tik tok says:

    Ribs aching from laughing so hard! At a glance we thought it was Priviteraa’s post.

  5. Matt P. says:

    Speaking of zombies – reminds me of the movie 28 Weeks Later (incidentally) and the best quote in there…

    “Be thankful for everything, for soon there will be nothing.”

  6. Gahan says:


  7. Bubu says:

    Well, they’ve been handing out the Nobel peace prize for basically nothing at all lately, so I wouldn’t be surprised at all.

    Majtezwell start sticking ’em in cereal boxes.

    • kev says:

      Are you stationed in Oslo, Bubu?

      I must admit, knowing that someone like you is on that panel makes me feel more secure.

  8. Denis says:

    Frank Hawks, get of that wooden box you are glued to watching One TV and get a life, moron.

  9. M. Cassar says:

    You mean he should be made to pay for not being noble, or be informed of the price of buying into nobility? Hmmmm…

  10. anthony says:

    I hereby nominate Frank Hawks for the Noble Price for Literature.

    His contribution is prizeless.

  11. Manuel says:

    Frank Hawks? Surely, a made-up name. Even he is embarrassed to reveal his real name, knowing that his suggestion is laughable and ridiculous, to say the least.

  12. CIS says:

    Would would be his Price might I ask? Two shillings and sixpence come to mind.

    • observer says:

      No, that’s the price stuck on the Mad Hatter’s tophat. Or is it rather ‘yes’ – given that it’s a madman Hawks is hawking?

  13. django says:

    Bis-serjeta’ dan?

    Lanqas li kien veru ma jixraqlu, ahseb u ara li le.

    Il-Palme d’Ore ta’ Cannes messhom jaghtuh talli go Malta qeghdin kuljum qisna naraw film tal-wahhx jew tal-cartoons.

  14. L.Gatt says:

    Freudian slip perhaps. The Muscats sell themselves as some sort of new Nobility, hence the Spanish Princesses fiesta/high tea.

  15. J. Borg says:

    Good grief!

  16. Joseph Borg says:

    Kemm jiccajta bil-goff dal-habib.

  17. TROY says:

    Sa fejn naf jien,qat ma inghata premju nobel ghal injoranza!

  18. David says:

    In-Noble Price immishom jatuh lillek tax-xoghol siewi li qed taghmel biex turi xi kwalita ta’ gvern ghandna.

  19. Wayne Hewitt says:

    He deserves a Noble Price for making me laugh my guts out this afternoon.

    Can’t get more idiot. The country is in the pits already.

  20. SA says:

    Joseph il-Mibghut – dalwaqt jibdew jadurawh.

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