Lying scum update (2)

Published: October 30, 2013 at 8:37pm

The magistrate who ruled that the police should return Norman Vella’s phone and iPad said that they had been taken and held illegally.

So now who is going to police the police? Who is going to investigate the Police Commissioner, arrest him and have him up before the Police Board for abuse?

Here we have a declaration by the court that there was abuse. Then look what happened to Inspector Elton Taliana.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Denis says:

    Norman Vella should sue for illegal and abusive arrest.

    • Albert Bonnici says:

      I sincerely hope so. I am sure Norman will have a lot of support.

      Where the hell is Peppi?

      [Daphne – Organising a show with Natius and Moira Delia, because it’s all about rabid Mintoffians now and we really, really need to keep seeing the same tedious people on our screens. Aren’t there any new Laburisti willing to parade themselves on television all the time – perhaps even one or two who actually have something to say and the vocabulary to say it with? Mwejjed tal-qubbajd, the lot of them.]

  2. Rahal says:

    Bilhaqq insejt lil Kumissarju. Dan ukoll accountable jew le, Joseph?

  3. edgar says:

    Norman Vella for MEP.

  4. rjc says:

    Most telling, according to Dr Aquilina, is that the Police Commissioner felt that he had to defend the case in person. Not normal procedure at all.

    Since the Police Commissioner chose to do that, then now the responsibility is all on his shoulders.

    • ciccio says:

      Why exactly did the Police Commissioner choose to defend this case in person? Was he asked by someone to do so?

    • Francis Saliba MD says:

      Which confirms the old adage that “he who represents himself in a court of law has a fool for a client” to which might be added ” … and a presumptuous knave for a defence counsel”

  5. Lomax says:

    I love the judgment. It shows the magistrate is a woman with balls. We need a strong judiciary for a strong democracy.

    I feel as though I have won the lottery – only much, much happier.

    • curious says:

      The magistrate did well to call the Attorney General to be present since it was the first time that a particular law was going to be cited by the defence team.

  6. curious says:

    I don’t think that Peter Paul Zammit is going to breathe a ‘sigh of relief’ any time soon.

  7. Watchful eye says:

    In my opinion they tried to test the waters so early in the legislature. But they found the wrong person, in the sense that he stood up for himself with the invaluable help and guidance of the two lawyers and others.

  8. Fido says:

    The position of the Police Commissioner now has become totally untenable and he should resign with immediate effect so that the necessary investigations now due to be carried out will not be under the shadow of (and now let’s use the very terminology normally used when a policeman is charged at court) “who actually was responsible to ensure that the law is not broken”.

  9. TROY says:

    Peter Paul was better off chasing ambulances.

  10. t borg says:

    Zmien ilu kien hemm kaz fejn tal-PL ta’ kontrik DCG hadu ritratti ta’ vice president mhux cert jekk hux tal-GRTU imma thassru minghajr ma ittiehed il-mobile fl-istess post.

    Fl-istess post ma hemm ebda tabella li tghid li ma tistax tiehu ritratti. Allura dan ma jpperikolax ix-Xengen?

  11. verita says:

    Now that we have this court decision, will the Commissioner of Police charge Kurt Farrugia and Ramona Attard for making a false declaration about Norman Vella?

    Another point — what happened to Peppi Azzopardi? Seems that he went by the proverb SILENCE IS GOLDEN.

  12. Kid inhi din. says:

    Where is Franco Debono? Has he lost his voice? Has he been emasculated.? Has he abandoned his quixotic mission in life?

  13. Vincent Borg says:

    Grazzi, Norman, talli wassalt messagg car li l-abbuz tal-poter se jsib rezistenza.

    Nistenna li ex-kollega tieghek ta’ Xarabank, li jippoza ta’ difensur tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem jtella malajr programm dwar l-abbuz li sar fil-konfront tieghek.

    Tkun xi tkun ir-reazzjoni tal-gvern ghal verdett tal-Qorti il-poplu ma jista jittolera qatt abuzz ta’ poter. Tajjeb li l-gvern jifhem dan.

  14. truth says:

    Norman Vella stood his ground, very proud to see a national with balls. My only concern is that he should never have left them take his phone and tablet.

  15. wardaddoqq says:

    This court judgement reminds me of that November night I spent in front of the law courts awaiting the judgement of Dr. Sandy Cachia Zammit and his brother.

    I remember the police photographer taking pictures of each one of us and of every movement we made until the verdict was out.

    When Dr Guido de Marco and Dr Eddie Fenech Adami and the Cachia Zammits appeared outside the court we hoped that this was a lesson to the MLP and the police commissioner.

    But much worse was to come during the 17 years of oppression.

  16. socrates says:

    It is absolutely shameful that apart from putting someone in the wrong public perception for the wrong reason, the persons (Prime Minister and Police Commissioner) fail to assume their responsibility when there is a clear declaration about Norman Vella’s innocence in the alleged taking of pictures at the airport ‘special’ zone.

    I’m not surprised at all. Shame on them.

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